I'm Not Like You

Kyungsoo stared at it for a moment before the reality of the situation started syncing in and his head was screaming at him to haul as out of there.


Kyungsoo fell back on his and the wolf took a step forward and that did for Kyungsoo he quickly turned trying to stand up to run. He ran like hell, he didn’t know wolves reacted when they’re prey ran from them or whatever Kyungsoo would consider himself to be to that wolf, but he didn’t want to stay and fine out.


Thank god for his amazing sense of direction and memory, he was able to get out of the woods in less than a minute and ran inside his house slamming the backdoor shut behind him scaring the out of his mom who was cooking in the kitchen just feet away from him. He stayed leaning against the door breathing hard, his heart about to explode in his chest.


“Kyungsoo! What happened!?!” Sooyeon shouted running towards him.


Kyungsoo panted, he couldn’t even talk. His adrenaline was at an all time high in his life, he didn’t know if his heart would ever slow down or just keep beating until it burst. “I-I sa-saw a-a wo-wolf…” he mumbled.


“A wolf?! Out there?” Sooyeon asked alarmed and Kyungsoo just nodded.


“Oh my god, did it try to eat you?!” Kyungsoo shook his head.


“I ran before it got too close.” He breathed.


“Are you sure it was a wolf?”


“Yes mom, I’m about a thousand percent positive it was a wolf.” Kyungsoo replied looking at him mom.


“Bu-But what is a wolf doing out here?!” she was scared.


“I don’t know!” Kyungsoo said loudly.


“Should I call the police or something?”


“No, it didn’t do anything, I probably provoked it if anything…” Kyungsoo breathed finally able to catch his breath.


“What do you mean?”


“I don’t know, maybe I walked into it’s territory or something..”


“Well, no more going out there then, do you understand?” Sooyeon frowned, she didn’t want anything to happen to her Kyungsoo.


“I-I’m tired, I think I’m just going to go to bed..” Kyungsoo said softly before turning to walk upstairs to his room.


He closed his door behind him and locked it, he was confused. He’d read about the surrounding wildlife of the village here, wolves was not on the list, so why was there a wolf? Was it lost or passing through or something?


Kyungsoo went and sat down at his desk and his computer and opened a new browser and googled the kind of wolf he saw. It was an Alaskan grey wolf. Little far from home… did it used to live in a zoo in Korea before hand or something and got out?


Kyungsoo read about them, a diagram showed him that in present years, they were thought to be only in the north, not in Korea at all. They ranged in colors, their fur coat could be purely white to red, brown or black, but what got Kyungsoo was the fact that the wolf he saw was mostly white, it’s front had something grey with patches of black like the tips of it’s ears and between it’s eyes, the wolf was undoubtedly beautiful, probably the prettiest creature he’s ever seen in his entire life, but nothing he read showed that a wolf like that could even exist.


Kyungsoo sighed and sat back in his chair looking at the ceiling. He couldn’t stop thinking about the wolf. While he ran from the wolf, he had no doubt in his mind the wolf could have caught up to him and easily tackle him as they were known for their ability to take down larger prey, but he didn’t even hear the wolf running after him, or if it did go after him, it was on stealthy little bastard.


“This is confusing, it shows that a wolf like that can’t really even exist, the colors of it’s fur have never been seen before from what pictures I looked at and from what I read.” He mumbled to himself.


He sat back up and opened another browser and tried his luck by typing in what he saw, but all that came up was just a bunch of nonsense, things that had barely any relevancy what he’d searched. “Hmmm..” he hummed to himself.


He really got to thinking about his wolf, why was it different? Wait, was it even real? Had he hallucinated the whole thing?


“No you idiot, it was definitely there.” He said to himself.


“A wolf that’s never been seen before, I can’t even find a picture or article even close to describing how it looked and it’s silver eyes, wolves don’t have silver eyes…. What is this?



The next morning, Kyungsoo walked to school with his phone in hand, he was determined to find at least something that would tell him what he saw.


“Kyungsoo-ssi!” he momentarily looked up to see some of his female classmates smiling and waving at him from the school gates.


He nodded in response and went back to reading, biting his bottom lip rather harshly.


“Kyungsoo.” A husky voice then said making Kyungsoo jump.


He turned to see Jongin walking next to him “What are you reading?” the taller asked.


Kyungsoo closed his browser and turned his screen off and shoved his phone back in his pocket “Nothing that really makes sense.” He answered.


Jongin nodded with a hum “But you still didn’t answer my question.”


