
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

It’s nearly midnight and Seungri is lying on his bed, waiting for something to happen. They say good things come to those who wait but it seems like he’s been waiting for his entire life, waiting to pick out his clothes (although, there is not much of a choice), waiting for a solo and most of all, waiting for Jiyong. He rolls around on his bed just as he does every night. Nowadays, the sound of the ticking clock is almost soothing. Thank God nobody is home to see him in that miserable state. Actually, ‘nobody’ would be an underestimation. Perhaps his discomfort and insomnia is caused by the sleeping body next door. Yes, Kwon Jiyong is snoring his way into dreamland while Seungri is trying to find the answer to life and the universe.

In books, he finds no peace and TV doesn’t soothe his pain, or at least distract him. He’s so lost in infatuation that he feels like drowning into the sheets and never come back out again. If only he could express his feeling towards Jiyong, he wouldn’t be in such a mess. He’s so deep in thought that when his phone rings, he nearly misses it.

As he flips the phone open, his heart sinks and he feels faint. A text from Jiyong is all it takes to make him want to jump bridges.

Recipient: xxx xxxxx xxx           Sent by: Jiyong xxx xxxxx xxx

Maknae, I’m bored. Talk to me.

Seungri hustles to sit himself up on the bed. He can’t believe his eyes. It’s as if he’s found the ticket to heaven for free. Why should he say? Should he reply or keep the message as a gift that can’t be unwrapped? Or should he reply and see what Jiyong has to say?

Curiosity killed the cat but Seungri never liked cats so that’s one less thing to worry about.

Recipient: Jiyong                        Sent by: xxx xxxxx xxx

It’s like midnight. Why are you still awake? If you’re that bored, come inside ;)

He hit send and regretted it immediately. Because of his stupidity, he buries his face inside the sheets and coops up against the wall. “Stupid Seunghyun... Why do I have to be so ing idiotic? He probably thinks I’m such a loser! my life...” he keeps repeating it to himself so much that he almost doesn’t notice the subtle movements of Jiyong slipping through the doorway.

Seungri’s heart plummets as he feels the mattress sink because of Jiyong’s weight. Great, now he’s sweating from anxiousness. “I thought you wanted to talk, not get into bed with me,” Seungri whispers and shuffles into a corner. Jiyong lifts the blanket and makes himself comfortable next to the boy without any warning and spreads his legs out so that he’s taking up most of the space. As if the bed isn’t small already. Maybe Seungri’s suffering from Stockholm syndrome because there really isn’t any other explanation for why he’s acting this way.

“Yeah, but it’s cold and I didn’t want to freeze to death,” Jiyong reasons and hassles towards Seungri who’s now in a foetal position. Why does he always get so nervous when Jiyong’s around?

“Hyung, it’s the middle of July,” Seungri answers back and considers whether he should’ve kept his mouth shut or not.

Jiyong scoffs. “Jesus Christ, Seungri. If I knew you were so moody, I would’ve never come here in the first place. Maybe I should just leave.” Jiyong teases and breathes into Seungri’s neck.

Seungri knows he’s playing him but for some reason, he likes it. He loves getting teased by Jiyong just as much as he loves being in the spotlight but he can’t let Jiyong know what he’s really thinking. “Fine, leave. You have free will and you might as well use it in favour of yourself.” Seungri sounds indifferent but his blood is boiling right now.

“I never wanted to cuddle up against a sweaty boy anyway. I should just go out and find myself a nice girl with huge s and a lovely . It’s not as if I’ll ever get any action from you.” Jiyong scrapes his back on the bed until his feet reach the floor and he’s off the bed. Without further warning, Jiyong goes back and Seungri watches the trail of steps he leaves behind.

There is one thought on his mind: Am I really that sweaty?


He tells the general public that it’s his avid -watching habits that aid his dark circles. The truth though, is on a different planet. It’s just like any other night and Seungri’s awake at three -something in the morning. He’s an insomniac and grateful for that because when he sleeps, he dreams of Jiyong. So he does anything to avoid sleep; he sings, he dances, he makes weird faces and often enough, he talks to himself.

Tonight’s one of those nights. Seungri’s in the middle of an engaging conversation with himself. He has a water bottle in his hand and an innocent look on his face.

“Maybe I’m being ripped off and the water bottle doesn’t contain exactly 1 litre. Maybe it’s less and I’m paying a lot more money to some rich company that doesn’t need it... I wonder how the factories make sure that it’s exactly 1 litre; I mean there’s no proof. They might as well be lying to us. It’s not as if I’m made of money.” Seungri rambles on and has no idea that Jiyong is sitting with his back against the wall, listening to every word Seungri is saying. He doesn’t even care what Seungri’s talking about as long as he talks.

Oh God, how he loves Seungri’s voice. Maybe to some, he may come off as annoying and narcissistic but to Jiyong, it’s absolutely adorable. Tonight though, he wants to be the one doing the talking and he doesn’t want to converse about time travel or running shoes or water bottles (all of which have been crossed off tonight’s agenda for Seungri’s nocturnal talks).No, he wants to talk about something Seungri never bothers to shed a light upon. He wants to talk about love.

Jiyong decides that Seungri probably won’t be able to hear Jiyong over his own voice. Thanks to his phone though, he’s able to communicate with the boy.

