Jung Taekwoon

Love Equation

Leo's POV


I put my bag down on the side of the field, taking a few gulp of my water from the water bottle before finally do some stretching.


While doing stretching, I saw Ravi arrive with 2 bags of soccer balls and basket balls in his hands. I went over and help him with the soccer balls.


"So... new recruits today eh?" He said. I nod at him while looking at the front gate. I look at my watch and see '6:47' on it. The kids won't be here until 8 so we both got quite some times to prepare the field and prepare ourselves.


"So how many kids do we get this time?" I ask. "Only 20, they think that 25 is too much..." Ravi replied while shrugging.


 I should explain, both me and Ravi are trainers.


Sport trainers for kids around the age of 10 to 12. I could've been in another level of coaching but I stay here because I simply love kids while Ravi, he said that he'll stay wherever I stay.


Sounds a bit weird actually... but he's just like that, loud, blunt and unaffected by the whole world except for the peoples around him that are really close to him or super duper close.


We both met when we were in our school's soccer team and since then we've been pretty close considering we both are sport junkies.


 "so, what does my boys get today?" I asked as Ravi tied his shoelace before standing up and huff a puff of air from his mouth, "Basketball, but I think you're gonna wanna use the indoor court... there's gonna be some kind of renovation on the outdoor court" he said.


I nod at him and took the basketball bag before heading to the indoor court.


 I unlock the door and turn on the lights.


Settling down in the middle of the court, I took a deep breath before craning my neck to the side to try to relax my tensed body, perhaps I did too many workouts and with this job, I'll get tired fast...


Deciding that I should use this opportunity as a chance to clean the fields before the kids start coming in and fill the field.


I walk around the edges of the field, pushing away stuffs to make the field look a lot cleaner than before.


I was cleaning the spot behind the ring when suddenly the door creaked open and a beautiful young woman came, her hair was let loose, perfect in her length, she has dreamy eyes and she was wearing a casual outfit.


"E-excuse me?" She started. I startled at her and shook my head, "u-uh, yeah? What is it?" "Are you coach Leo?" "Yeah...?" "Coach Ravi told me to find you..."


I raised an eyebrow, "why?" "Well, my brother is a new recruit but he signed a little bit too late and according to coach Ravi I need an approval from you before actually register my brother here..." she said.


Looking at the door behind her, I could see a little boy peeking. I grinned and shrugged, "sure, why not? But first, I need to know his skills so I can keep up with him" I said. She smiled widely and ran over to her little brother, kneeling in front of him while telling him what's what.


 He showed his toothy grin and soon ran towards me while holding the straps of his backpack, he skidded into a halt and bow before standing up straight with a grin on his face, "Hello coach! My name is Jin Jihyuk!" He exclaimed excitedly.


I chuckle and pat his head, "why don't you put your bag down and do some simple stretch huh?" I said and he did what was told. He quickly put his bag down and stretch a little.


"He's a hard worker..." his sister said, suddenly standing beside me. I coughed a few times, "does he have any experience in any kind of sport?" I asked. She thinks for a while, "his basics are in soccer but he also wanted to do basketball so, yeah..." "well lucky for him, in this training center, we teach those two to kids" I grinned and went over to Jihyuk.


We started with the basic knowledge of basketball which is standing position, throwing and dribbling.


Before we know it, the other kids start coming so we cut the try-outs off and told him to wait by the bench while I took out my name board and wrote his name on the bottom.


I blew the whistle and gather the kids around, "okay kids! Meet your new friend, Jihyuk... I know last week he wasn't here but he decided to join the group! So practice together and don't push him out, understood?" The kids answered and so I took the kids to the open field outside to stretch together with Ravi's group.


Ravi was leading the stretch so I stand on tbe side of the court with Jihyuk's sister. I turn my head towards her, "oh, I didn't get your name earlier..." "it's ___" she smiled.


I smiled back at her, "well, nice to meet you ___-ssi... there's rarely any sister who would accompany her little brpther to sport training these days" "well, I didn't actually live here, I live in Suwon... I came here because my mom's sick and Jihyuk needs to be taken care of since dad is on a business trip..."


