Nice To Meet You

Love Again

"It's you! From last night. The small stranger."

"How did you find me?"

"Actually I just got hired here, I didn't know you work here."

"Oh, so you are the new guy. This is certainly a surprise."

"Yes it is, I'm glad to see you again, I was worried yesterday."

"Oh... their is no need to be, I'm alright now."

"Really, that's good to hear."

Jinwoo of course was laying, he still hasn't talked to Jiho and he didn't want to leave things like they did.

"Well let's get to work, I'll teach you everything their is to know. Oh and can you keep what happened yesterday between us, I don't want anyone else to know."

"Sure no problem."

Jinwoo and Mino went out and started the training as soon as possible. Jinwoo was teaching all he could and keeping Mino busy so he wouldn't mention last night's event. However Jinwoo didn't expect Mino to be a great worker. He was way smarter and hard worker than he expected. Honestly they finish earlier than expected.

"You're a great student their really isn't anything for me to teach you. Did you work at a café shop before?"

"No but since I leave alone I often like to make myself some different types of coffees and smoothies otherwise drinking the same thing would've gotten boring. Besides it helps that you're a great teacher."

"Yes he is. He's the best worker I have, the best hyung. Also he's the cutest, don't you think so Mino?"


"Yes he is."

"Um what"

Jinwoo was mad at Seunghoon for asking that stupid question, but got extremely shy when he heard Mino's answer.

"Seunghoon in your office please."


"Mino can you wait here for a minute."

"Yes I can."

Seunghoon and Jinwoo went into the office. They close the door. Jinwoo face look mad but Seunghoon face had a big grinn on his.

"What was that?"

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it. You guys looked so cute together. If you were single you two would make such a good couple."

"Here we go again. I know you don't like Jiho but you need to stop trying to hook me up with other people."

"No no no, is not that I don't like him. Just my gut tells me you and this guy are meant to be."^^

"So you're a fortune teller now."

"No, it's just a gut feeling. And yes you're right I don't like Zico their's something about him I don't, I just don't feel like you're happy with him."

"I am..."

Jinwoo took sometime to answer that. Even though Jiho would treat him bad, he was happy, it's normal for couples to fight right. At least that's what he told himself.

"Come on hyung you can't say he's not attractive, besides when I watched you both work together I could see your face turning red everytime he was close to you."

"No it wasn't."

"Ha ha, It's turning red now."

"Whatever I'm going out."

Jinwoo headed out and he saw Mino and he could feel his cheeck turning red because of Seunghoon comment. He knew Seunghoon was right anyone can see Mino was handsome and ever since last night's event he hasn't been able to get his face out of his mind. He admit that he also wanted to see him again, but he knew he couldn't feel this way or be thinking about him since he felt he was betraying Jiho.

"Well Mino since we finish early I'll let you go early but be prepared for tomorrow."

"No I'll stay."

"But we're done. You don't have to stay, besides you'll get bored here."

"I doubt that if you're here."

"What was that."

"I mean I'll watch how you work. It would help me for tomorrow."

"Okay then."

Jinwoo was nervous he could feel his heart race faster. Why was he feeling this way, and why was he happy that Mino decided to stay. 

As the day went by Jinwoo would feel Mino staring at him and honestly he also gave quick glances to him back. His shift ended, they decided to change back to their normal clothes. Still feeling shy specially now knowing he was the stranger that provided a shoulder to cry on, the changing room had a way more awkward vibe now.

"Well I'm leaving now!"

"Goodbye hyung!"

"I am leaving as well, bye everyone!"

"Goodbye newbie and you did a great job today."

Mino said his goodbyes and saw Jinwoo was ready to head out.

"Are you taking the subway home?"

"Oh no I live near by, I am walking."

"Really, can I walk with you then?"

"So you live near by as well?"

 "No but it's somewhat close I took the bus, I'll just take the bus from your place."

"Are you sure? There's no need to accompany me."

"I'm sure besides I like walking."

"Okay then, there's a bus stop near my apartments."

"Great, see it worked out. Let's go."

"Hyung wait I wanted to ask you something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"I'll wait outside."

"Okay I'll be there."

Mino steped out, Seunghoon came up to Jinwoo with the biggest grinn on his face. 

"What did you want to ask me?"

"Oh nothing I just wanted to wish you luck with Mino, you little rascal."

"Hey what do you mean, we're only taking a walk."

"Uh huh right."

"It's true besides I'm already dating Jiho and I like him."

"Okay okay, what ever you say."

"You know what I'm leaving."