Recipient: Maknae xxx xxxxx xxx               Sent by: xxx xxxxx xxx

Dude, shut up. I wanna talk and you’re getting in the way!!

The sudden rustling of sheets makes him giggle slightly. How cute! Jiyong’s heart skips a beat every time Seungri becomes nervous because of him. “Are you done with your speech, maknae?”

It takes some time before there is any reply and Jiyong considers taking off to the boy’s bedroom to talk face-to-face. “Yes?” Seungri replies but isn’t quite sure whether he’s lying or not.

“Your insight to water bottles and running shoes intrigued me thoroughly. Oh and how can I forget the legendary and poignant talk about time travel? You’re a genius of your time, Lee Seunghyun.” Jiyong mumbles but knows that the walls are thin enough for Seungri to have heard every word.

“Hyung, how long have you been listening?” Seungri’s voice shakes and Jiyong wants to take him in his arms and calm him down and tell him he has nothing to be afraid of. But it’s still too soon. Jiyong has to be 1000000% sure first.

“Long enough,”

“Y-you wanted to talk?” Seungri stutters and Jiyong holds back the urge to giggle.

“Seungri, let’s talk about love,”


Seungri ends up waiting again every night but this time he knows that something good will happen. At 3am, Jiyong will knock on the wall that separates them and they start talking. It’s always a little awkward at first because they don’t know what to discuss but Jiyong comes up with crazy ideas to keep them going. The best thing is, they always talk about love.

Tonight, it’s 3am and Seungri is lying in his bed eagerly, waiting for the knock. Because of the band members, they often whisper but nobody is at home as it’s a national holiday and the other members have gone to their families for a visit. Now, they can talk as loud as they want.

“Seungri, are you awake?” Jiyong knocks and Seungri nearly falls off the bed because of excitement.

“Yes, hyung, I’m awake,” Seungri replies, keen to hear what Jiyong will say next.

“Seungri, have you ever fantasised about anyone?”

For the first time in a long time, Seungri feels nervous again. It’s worse than when Seungri told Jiyong who he lost his ity to, to whom he confessed for the first time and whether he’s ever liked any guys. On its own, it is a simple question which they both know the answer to. Just like any male creature on earth, Seungri has fantasised about other people but he knows what question will come next.

He gulps once, waits twice and breathes in. “Yes,”

“Who was in your latest fantasy?”

That’s the question he dreads the most, seeing as it was the man asking the question that lived through his fantasy and still does. Seungri just isn’t sure whether his hyung would ever accept him. It’s bad enough to fall in love with your band leader but fantasising about him is worse.

“C’mon maknae, it’s not that bad,” Jiyong pushes. The man has a huge ego.

“Please promise not to freak out but, I always find myself dreaming about hyung,” Seungri spills out his secret and wishes that he had never said anything.

“You dream about hyung? Seunghyun hyung?” Jiyong exclaims and Seungri nearly bangs his head against the wall. He would’ve never signed up for this if he knew then.

Seungri comes to an epiphany. The truth has to be told at some point and he might as well tell Jiyong now. “You, hyung. I dream about you.”

Before he gets any reply, the room is silent nothing moves. The only sound he can here is his own heavy breathing due to fatigue and delirium. The thing is, he virtually doesn’t realise that Jiyong is standing at the doorway. He practically doesn’t notice that Jiyong is lying next to him and he essentially doesn’t realise when Jiyong’s arms blanket him.

All of this is because he’s lost in the thoughts of Jiyong’s lips on his own. And it is true that good things come to those who wait.


Yaay! Gri forever!! Please upvote and comment! I love you all and have a nice weekend ^_^   <---- New oneshot


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Chapter 1: Ah, lovely ❤️
celinha23 #2
Chapter 1: aw, so lovely! <3
mcir66 #3
Chapter 1: Nice one. Lovely, thanks.
Rosred #4
Chapter 1: Wooow, this is seriously amazing. I especially loved the ending, and your writing is flows very nicely. Thanks for writing and sharing! ^^
Chapter 1: Came across this again and.. Gosh.. This will always be my favorite one-shot of them.. You don't know how thankful I am that you wrote this. Reading this, it's just.. So magical.. I love everything about this. This is too cute that I'm literally squealing at some parts. I like how the setting is almost like a fantasy genre, where it only takes place at their bedrooms and just focusing solely on it. I just guess that the part where you mentioned the other members that are away coz it's a holiday kinda ruined it?? Only a tad bit. It's like a wonderful place that only the two of them lives in, but when you mentioned the others, it suddenly went back to reality... And it changed the dream-like mood..... But that doesn't matter though.. This fic is a work of art. The most memorable for me. I just.. Maybe its selfish, but I'm hoping you write another work for nyongtory.. Is that alright? That wouldn't be too much to ask right..? I checked on your other works but there's still not much of this pairng.. I hope this lengthy feedback catches your attention..

P.s.: I dont know why I cried a little when I read this..
Blueowlsflying #7
I loved this :D could you write a sequel?? ^^
Here to read this AGAIN. Haha. I really really love this one-shot. I've checked on your other works, but there's not much GRi love from you. Anyways, thanks for writing this. I just can't forget about this fic.
jamie90 #9
Chapter 1: It stops right when it gets so good hahaha. U tease me authornim :)

Gri forever.. !! I love how u capture their relationship in this story.. Jiyong forever teasing his maknae eventhough Seungri is all grown up now.. :) Cuteeee!!