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We Got Married — Jimin & Sujin
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Seeing him upfront was such a heart racing situation. Whenever Sujin sees Jimin's face in a billboard, magazine or hears his voice over any gadget, she'd try her best to ignore it and act as if nothing had happened. But deep inside, the more she saw his face; the more she's grown to hate him. During the hardest training period, she thought that he was such a great inspiration. So even though she was aware that she was risking her own career by attending BTS' concert, she still insisted on doing so. 

Just as when she thought she got away from being caught, she realized she was completely wrong. By the moment she entered their practice room, the mentor was looking straight at her as if she did some type of crime. She came in, expecting that they would be clueless of where she'd been. But no, the mentor was really raged and the CEO even heard about it.

"Why are you going against the company rules? Do you think that just because you've now been training for five years, disobeying will be alright? Are we stupid in your eyes? What if someone saw you from our opposing company? When you debut, an article will come out, saying that you're a fan of BTS. Are you aware of what damage that can cause you and your career? You'd get so much hate from their fans!" Mentor Kang shouted at her while she bowed her head, Sujin was close to the verge of crying. But she knew that crying was the last thing the mentor wanted to see. If you got no guts to withstand the training system and their strictness, you might as well just quit for the better. 

"What happened to your dreams?  You said you wanted to establish your own music school. But what are you doing? Why don't you just become a fangirl instead? Let's cancel your debut. That's better isn't it? Or do you wish to move to another company and you're just waiting for us to make you leave so you don't seem like the bad person?"  The mentor yelled even more. Sujin could only bite her lip and hold back the tears she desperately wanted to let go of. Right after being rejected by Park Jimin, another problem has crossed her way. Only if Jimin didn't act so cold, everything would've turned out better than this. But no, the condition doubled its misery. Since then she started to believe she stanned the wrong person. If he didn't pretend to be such a nice guy, Sujin wouldn't have liked him. She wouldn't have listened to his voice until she fell asleep. She wouldn't have been the reason why Sscarlett's debut was postponed. Of course, the first members held a grudge against her because of that. They warned her not to go, but she still did. The members even stopped talking to her and wanted her out of the group.  They weren't going to let just one person ruin their dreams; in which she realized the members were right. She apologized sincerely and eventually the relationship among the members got even stronger. From that moment on, she promised not to care about him anymore, even if she was extremely upset about it. There are so many things she gave up to reach this position. Seeing Jimin stand in front of her with a smile across his face reminded her of everything; how she was almost blinded of the negativities of this world she just wanted to give everything up. 

It was a good thing that the directors stopped filming when the two of them finally seen each other. Jimin was panting for air while Sujin stood there in pure annoyance. She couldn't believe it was actually him. But what made her so confused was that her company actually agreed to the contract. Shouldn't they have rejected the offer? Why did they accept it if they know he was a part of the reason why Scarlett's debut was delayed for almost two years? 

The camera man stopped recording after they bowed to each other. She told herself she was only doing it for the sake of the show. Being nice to him wouldn't hurt, right? But her pride couldn't bear being kind towards him. 

"That will be the first episode for now. Jimin-ssi, you will be asked to film your part in a couple of minutes. Please be comfortable. Congratulations to the two of you for becoming part of the show!" They both bowed towards the staffs and thanked them for working hard. After that, they didn't even face each other. Sujin was going to leave the room to find where the members where but Jimin called out her name. 

"Hi Sujin! It's nice to meet you. I'm Jimin." He tapped her shoulder before she left and Sujin turned around to hear what he was going to say. "You know who I am?" She pointed to herself while her jaw dropped in awe. Even though Scarlett only debuted two years ago, how is it possible that Jimin knew her name? Her heart raced after being called out by him. After all, she used to be a fan. Plus, Scarlett was a five member group; there was no way he could have memorized their names. But then again, he might have been informed by the managers.    "Well, you're a member of Scarlett. I think we've seen each other during live performances. And your voice is really good." You're really pretty too.  There was something else he wanted to say to her but he just didn't have the courage to. She felt the sudden rush of blood in her cheeks causing it to turn bright red. Ugh, I shouldn't be feeling like this. Han Sujin, this guy almost ruined everything for you. Not knowing how to react to the situation, she stood there frozen without responding.    "Thanks, I guess. Uhmm ... yeah, it's nice to meet you too. Is there anything else you need?" She asked but he just stared at her. "I'll get going, then." Sujin wanted to leave the place as soon as possible because everyone began to give them attention. It made her feel awkward. "Wait, can I get your number? You know, now that we'll be working together." He stopped her from leaving again. Bruh, why isn't he letting me go? "My manager has my phone." She lied. Jimin looked kind of upset. He felt like she was trying to avoid him somehow, which was what she was actually doing. "Okay. I'll see you around." He said and Sujin already walked away even though he wasn't even finished talking yet. Why is she in a rush? Does she need the toilet? When she left, Jimin proceeded to the studio to complete the questions the producers have prepared. He sat onto the same chair she sat on. All the cameras were set on him and they immediately began filming.   Q: What do you think about the show?   Jimin lifted his head and thought for a minute before speaking. "Well my parents want me to get married at this age. I think it's good. At least they won't pester me anymore." He laughed before continuing. "I've never watched any of the WGM seasons. I was really surprised that I was casted. It was all of a sudden, actually. Sho
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ChumChim12 #1
Chapter 9: Contunie pleeeaaaassee
rainynightsx3 #2
Chapter 9: this fic is interesting. hope to see developments and an update soon!
Chapter 9: wut the eff who has sujin's phone lmao
she should call her phone like rly
who knows there might be a hidden jimin pic she forgot to delete
maybe the jimin got no jams meme
i mean what /slapped-
great chapter as always!
haeun throwing ur phone is very very dangerous that thing might break
or worse it might hit sujin lmao
isn't jimin wondering abt the texts tho
like it's so friendly unlike the sujin he interacts with
oh jimin u still got no jams
Chapter 9: So it means she's been revealed of being an ARMY before debut? Oops ><
Update soon~
ciyaalsuuq #5
Chapter 8: Chapter 8: it's so nice to finally find a well written story here about jimin, please continue writing :)
Chapter 8: New reader here!! This story is interesting. And im glad i finally found the right jimin fic~ i'm so curious about jimin's response. Can't wait for the next update!! :)
agustdmin #7
Army_jiaying #9
Chapter 7: It feels kind of weird.. how jimin is acting towards sujin now..
Chapter 7: I seriously need Jimin to know everything like really, every single word that came out of his mouth from 3 years ago haha!