"Good you don't want Mino to wait all day."^^



Mino was outside waiting for Jinwoo. He didn't know what was going on with him. He has never been interested in anyone before, specially not a boy but ever since last night he can't stop thinking about Jinwoo. He wanted to know more about him, he knew he probably made things awkward today by asking to stay and kept staring at him and now asking him to walk together. He just wants to know more about him and also why he was so sad yesterday.

"Okay I'm ready."

"Let's go then, which way?"

"To the right."

"Good that's my route too."

"Really, that's great. My apartments a 15min walk, you'll see."

"Good let's go."

They started walking towards Jinwoo's apartment.

"Can I ask you something? "

"Sure what is it?"

"Why were you so upset yesterday?"

"Uh... that it was nothing."

"It did look like something happened. You were crying so much."

"It wasn't seriously, I'm sorry about the way I acted, can we just let this go."

"I'm sorry to bother you, I know it's not my place to ask."

"Oh no you're fine, thank you for your concern."

Mino knew something did happen that made him upset but he didn't want to push it. They reached Jinwoo's apartments soon after.

"Well this is my place, thanks for the company."

"You're welcome, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Yes we will, bye."

Jinwoo went in to the building. Even though Mino didn't learn anything new about Jinwoo he knew he would get another chance. He ran back to the coffee shop with a big smile in his face. He wasn't lying when he told Jinwoo he live somewhat close but he did lie about taking the bus, he had his own car and okay he was lying his home was further than what he admitted.

"I should start parking closer to his apartments so I don't have to run back here again." Mino though.

"So you have a car huh.?"

Seunghoon caught him, he knew the moment Mino said he live close by that he just wanted time alone with Jinwoo. It was obvious his application had the address and it wasn't close by.

"I can explain this."

"You don't have to, I didn't see anything. I just hope you keep walking him home. I got a lot hopes for you two."


"Oh nothing. Have a great day bye."

It look like he would keep his secret then.


Jinwoo had a smile on his face he didn't know why but Mino had this effect on him to make him smile everytime he's with him. He went into his apartment which was dark he turned out the light and found Jiho sitting in a couch.

"You're back, where were you?"

"Who was that guy?"

Jiho tone was serious.

"He's the new guy from work. Why?"


"I'm not, why would I?"

"Then why did you both came in together?"

"He offer to walk with me his home is in the same direction."

"And I'm supposed to believe that!"

"Yes! Like I believe in you. Jiho he's just a friend nothing more."

"Such lies. Is he why you don't want to have with me, cause you two are already fuc.king right."

"What! Of course not, I would never betray you."

"Liar you probably been around with every guy you meet."

"What are you saying! Of course not! You know me, how could you think that."

"How? I come here try to apologize but you come home with some guy you just met, probably from fuc.king huh."

"No, I also wanted to fix things this morning but you weren't here..."

"So now it's my fault you fuc.k some other guy."

"I'm not having with anyone and I'm not accusing you about anything..."

"Good cause it's not."

"I'm just saying you didn't came in yesterday so we couldn't talk earlier."

"You are accusing me!"

"No I'm not..."

"Just shut up! I'm going out I don't want to talk to you anymore. Here's your stupid flowers I got you."

He threw them at Jinwoo's face and left. Jinwoo couldn't help but tear up. His love life was nothing like he fantasized about.


Quick chapter, sorry if it's not that good. :( 

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Chapter 3: Aigoo!, tsk tsk tsk, this relationraft... aigoo!
Chapter 10: Loved this!
escapeartist #3
Chapter 10: Now you are a real minwoo minion!)) Welcome to the family!!!!^^
This was a good story (as always)! I hated Zico here, what a loser! But yay Jinwoo and Mino ended up together! Moreover they are moving to their future together! Somehow I wold like to read what's next for them... but it's okay like that^^

Thank u! I enjoyed reading! ;)
Mai1995 #4
Chapter 10: I can't believe this story have came to the end. Thank you so much much. Please do write more stories. I'm glad to read it. Minwoo minion <3
Chapter 10: weird shape building! hahahahahahahah
Chapter 10: awwww this story finally reaches its end... thank you so much author-nim!! TT___TT
I personally think, that Its a happy ending for all~ Mino and Jinwoo, Zico and his career, and sandara stops being a fool in the name of love. Akkkkk~ lemme join Seunghoon and having our moment together instead bcs what he feels is exactly the same as mine. hahaha >,<
ygbbusan #7
Chapter 9: Omo
did mino really cheated? So mino seems like zico omfg. Or that zico's trap
Chapter 9: Oh damn I got a feeling that the woman is Dara. It seem like Zico purposely set a trap for Mino, what a douchebag.