The First Day Of School

The Girl Who Stole Everyone Heart

Nikki POV

Krrrriiiiing Kriinng *click*

*yawn*     "NIKKI!!!!!!! Wake up......" my mom shout at me

" its already 07:00 am" " WUT"

i got up brush my teeth, bath, put my make up on, and put my uniform on . finally breakfast.

"good morning mum and dad and cource my bro hhaha" i said in a cheerfull voice.

"morning sweet heart" said them but " morning pig hahaha" thats what my bro said

" wot, hey im trying to be nice here ya know" i answer back.

* am i really a pig???* i thought

well better dash to school got somethin to do.

At the road:  still nicky pov

noona nomuyeopo~ BUMP " gosh looks where your going, sheesh"  that guy just looked at me in amazement.

"arent you gonna help me or somethin?, you know starring at people is rude?!" i said in a firm way

" oh sorry, err here " he lend his hand down to help me get up.

"Thanks, Im nikki bytheway whats yours" i asked in a calm way now.

"im Jonhyun, u must now me..... right?" he answer with a smile in his face

"yes i do, we must go now since our school is the same right"  i give him my cheerful looks

"yeah......." he answer.. somehow sound a bit sad and happy "lets go"

Here we are walking happily like a couple........ wait couple that is so gay hahaha......really couple where the hell that come from


The four Boys just watch them walking happily and talk happily

(u must know who they are XD)


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Nice Story!
Confusing but awesome story!
HappyPanda #3
It's weird.....LOL update!!
mmmm my fan fic getting confused now............haha
YoBuddy #5
im getting confusedXD
LuvOnewForeva #6
Why sunny was still calling her oppa ? o.o<br />
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UPDATESOON!!~ <br />
LuvOnewForeva #7
LOLLL. I was hoping for like another scene then Taemin found out , but it was just talking >< .
i need to tell the truth to tae cause he is my closest friendand if he is telling every body that nikki is a girl she will punish him<br />
muahahahahahahahahahahaha she is a devil
i laugh at sunny reaction "im not im just want to puke......... oppa we are kissing three times" >xD . omo nikki why do tell the truth to taemin aixt
Thanx about the comment anyway<br />