you may now kiss your groom

you may now kiss your groom

A blond man paces a small, white room. He pauses occasionally to primp his hair and adjust his white jacket and black bow tie, before pacing again. The door opens, bringing less stuffy air into the room.
"Are you alright, Wonshik?" The man's friend asks, looking to him.
"I'm getting married, Hongbin. I'm terrified. What if I'm not there when he starts walking down? What if I can't do it?"
"Oh, come on," Hongbin interrupts, shutting the door behind him. "Who got down on one knee?"
"Me," Wonshik utters, looking at his friend.
"And who said yes?"
"You both love each other. Now get out there, and prove it," Hongbin commands, pointing at the door.
"Yes," Wonshik confirms, pausing at the mirror. He adjusts the red azalea pinned into his suit.
"You're handsome. Now go," Hongbin commands, pushing him to the door. Wonshik swings it open. He stills again, before Hongbin shoves him again. "Go."


"I can't do this, Taekwoon," a black haired man whispers. His friend hums, and continues to style his hair.
"It's just the nerves talking, Hakyeon," Taekwoon whispers, running his fingers through the black hair.
"It's scary," Hakyeon whines like a child, leaning into Taekwoon's back.
"You'll get through it," Taekwoon speaks, pushing him upward.
"You're still going to give me away, right?" Hakyeon asks, standing up.
"Of course," Taekwoon confirms, grabbing the jacket. He slips it onto Hakyeon.
"Thank you for being a good friend," Hakyeon whispers, starting to button it up. He smoothes the black and white jacket, and lightly tugs on the white dress shirt underneath. Taekwoon grabs the small azalea, and pins it into Hakyeon's hair. He pulls his friend's bangs forward, styling them over his eyes.
A swift knock is heard at the door, and the pair glances at it. "Hakyeon, you've got five minutes," a voice states from the other side.
"Thanks, Sanghyuk," Hakyeon speaks, smiling afterward. "I'm really doing this."
"Yes, you are," Taekwoon confirms, adjusting his own suit.
"Shall we head out there?" Hakyeon asks, looking at the door. Taekwoon links their arms.
"We shall."


