Sarangheayo, My Love

Sarangheayo, My Love

Let's get married in the ship. I love you and you also love me. Kiss me after we slice a cake. I put some of vanilla ice cream on your nose. I laughed because you looked so cute. Kawaiii ~ The crowded clapped their hands and cheers. We walk in the ship together. Me? With a little pony tail with a pink dress and a ribbon on my wrist. While you, with a pink tuxedo holding my hands. Aww.. although you was wearing a pink tuxedo you still looked handsome and cute ahaha. 



At the night, you've a night shooting as idol of a boyband named, GOT7. You canceled it. You said that you are tired and need something to do. You lied to them except for that 'something to do' part. You've got more special things to do. You wait for when I was taking my bath while doing so many things. A little white table with a roses and a candle on it. There's a cute bears at each seat. I went out from the toilet. I was searching for you everywhere. Yo hide in the closet. How should I know? I opened the closet to pick my clothes and I saw you smiling at me. You shocked me to death! I called you stupid, you laughed. I tried to punch you but you ran into the toilet to take a bath.



Then I wore a pijamas with a bear printed on it. I comb my hair. You came out from the bathroom and you also wore your pijamas. Cute. You're so simple but still I love you. You cooked a spaghetti for both of us and you also fed me so gently. I'm touched. After that, we danced. A simple jazz song was played. I stepped on your feet and we both fall. Then we laughed. You played my hair and hold my cheeks. Trying to kiss me but I runned to the balcony. You catched me. You hugged me from back and you said :



"It's such a beautiful nighy when I was with you. Thanks for choosing me as your partner in your life. No matter what happened I will always you, my love. 486."



I replied "486? What does it means?"



He laughed. "Sarangheayo"



"Thank you." I smiled. Then I said I love you too. You kissed me. 



Every day every night has passed. We've got a a baby boy. He looks like you a lot. He had grown up so fast. When our little prince was getting married, you cried. I wiped your tears. 



"He's in love. Our little prince."


You smiled.

Now it's just two of us. We are getting older and always wanna be together. 486 ♥



I've tried to make it sweet. Thanks for read to my story. Also sorry for the broken english and the typo. Urghh. Hehe. Please drops your comment to let me know how do you think my story was. Thank you.

Lot of Love,

idunhaveidea00 ♥

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