Nodding at her statement, I suddenly realized on how charming she looked up close like this. "U-uhh... well, s-since Jihyuk is already in the group, why don't you go and register him and also order two sets of uniforms for him?" "Yeah, sure! Where can I do that?" "Registration office, go inside the main hall and go to the receptionist, tell her that coach Jung sent you" I instruct.


And soon she left, I could only watch her back and nothing else.


Sighing at the thought, I walk to the group as they finished their stretch and ready to play.


I took my group inside and they settled in the indoor court as I explain to them the basics and stuffs they should and shouldn't do while playing.


This is one of the reasons that I like working with kids, I can feel the joy in teaching them new stuffs and they seems to cope up well with me.


I think they like me as their teacher and coach.


After practicing until 11 am, I let the boys off. Some was still playing on the indoor court and some went out to play and tge rest left for home.


Jihyuk was still playing with thr rest of the kids which means that ___ was still here waiting for Jihyuk to be done.


I went over to her and tap her shoulder. She looked at me and smiled, "hey there coach" she joked. I mused at her, "not going home?" "Nope, need to wait for Jihyuk... if not, mom will be very much pissed" I chuckled lightly at her comment, "well, you could always tell Jihyuk to hurry and go home?"


She raised an eyebrow at me, "what? Is that a way you're shooing us off?" She narrowed her eyes at me playfully. I rolled my eyes at her but a smile was still playing on my face.


"No, what I meant is that wouldn't it be better for you both to go home early? Didn't you tell me that your dad is sick?" I asked back at her, "naah, mom's home now so it's probably okay to let Jihyuk play... he has been rarely out since dad was sick, poor kid kept calling me saying that he miss me when he's actually just wanna go out to play" she laughed.


Without me realizing, I was staring at her laughing face. Her expression was so adorable it made me wanna pinch her cheek.


But I held myself from doing so, I don't wanna scare her off on the first day we met... let alone the fact that I'm her brother's coach... that would be pretty awkward if their mom knew about 'mr. coach' flirting with his student's sister. I'd be kicked out from this academy in a second.


"Well, I'm going first okay? I need to work on some files and after that there's a staff meeting... so, see you next week?" I asked. She nod and grinned happily at me, "sure thing coach!"


"Leo..." I said, cutting her half a beat before she stop, "sorry, what now?" "Leo, call me Leo... I bet you're not that much older than me" I teased. She rolled her eyes at me, "sure thing... 'Leo'" she said, making quotation mark.


A smile play on my lips as I took my equipment and bag as I head off to my office at the main hall of the building.


Filing some papers, inputting the student's improvement at my computer and do stuffs that I was told to do. It's pretty boring to be honest, I really prefer doing outside activity rather than being cramped here in my seat as I input scores, improvements, schedules and all that jazz.


Makes me wonder on the reason why I can't have an assistant really... it would be much better if I have one...


I was almost finished with my work, I craned my neck to the sides, feeling tired of staring at the computer screen for 30 minutes nonstop.


Ravi, who was just coming in from the field suddenly knock on the window next to me. 'Dude, we gotta go! Meeting is in 5 minutes!" He said while pointing to the way to the meeting room.


I gave him an 'ok' sign and sighed.


Saving the worksheet I was working on, I let my computer went to a 'sleep' mode and left the desk, bringing the file that I was supposed to bring 'at all cost' (or so what my boss said oftenly at me and Ravi).


Outside of the office, Ravi was apparently waiting for me to go to the meeting hall with him.


We walk towards the meeting room, but suddenly Ravi tap my shoulder, "hyung! Remind me after the meeting, I have something to talk to you about" "is it important?" "Can't say yes or no" he cheekily smiled. I scoff and rolled my eyes at him.


The meeting went surprisingly fast, like seriously fast. As if it was only 10 or 15 minutes eventhough the meeting last for 2 hours.


Almost everyone was already out, and I was still on my seat, clearing the files away and slipping my pen on the folder when suddenly Ravi came to me and nod towards the door, indicating that we should go.


During our walk back to our office, I suddenly remembered about the thing Ravi wanted to talk to me about, "Ravi-ah" "hmm?" "You told me you were going to ask me something?"