Kyungsoo sighed “I almost don’t want to, you’ll probably laugh at my answer.” He mumbled.


“I doubt that.”


“I saw a wolf last night behind my house and it got me curious so I wanted to see what kind of wolf it was.”


“A wolf?” Jongin sounded surprised “There aren’t any of those around here.”


“I read that, but I saw a wolf and it was really pretty, but no matter what I read, everything said a wolf like the one I saw didn’t exist.” Kyungsoo mumbled.


“Well, what did it look like?”


“It was bigger than any wolf I’ve seen at zoos or in movies, it was mostly white, but it’s tail went from like white to grey and then the tip was black and same with it’s ears, it’s front was like splattered almost with grey and black and it had black between it’s eyes, and it had really, really, pretty silver eyes.” Kyungsoo said.


“I’ve never heard of a wolf like that.” Jongin said thinking to himself.


“Neither have I and I really wanted to see if I could figure out what kind of wolf it was, I think it’s an Alaskan grey wolf, and it was definitely male, but that’s really all I could find on it.”


The two walked into class and the class immediately quieted down seeing the two boys walk in together, Kyungsoo was a little confused, but Jongin didn’t seem to care.


Kyungsoo soon found out the reason during their classes when Jongin went to the bathroom and quite a few of his classmates walked up to him “Why were you talking with him this morning?” one of the girls frowned.


“Is there some sort of  law that says I can’t?” Kyungsoo asked.


“Well… no, but still, he’s different and he’s also rude, and doesn’t talk, why would you talk to him.” Another answered.


“So you’re saying that just because he doesn’t act like the rest of you, he’s an outcast and therefore anyone who talks to him is automatically a crazy person?”


“That’s not it! We just want to know how you talked to him, he ignores everyone here, even the teachers!”


Kyungsoo sighed “Look, I don’t know okay? We just started talking, is that really such a big deal? He’s human just like the rest of us, he can talk and interact just like we can if he’s given the chance or wants to. Maybe he just doesn’t like any of you here and that’s why he doesn’t talk to you, I don’t know.” He said. He was getting a little irritated that his classmates were treating Jongin like he was some type of disease.


“You didn’t have to go that far.” The first girl frowned.


“Well how do you think he feels? Probably already knowing you’re here interrogating me about why I was talking to him, just because he doesn’t socialize and act the same as you guys do doesn’t make him any less human, he has feelings too just like we do.”


Someone then cleared their throat and everyone around Kyungsoo’s desk turned to see Jongin standing there with a less than pleased expression. They quickly scrambled away and the bell rang signaling the start of the next class right as Jongin sat back down.


Class started and when Kyungsoo was looking down at one of his books solving the assigned problems, a piece of paper was thrown in front of him startling him. He reached and opened it.


I heard what you said, thanks


Kyungsoo looked to see Jongin working away not even noticing Kyungsoo looking at him, but looking back at him once he turned his attention back to his own work.


“Kyungsoo-ssi, what is it you have in your hand?” Mrs. Kang than asked as she walked closer.


Kyungsoo looked up at her “Something that belongs to me.” He answered shortly.


Mrs. Kang frowned “It’s not a note is it?”


“Sorry, but I don’t feel the need to talk to anyone in this class anymore than I already have to.” He said and went back to his work leaving Mrs. Kang speechless and Jongin silently letting a small smile grace his lips. Kyungsoo was a very interesting character indeed.



That night, Kyungsoo put the small note by his computer, it was small and probably didn’t mean anything to Jongin, but he liked the note, while he wasn’t really trying to defend Jongin completely against their classmates, the words just kind of found their way out of his mouth, not that he regretted it of course.


Something about Jongin was undeniably different, while he acted like any other male his own age, he was very quiet, he didn’t move around much in class and his manners were a little different. Kyungsoo figured it must have been the way he was raised.


He walked to his window and looked out at the large trees, he couldn’t help but wonder if that wolf was out there.



Mass update for all my stories starting with this one:)

Hope it wasn't too bad, see you next time~! <3

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Will this story have other exo members as well?
Chapter 2: I won't be surprised if Jongin is actually the wolf. Hah! Fighting for the next chapter
LovesAsianDrama #3
Chapter 2: 1ST COMMENT.. YES!! I myself like this. The ballsy Soo and the standoffish Jongin. Not the "typical" KaiSoo story, I can get with this!!

Wonder who the wolf is?? ^.~

Yes I'll be Upvoting and reading, commenting!!