Wonshik shifts nervously. Hongbin hits his arm, and he turns to him.
"Stop it. You'll run if you don't," Hongbin growls, before smiling charmingly at everyone in the audience.
"I can't help it," he responds, playing with his fingers.
The bridal march begins. Wonshik folds his hands behind his back, and faces the red carpet in front of them. He looks around briefly at the stage he stands on. The small crowd stands, and faces the door behind them.
Hakyeon emerges, with Taekwoon guiding him down the aisle. Wonshik smiles, looking at the man along with everyone else. Hakyeon seems to glow under the spotlit red carpet. His golden skin radiates warmth. He locks eyes with Wonshik, and smiles himself.
The pair soon reaches him. Taekwoon pulls away, and walks to his spot across from Hongbin. Wonshik takes Hakyeon's hand, and guides him to the judge before them. They look into each others eyes, as Wonshik takes the other hand.
"Hey," Wonshik whispers, smiling brightly.
"Hi," Hakyeon whispers back, his smile small.
"Are you both ready?" The judge asks, looking at them both.
"Yes," Wonshik confirms, looking to the man for a moment.
"Alright," the judge smiles, and looks to the crowd. "We all gather here today to form a union between these two men before us. Before we proceed does anyone object to this union?"
A door in the back swings open. A man rushes in. "Am I late?" He yells, rushing up the aisle.
"Jaehwan," Wonshik mutters, as Hongbin moves rapidly. He grabs their friend's arms, and seats him down quickly. Hakyeon laughs lightly, as Jaehwan sits.
"He would be late," he whispers, and Wonshik looks into his eyes again.
"I suppose," Wonshik states, as the judge coughs again.
"May we proceed?" He asks, looking at the pair.
"Yeah," Hakyeon whispers, squeezing Wonshik's hands.
"You both stand together here in love for each other. I understand you both have your own written vows," the judge continues, before stepping back.
"Cha Hakyeon," Wonshik whispers, looking at him. He slowly shakes his head, smiling wide. "I love you. I love you so damn much. You're so beautiful, and pure. I'm glad we met all those years ago. You danced so beautifully, and before I knew it. I had fallen for you. I am so happy that you've always said yes. To a date, to our first lovemaking, to agreeing to marry me. I love you, Cha Hakyeon. Forever and always."
Tears start to fall from Hakyeon's eyes. He smiles, and looks up at him. "Kim Wonshik," he starts, his voice cracking slightly. "You always knew what to say, and when to say it. Even when if it was nothing at all. You just knew." The little makeup on Hakyeon's face starts to run slightly. "You're my support, my rock, but you're also my muse, and my love. Even if I wasn't yours; I'm glad to have you in my life."
Wonshik pulls Hakyeon closer, and into his arms. "Hey, that was beautiful," he whispers, and Hakyeon pulls back. He sniffles, as the judge coughs again. Wonshik pulls away, and smiles at Hakyeon again.
"Alright, are you both ready?" The judge asks, smiling brightly.
"Yeah," Hakyeon whispers, dabbing his eyes.
"Yes," Wonshik confirms, nodding at the judge. He smiles, and pulls out piece of document paper.
"If the four of you would step forward to sign this," the judge explains, setting up a small table. He clicks a pen, and hands it to Wonshik. He takes it, and signs his name quickly. He hands it to Hakyeon, who signs his own. Taekwoon and Hongbin take their turn, signing at the witness lines.
The judge takes it away, and removes the table. Hongbin and Taekwoon move back to their spots, after slipping two boxes into their friends' hands. "You both my exchange your rings," the judge speaks.
Wonshik fumbles with a box, before managing to open it. He pulls out the golden ring inside. Hakyeon holds his hand out, and Wonshik slips it on his ring finger. He exhales, and watches Hakyeon pull out another gold ring from a different box. Hakyeon grabs his lover's hand, and slips the ring onto him.
"Ladies and gentlemen. By the powers invested in me, I present husbands Kim Wonshik and Kim Hakyeon," the judge announces, smiling at them. "You may now kiss your groom."
Wonshik cups Hakyeon's face, and leans in gently. He closes his eyes, as he presses their lips together. Hakyeon wraps his arms around Wonshik's neck, and flickers his eyes closed. Wonshik tilts his head, and pulls them closer for a moment. He pulls back, and they open their eyes. "I love you," Wonshik whispers, as they pull out of their daze.
"I love you, too," Hakyeon whispers back. They become aware of the masses clapping in front of them. They look, and Hakyeon flushes pink.
"Shall we?" Wonshik asks, grabbing one of Hakyeon's hands.
"Yeah," Hakyeon confirms.
They take off running, hands interlaced. Gold and silver is thrown upward and into their hair as they run past their friends. They push on a door to the outside. A black car with tinted windows waits for them. Wonshik runs to the drivers side, and slips inside. Hakyeon slips in beside him.
Keys sit in the ignition, and Wonshik starts the car. Hakyeon reaches into the glove department, and grabs out their wallets, passports, and sunglasses. He hands Wonshik a pair and his wallet. Wonshik takes them, and slips them in their proper places.
"Hakyeon," Wonshik speaks, looking at him.
"Hmm?" Hakyeon hums, turning to him, sunglasses on his face. Wonshik cups his neck, and pulls them together. Their lips press together for a moment, before Wonshik pulls away.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, grabbing a fleck of silver from his hair. He looks at the silver star, and smiles wider.
"You're so handsome," Hakyeon states, pecking his lips.
"I love you," Wonshik speaks, pulling away to buckle up. Hakyeon mirrors his movement.
"I love you, too," Hakyeon smiles. "Now go. I don't want to miss our flight."
"Alright," Wonshik agrees, shifting the car into drive. Grabbing one of Hakyeon's hands into his own, he starts driving off to the airport.











A/N: Fluffy, I hope. Please comment to let me know what you think. There will not be a sequel. (-<) <3 ^_^

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Chapter 1: omg yes my life is complete now.