∞Chapter 11 ∞


They just kept crawling, crawling, and crawling.

They practically crawled for a very long time until finind the other end of the hole.

The other end was bloddy, delapidated, dsty, and dark. They wanted to go back but when all of them looked back to the hole, there was no hole anymore. The wall even had writings in blood which says, "Where's the hole? Oh no!"

Hoya even tried knocking on the wall to see if he could break the wall down but when he knocked on it, he realized it was solid. 

"Looks like we're trapped..." SungJong said in a sad voice. They just walked in the dark quietly, examining the walls. 

The walls looked like they were once beautiful, and well painted, but now the paint if fading and had stains of dried and fresh blood altogether.

The furniture was broken, the floors were dirty and sticky for some reason.

The guys just kept walking until they heard a feint cry nearby. "Someone.... please... help...". The voice grew louder and louder, getting nearer. 

"Hyung...." Sungjong pulled Myungsoo's arm. They then saw a feint figure of a little girl around 6 years old, shiveirng. 

SungJong looked at the girl and felt that he saw this girl somewhere but he couldn't tell where. 

The boys just passed by the girl not knowing what to do, but the girl just followed them. 

They just kept walking the long hallway. SungJong, really curious, looked back to the girl but surprisingly, the girl disappeared. 

"Hyung... She disappeared..." SungJong said pointing to the empty space behind them. Everyone looked back and were surprised.

But then when everyone looked back in front... Everyone screamed.

The girl was in front glaring at them but after a while her neck, shoulders and hips were starting to bleed so much, making a pool of blood where she was standing on.

Then she then crumbled to pieces, seperating her head, arms, and legs, from her body. Then her body parts sunk in the pool of blood.

The members were dumbfounded and was just staring at the pool of blood, speechless.

MyungSoo jumped over the pool of blood and started running and screaming frantically, the rest followed Myungsoo.

As they were running the very long hall, they discovered the hall had frozen parts.

They finally reach the other end of the hall, only a door was there, a frozen door. It had a lock at the center of the door.

"Not again...." MyungSoo whined. 

"We don't have a key to open this doooor!!!!" SungJong moaned.

Hoya hits them on the head lightly, "Pabo! We do have a key, we found it under the bed there remember?! We're just not sure if this is the right one." As Hoya got the key out of his pocket, the lock the key in like vacuum, or magnet. 

The door opened to reveal a room full of ceramic dolls. The boys hesitantly entered the room and then...



Author's notes:

Yeah. It's a rather short one. ;A; But I promise. this will be interesting! xD I'm trying to make my fanfic really scary. :) 


DO YOU GUYS WANT BACKGROUND MUSIC THAT WOULD FIT THE SCENES? xD It would be essential in bettering my fanfic. xD

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Chapter 12: ugh, the suspense. i can't handle it! >//< i need to know what happens next~~ ;A;
Saengieeeeeeees?! O__O
"Silence, dear. They're boys. They can't be witches."

I was particularly laughing. LOL! *cockroach roll!*
thanks for the update. ^^
next please~
Omg this is so good :D
update soon ^^ really wonder what gonna happen next..:/
Update soon! I'm getting goosebumps. Yikes DX
update soon~~ ^^
@4everLovinKpop: wahhaha! thank you? I guess~ Weeee~ I will!
@LightSchwarz: Weeeeee! hahahaha! Don't worry. There isn't any worm. That's just how i described it. but there never was a worm there. jhahaha!
@neow_neow: hahaha! not a worm hole. but it just looks like one! hahaha!