It's him?!

The Guy who lives in my House [HIATUS]

*Last Chapter Review*

''He is a year older than you.'' Her father answers.

Eunhye widens her eyes.

''Why do you ask so much? When he comes tomorrow, ask him whatever you want. How could I possibly answer those questions when they're all about him?''

Her father pats her head playfully with a mysterious smile.

*End of last chapter review*

''Appa! Stop playing with my hair.'' Eunhye complains with a smile.

''You're such a beauty. If your mother were here, she would be very happy..'' said her father.

Actually, Eunhye doesn't have a mother. She passed away when Eunhye was just born. That's the reason why Eunhye's father loves her very much.

''Appa.. Can you tell me what umma was like? Was she beautiful? Was she a nice woman?'' said Eunhye.

''She wasn't much different from you. Of course, she was a very beautiful. She was a really nice and kind woman. There was no negative things about her at all..'' Her father replies. ''Too bad, she couldn't see you grow up. But one night, she appeared in my dream. In the dream, she told me that she was very proud of you and also thankful that you grow up as a good child. She smiled sweetly like she used to, then left. I've always wanted to tell you about it, but I never have a chance.''

''I wish she would appear in my dream one night.''

Her father suddenly become quiet. He doesn't respond, but he looks at Eunhye. Somehow, he looks as if he just saw her for the first time in 20 years. A mysterious smile appears on his face again.

''A...Appa..? Why are you starring at me like that? What's with that smile?'' said Eunhye.

''There's something else that I've never told you before. I've kept in hidden well and no one knew about it at all..'' Her father continues the mysterious smile and he pats her head again.

''What is it? Tell me!'' Eunhye widens her eyes in a surprised way.

''Hold on. Let me ask you something. Are you dating anyone?''

Eunhye looks bored immediately.

''Appa... Why ask me that question?'' She said.

''You're already in high school. It's not strange if you're date anyone at that age. Tell me the truth. I won't scold you.'' said her father.

''Honestly, I have never dated anyone before. I have never had a crush on anyone, either. Seriously, I've once thought about dating.''

''Then, good. I'm glad to hear that.''

''Wait. Why are you saying that?''

'To be honest, when you were just born, I made a promise to someone.''

''A promise? About what?'' said Eunhye.

''I can't tell you, yet. I'll tell you at the right time. Actually, this promise depends on the situation. I won't follow it if it can't be followed.''

''Oh? So, you're keeping it as a secret... But it's okay. I'm not curious. I'll go back to my bedroom to finish my homework.''

She stands up and walks to her bedroom.

'It's not that I don't want to tell you, but it's just too important. But then, it's good because you're not dating with anyone because....'

Suddenly, his cellphone rings and it cuts off his thought.

He answers the call and as soon as he finishes, he seems to forget about the thought he has already...


The next day at school....

Sehun is talking to his teacher.

''Teacher, I'm going back home earlier today.'' said Sehun.

''Why?'' His teacher asks him.

"I'm moving to my father's friend's house today. I need to go back home early to prepare some stuff that are not packed yet. I hope you will undrstand and give me the permission."

"If you say so, I'll allow you to leave the class an hour earlier."

"Thanks, teacher.."

Then, his teacher left and Chanyeol walks in.

"Hey, Sehun.." said Chanyeol.

"Oh, hey Chanyeol.." said Sehun.

"Have you asked for the permission?"

"I just did."

At that time, Eunhye and Seuryeon walk pass by.

"Hey, what time are you going back home?" said Chanyeol.

Sehun ignores Chanyeol's question and looks at Eunhye instead.

Meanwhile, Seuryeon secretly glances at Sehun with a smile.

Chanyeol saw it all.

"Woah.. So, there's something going on here.." said Chanyeol.

Nobody seems to hear what Chanyeol just said, because even Eunhye is busy playing with her cellphone.

When the two girls is out of sight, Chanyeol starts teasing Sehun.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? I thought you don't like her." said Chanyeol.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Sehun doesn't seem to get what Chanyeol was trying to mean.

"You really don't understand it, do you? You like Eunhye?"

"W....What? Wh..Why would I like her?"

"Oh, come on Sehun.. I saw how you starred at her.. You can't hide it from me." said Chanyeol.

"Ugh.. Stop talking non-sense."

"By the way, I think Seuryeon likes you.."

"Whatever. Don't talk about her. She's annoying as hell..."

Inside the class....

"Oh my gosh.. I think Sehun was starring at me..!" Seuryeon brags excitedly to Eunhye.

"Good to you, then." Eunhye answers without even knowing what Seuryeon was talking about. She was still playing with her cellphone.

At the same time, Sehun and Chanyeol walk into the class.

