Five (MINJI)

Love Again

I finished my reviews for the blood tests I took this morning and sent it to the specialist of my ward. I was sent to be in charge of the oncology department as there were too many interns are in the emergency department. I sat in the team room reading previous cases in the ward to help me improving my clinical judging. After 4 charts, I reached a charts record with Han RaeJoon’s name. I had never knew that she was treated here. Kyuhyun had never told me anything of this. I opened up her charts record and kept reading as I did with other charts.

As I was analyzing the case, Soomi came in with two cups of coffee. “What are you doing from just now? Here. Have some coffee.” She smiled and handed me the cup. I thanked her and had a sip of it before continuing my reading. “I’m just reading and trying to take something from all this charts to help with my clinical judging.” I replied with my eyes rolling everywhere looking at her test results. “This is Han RaeJoon’s right?” Soomi asked. I looked at her in confusion as I nodded. “How do you know?” I asked her back.

“She’s the patient from 2 years ago. She died of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. She had herself diagnosed too late when she was already in her final stage. She is the fiancée to Super Junior Kyuhyun. I once asked the nurses, they said Kyuhyun had never left her side when she was dying. He came to accompany her every time she’s having her chemo, slept here to be with her all time, brought her food, he paid for everything. They said it was like a Romeo and Juliet love story in here. Kyuhyun really took care of her. Even when she died, Kyuhyun was the last person with her. Omo! He was so sweet! Where you can get any guy like that right? They said Kyuhyun sometimes even come here bringing food for the staffs here because they helped taking care of RaeJoon before.” Soomi excitedly telling the beautiful love story of them, of how Kyuhyun loved RaeJoon. No one had ever knew I’m dating Kyuhyun. I don’t want people to approach me for it. It was good though to keep this. They shouldn’t know I’m the one who replaced the place of the Juliet of the ward. “Ah! They said your face looks exactly like her!” Soomi added. I faked a smile, chuckling to break the awkwardness in me. “Really? I really want to see her face. It can’t be very much same right?” I grinned.

“Absurd! You two were like twins! I have the picture.” She took out her phone and handed it to me. “Same right? You two look identical! See!” she pointed RaeJoon’s face. There was Kyuhyun in the picture. Actually, it was a picture of both of them. “It was taken a week before RaeJoon went critical and end up died. They look great right? Kyuhyun must be stunned if he sees you here.”

I just smiled to her as a response.

*             *             *             *             *            

To: Kyuhyun

If you are to come here giving out food for the staffs, pretend that you don’t know me okay?


From: Kyuhyun

Why so? I am at mom’s café, preparing to go there. I thought to meet you as well.


To: Kyuhyun

Just no. Please?


From: Kyuhyun

Okay then. J


What Soomi told had totally stopped my nerve from getting relevant. It feels like my hormones are unstable. I felt guilty, like crying, hurting, everything. Their love was so strong and I know it is till now. Should I let him go?

Kyuhyun came greeting the nurses, attendants and medical officers. My chief, the specialists were all there having the food Kyuhyun brought. I was behind the counter doing some reviews I need to make for tomorrow ward round. “We have a new intern doctor who looked exactly like late RaeJoon, Kyuhyun!” a young nurse stated but she was hit by the senior staff nurse for being insensitive. They thought that it would make Kyuhyun sad reminiscing the memories of him and his fiancée. Kyuhyun faintly smiled and chuckled as he replied “Really? Where is she? It would be nice to see her right?”

“Oh she is at the counter. She’s doing some reviews.” The young nurse said more causing the others to shake their head at her clumsiness. Kyuhyun looked over the counter where I was at. He said hi and purposely introduced himself but I ignored him. “Dr. Choi! Kyuhyun is greeting you!” the senior staff nurse acknowledged me. “Ah yes. Hi. I’m Dr. Choi. Choi Minji.” I smiled and continued my work. Kyuhyun just smiled and talked with the others. I could hear him thanking everyone there for taking care and treating RaeJoon with the best they are able to. They also called him the Onco-Romeo. He even agreed with the title and just go with it.

*             *             *             *             *

I was at the rooftop trying to get away with the situation at the ward. Luckily there were not much patients and most of them are resting and sleeping. Therefore I could slip out from the ward for a while. “Where are you now?” a voice came from behind and then I felt a pair of warm arms wrapping my waist pulling me closer. “I thought you had went home.” I released myself from his hug.

“You owe me an explanation.” Kyuhyun said raising his left eyebrow, pulling me into his embrace again. This time, he rested his chin on my shoulder. “Soomi told me about the Onco-Romeo and Juliet story when I was reading the previous cases charts.”


“Not at all.”




“I took you from her. I think I made a mistake, Kyuhyun.”

“What do you mean?”

“I should let you go. You’re hers.”

“Minji, please let us try this first. I know this is hard. But please. I miss being happy. Can you think of it again? Okay, I will let you have some time. A week? A month? How much time do you need to give me the answer?” it was tougher than the moment where my chief asked what to do with an old man coughing non-stop, bleeding from his lungs. I kept my silence and all I knew that I just stepped away from him, going back to the ward. My heart went crushing itself but the guilt I have for RaeJoon was too much. I couldn’t decide what to do. 

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lulu88 #1
Chapter 24: I think that kyu shouldn't agree with not telling her about their story and about the father of her child , that might cause problem if ever she would remember again .
lulu88 #2
Chapter 19: So minji now is fine , good that's really good
I'm waiting for the next chapter ^^
halusiharu #3
Chapter 1: Please dont kill the character like ur other fanfic again.. I shed too much tears
xjayess #4
Chapter 14: Poor minji :" ... thanks for the updates ♡
xjayess #5
Chapter 11: No no no she can't end up with hyuk !!!! Ugggh i want to kill hyukjae for putting his eyes on his bandmate girl -,- update soon i want to know what will happen next
xjayess #6
Chapter 10: I am sooooo curious right now .. please author-nim update soon ♡
Momoi15 #7
Chapter 8: love this story! <3 <3 Hope things get better for them <3 waiting for your next update! <3
Chapter 8: Oh my, why is this happening...
Chapter 6: Wooah, they will get married ^^ Thanks for your fast updates, I love them!!
Chapter 1: Why sad beginning... :( Anyway, can't wait for next chap!