A million deaths, a million lives.


Here is where I got my inspiration from, though it's not really similar. http://existentialcomics.com/comic/1

Our lives are made up of moments strung together in the thread of our being. But really, are we ever the same one moment as we were the previous? In a world of no constants, where each moment lives and dies simulataneously, love has remained the same. 


I don't know what to say. There is so much I must say to you. Each moment fades into the next... the curls of your hair, like dunes of the desert, change shape. Your existence, I must tell you Huang Zi Tao, your existence is the only blessing I have ever known. Do you know that? Do you know that each breath you take helps me breathe. Huang Zi Tao, the sun is setting again. It's nighttime. Where have you gone? Huang Zi Tao. Have you died, again? 


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