 He stopped on his track before suddenly slapping his forehead, "oh yeah!! I totally forgot about that!" He exclaimed as I only stared at him, "so?" "Naah, I just wanna ask... who's that girl you talked to during stretch?" "It was no-" "and I don't think it's a 'no one' hyung... it looks pretty much like a 'someone' to me... and to you too it seems~" he teased.


I can't help but feel a smile hinting its way to my face.


I heaved a huge sigh before eventually giving in to Ravi and told him about ___, who she is adlnd how do we meet.


Ravi looked super pleased by the time I finished my story, "that's great hyung!!" He exclaimed, "that means you're interested in girls!" I narrowed my eyes at him, "what's that supposed to mean!?" "It means that we won't have to worry about you suddenly breaking the news that you and N hyung are dating in far future!" He joked.


Before I could even touch a single hair on his yellow head, he already ran off and lock himself in his office room.


I smiled at ghe thought of her, the thought of meeting her again next week... seeing her again...


I can't say that I'm the most romantic guy... nor the type of guy that would do something romantic to his woman, but I sure do believe in such thing as 'love at first sight'. Call me weird and old-fashioned, but that's just the way it is...


A couple of weeks later...


She came to every single practice Jihyuk had which is on Saturday. We often chat when Jihyuk was playing or when they're stretching.


Turns out, she was just a year older than me... but she wouldn't let me call her noona, it makes her feel old she said.


Today was like any other Saturdays, I was waiting by the field, waiting for the kids... and yes, I was waiting for her...


One by one, the kids came and Jihyuk too.


I look around but I didn't saw her anywhere, not even by the door or outside.


Eventhouugh she's not here, I can't be distracted. I have kids to teach and she probably have a life to live.


So, pushing the thoughts of her away, I stood up and start the practice like usual with the kids.


Only this time, I was feeling an emptiness in me... like I was really missing her...


A couple of months later...


Eversince then, everyday was just the same... every Saturday I waited for her but she didn't come...


Every Saturday was like a repertoire, flat, not even amusing and not even interesting... it's dull, lifeless.


Even Ravi was asking on her whereabouts.


But I couldn't possibly ask Jihyuk about her, he'd probably get weirded out and ended up telling his parents which results him being transferred to another sport training center. I can't afford that to happen.


Today though...



I felt different, like as if something's going to happen...


I just don't know what...


Leaning on the bench behind, I looked at the ceiling of the indoor basketball court.


On the corner of my eyes though, I saw Jihyuk came.


But this time, she was also there.


I jump from my seating position and was about to walk to her, when suddenly the most heart-shattering view came into my eyes...








Yes, I saw her ...














And I saw her.....














Holding another's hand as they walk in.






A lump was in my throat as I find it hard to talk and I seemed to be confused.


Everything after that became blurry.


All I remembered was her telling me that she 'finally' got married last month, and I also remembered congratulating her, but I forgot what I was congratulating her... was it her wedding? Or was it the fact that she has succeded in breaking my ice cold heart?


The day passed by quickly.


And before I know it, it was afternoon already and I was once again in the same indoor court with my regular clothes and my training bag slung on my shoulder as I stood by the side.


Throwing my bag to the side of the ring, I grab a ball and start playing by myself, trying to push away my anger and the feeling of betrayal from inside of me by playing my heart out.


I ended up feeling drained as I lay on my bag after checking the time on my phone. I threw my phone back into my bag, not even caring about anything anymore.








It's okay... even if everything breaks down...


I still have the memories with me...





Hey guys!!


First of all, I'm sorry that it took so long on writing this! Please forgive my stupidness!


And I'm sorry that this story is not great :"")


Second!! I've been active again in my other VIXX stories!! Yaaay!!


 So be sure to check the out ok???????



I'll be updating again soon!!


Bye!! Happy reading!!


Leave comments down bellow so I know what y'all are thinking!!


Love y'all! ♡

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Chapter 3: I love these hwhwhwhwhwhwh
magicstar07 #2
Chapter 1: when I saw that 'my world came crashing down' phrase, my mind started to play Leo's On A Cold Night automatically and it gave some sad vibe huhuhu :'( Waiting for the next chapter <3