Chapter 1


The weather is cold and the wind is blowing hard. I walk silently while blood still running through the palm of my hand. I couldn’t feel anything. Everything is so... Numb.

            My legs go weak and then i fell to the hard pavement. I didn’t feel any pain. I didn’t feel anything. I can’t feel the pain in my knees as it fell to the ground. I can’t feel the blood that runs through my fingers. I felt empty and I can’t take it. What’s the point of living if you can feel nothing?

            I look back to the apartment where my victim hangs down from the top of his window. I have to get out of this area.

            But should I?

            I look up to the stars that filled the dark sky tonight. It’s beautiful like the last time I saw them. If I had a chance I’d love to look at them every night and then sleep beneath them in peace. Unlike now.

            ‘Hongbin... What are you doing there?’

            Oh, no. It’s starting.

Her whispers fills my head. It hurts my ear so much. I cover them with my hands as I tried to stood up.

‘Hongbin… It’s time to go home now,’

I whimper in pain as I finally stand up. I Let my head dangled down as the rush come to my head. I hold my head with one hand and tried to walk. Then suddenly it came.

The sound of groaning fills the inside of my head. Whimpers, screams, and cries aches my whole body as it comes down to the pavement once again.

‘Don’t come back, Hongbin! Go home! Go home to mom and dad!’

My brothers’ screams filled my head along with groans that came from them.

‘Don’t listen to them, Hongbin. Your home is here, with me’

Her whisper came along with a striking pain through my eyes. I screamed in pain as I hold them. “Please stop! Leave me alone! Leave my brothers alone!” I shouted.

‘Go, Hongbin! Don’t think about us! Think about mom and dad! Go home!’

Hakyeon’s shouting were mixed with his sobbing. I tried to stood up once again and turn away from the street I was heading. I was about to walk away when I felt the same pain that strike my eyes, strike the left part of my chest.

I screamed in pain as I tried to walk again, but the pain keeps on coming until I arrive at my victim’s apartment.

‘Hongbin, look at that poor man. You better get out of there before the police find you. You don’t want to get arrested do you? Especially because of a crime that is not fully yours fault.’

I let a grin crept on my face as I said, “No, I don’t want to get arrested, but I’ll do anything to free myself and my brother from a witch like you…”

“Me and my brother has suffer much from you. Especially me, you made me kill all the man that you once love but then turned away from you. Making my brother suffered each time I made a mistake. Taking granted of my love for you. I had enough. I won’t do this anymore. I’m no longer a doll for you. You will let me and my brother go, you will let me and my family live in peace.”

Then, the silent air was replaced by the sounds of siren. The red lights that used to scared me now I welcome them in open arms. I smiled to myself and let them put me inside their car. Feeling the freedom that was about to come.




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