"You know what, Sehun? I think there's a love triangle going on in this class. Nobody knows about it except for me." Chanyeol said out loud, trying to make everyone hears.

''Shut your stupid mouth. What is wrong with you today?'' said Sehun.

Students in the class suddenly run toward Chanyeol.

''A love triangle? Who and who?'' One of the student asks Chanyeol.

Right now, everyone is curious.

''Tell me, Tell me please!'' said another student.

''Woah... Why is everyone so curious?'' said Chanyeol.

''Come on, everyone.. Don't listen to him. He's just being crazy today.'' Sehun tells everyone.

''Ugh.. Don't do this again, Chanyeol. We thought that it was actually real.'' said a student.

Then, everyone goes back to their own seats.

Eunhye and Seuryeon who are sitting at their seats all the time look at each other. They have idea what just happened.

''What were they talking about?'' Seuryeon whispers to Eunhye.

''I have no idea... But I think Chanyeol said something..'' Eunhye whispers back.

''What did he say? Did you hear?''

''I didn't even pay attention. I didn't even know when they walked into the class. But whatever. I don't care whatever he said..''

''But it sounds important. Everyone suddenly ran to him and asked him.'' said Seuryeon.

''And then, they all came back to their seats within two minutes... Maybe he was joking non-sense and they all thought it was real.''

''You keep predicting all the time.''

''Because it's logical. Not like you who keeps talking non-sense.''


Three hours later.....

It is an hour before the class ends when Sehun suddenly stands up carrying his bag.

''Where is he going?'' Seuryeon whispers to Eunhye.

''Hey, am I his mother or something? Why ask me? Do I have magic or power to know where he is going?'' said Eunhye.

Sehun walks to the teacher.

''Teacher, umm... It's time for me to go.. Umm... You gave me the permission to go home an hour earlier so that I could prepare my stuff to go to....'' said Sehun.

''Oh.. It's time already? Then, you may go...'' The teacher replies quickly.

''Thanks, teacher.'' Sehun bows.

Then, he left the class.

''I wonder where he is going..'' said Seuryeon. ''Chanyeol! Where is he going?''

''There's no need for you to know.'' Chanyeol replies making Seuryeon angry.

''Oh..? Then, maybe he has some important business to do...'' said Seuryeon.

''Like meeting up his girlfriend...? Maybe..'' Eunhye adds.

''Hey! He's not that type of guy!'' Seuryeon exclaims.

''Whatever. But, that's still what I think....''


Time to go home....

Eunhye walks home alone as usual and she finds out that her house looks very quiet. When she gets in, she doesn't see her father anywhere.

''Appa? Are you home?'' said Eunhye.

''Eunhye-ahh? You're home?'' There is a reply two minutes later.

Soon, her father appears from the kitchen.

''Oh.. You're home... So.. Is he here yet?'' said Eunhye.

''Not yet, but soon..'' Her father smiles at her.

''Soon? You mean.....?''

Suddenly, the bell rings.

''That's probably him. Get prepared to say hello..'' said her father as he was walking to the door.

Once her father opens the door, a boy walks in. He looks tall..

But then, Eunhye suddenly gasps.

It's Sehun!

''Say hello to Sehun, Eunhye..!'' said Eunhye's father.

Now that Sehun saw Eunhye, he stares at her in disbelief.

''E...Eunhye? You're his daughter?!'' said Sehun.

''O..Oh Sehun?? You're my father's friend's son?!'' said Eunhye.

''You two know each other?'' said Eunhye's father.

'W...Why? God, are you kidding me? He's nobody, but Oh Sehun? What am I going to do? Does that mean I'm going to live in the same house as him from now on?' Eunhye thought.

Eunhye and Sehun continue starring at each other with disbelief. This is very unbelieveable.


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Chapter 2: sehun is a year older than eunhye but they're in the same class....?
highintheskysa #2
waiting for this new story line cant wait
ReenRieX #3
Wahh !! Need more chappie.. Hehehe.. Plez update more..
Chapter 9: You're going to get killed Hun!!! Now run away before she kill you with her pretty hands!!!
Chapter 9: Ups! Now everyone knows! xD
And we'll wait, don't worry author-nim ^^
And good luck for your exam! Fighting! =D
Chapter 8: Duh! Obviously! She's the only one who treats him like that!
teentoplovergirl1 #7
Chapter 8: update soon!!! I'm starting to get excited!!
Chapter 8: Ups! Chanyeol is no dumb at all, he connected the dots! Hahahaha xD
Keep on the excellent work author-nim ^^
_Idontknowmyself_ #9
Chapter 7: That Uncle Jang has some deep secrets. Lol. I wonder what it is.. Maybe a promise that their children will be together? Lol. I wish it is true.. It's getting super exciting.. Poor Sehun. When will Eunhye understand about his feelings? ):