Zelo 1 Comforting the maknae

B.A.P scenarios and oneshots

Leader comforting the maknae~

(Sorry I find them too cute together)

„Does anyone know where Junhong is?“ Yongguk said as he came out of his studio into the living room where Himchan and Youngjae were studying Japanese with Daehyun.
Himchan looked up. “Hm I don’t really know. He went to practice with Jongup but Jongup already returned. Ask him.”
And just as he said that Jongup came out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. “Jongupie do you know where Junhong is?” Himchan asked him.
 “He wanted to stay a bit longer. He should come home soon.” Jongup replied and left to change into his pajamas.
“Well I can wait.” Yongguk said and returned into his studio.
After two hours, he heard someone know on his door. “Come in!” He shouted expecting Zelo. But instead it was Daehyun. “Hyung we’re going to bed. You should too because we have an interview before we leave for Japan tomorrow…”
“Did Junhong return?” He asked.
“No… I totally forgot about him. Should I go to look for him?”
Yongguk thought for a moment then he replied: “No it’s fine. Go to bed I will look for him.”
Daehyun nodded and turned around yawning.
Yongguk got up and put on his jacked. “Aigo did he forget the time again?” He sighted.
He shivered as he stepped out into the cold night. It was already past midnight. He walked past some blocks avoiding a drunken man who was stumbling in his direction. Finally he came to the company building. There were always some people in the building. Trainees often stayed overnight hoping it would help them to debut.
He walked over to the practice room which was reserved for the B.A.P members. Because of the loud music from inside he was sure Zelo had forgotten the time. He opened the door and could see the maknae dancing with all his might. Deciding not to interrupt him he made his way to the corner and sat down on the floor watching Zelo.
As the music stopped he could her him breathing heavily but Zelo still continued dancing. After two more songs Yongguk decided to interrupt his maknae but before he could say anything Zelo collapsed on the floor and started crying.
“Junhongie?! What’s wrong with you?!” He rushed to him. Zelo was panting and trying to breath over his tears. Yongguk laid him down on his back and brought him his bottle of water. “Hyung I don’t want!” Zelo cried. “WHY?!”
Yongguk sat down next to him not knowing what to do. When Zelo calmed down a bit he helped him up. “Let’s go home. You’re probably just really tired. You should know your body! Why did you continue?” Yongguk was more talking to himself then to Zelo. Walking home took them a long time as Zelo decided to sit down all the time. When they finally arrived at the dorm Yongguk threw him on his bed and covered him with a blanket before he also laid down exhausted.


The next morning Yongguk woke up after hearing shouting. Annoyed he opened his eyes. *Why can’t they be quiet in the morning?!* He sat up in his bed and saw Daehyun pulling away Zelos blankets.
“Hyung I’m tired! Let me be!” The younger complained with a tired voice.
“What the hell Zelo?! You’re still in your practice clothes and you smell really bad. Get your up and go take a shower! We need to leave soon.” Daehyun shouted at him annoyed.
But Zelo didn’t bother to get up. Just as Daehyun opened his mouth again Yongguk stopped him. “I’ll do this.” Daehyun nodded still annoyed and left.
“Junhong go take a shower.” Yongguk said in a calm voice. Zelo looked up at him but then he closed his eyes again.
*What is this? He always listens to me…* Yongguk thought and glared at Zelo. “I’m serious!”
This time it worked and Zelo stormed out of the room running into the bathroom. Yongguk was satisfied with himself and got dressed. After reading a bit in his book he went to sit down with the others. Jongup was in front of the bathroom walking up and down nervously. “Junhongie? Can you hurry up a bit?” He asked the maknae who was taking his time showering. Zelo didn’t reply. After five more minutes Himchan told him to use the toilet while Zelo was showering.
So Jongup knocked on the door. “Junhongie? Himchan said you sure wouldn’t mind me using the toilet… I’m coming in.”
After Jongup came back he sat to the others and was quiet. Suddenly he said: “Hyung… I think Junhong is crying…”
Everybody looked at him shocked then the door of the bathroom opened and Zelo ran to the bedroom to get dressed.
Not much later he came out with a blank expression on his face. “We can go now. I’m ready.”
Everybody got up and they walked to the cafe where the interview took place. Nobody dared to say anything about what Jongup said before. 
When the interview stated Zelo acted normal and was back to his cheerful old self. The members were relieved. Everyone could have a bad night right?
“The members of B.A.P will now leave to the airport to go to Japan to promote their Japanese song. Please say your last greetings.

After the interview they said bye to the staff but as soon as they left the room Junhong was back to showing no emotions at all.

“Something must be wrong…” Himchan whispered to the other members as Zelo had put in his earphones.

The others just sighted and sat down in the van, which drove them to the airport. Zelo smiled to the fans but as soon as they were sitting in the plane, he put in his earphones again and closed his eyes. This was very unusual as he normally would chat and goof around with Jongup. Even when Jongup tried to cheer him up with some jokes, Zelo just brushed him of.

Jongup didn’t know what to do so the members decided that Yongguk would be sharing a room with Zelo in Japan and talk to him as Zelo trusted him the most and always told him everything.


After they arrived in their hotel in Japan they had some free time and the members wanted to go out and play around. Zelo who normally was the first to be ready to go out, wanted to stay back so Yonggguk decided to stay with him and talk this out as their normally cheerful maknae being sad was hard for everyone.

“Junhongie~” He started and sat down on the bed Zelo was lying on. But there was no reaction from the younger.

“I can tell that there is something bothering you. You know that you can tell me everything right? Maybe we can find a solution together…” As he said that Zelo started to sob quietly.

“Hey~ Come on you really can tell me. I will keep it a secret I promise!” Now Zelo was slowly reacting.

“Why hyung? Does she hate me?” He quietly said while tears were running down his cheeks.

“She? Who is she?! Wait what?!” Yongguk was really confused.

“Why did she break up with me? I tried to do my best and I love her so much!” Zelo sobbed.

“Do you… Did you… have a girlfriend Junhongie?” He asked the maknae with a confused face.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you hyung but I thought you wouldn’t allow me to go out if I told you…” The younger confessed shyly.

“Oh Junhongie~ Why would we? Being in love is great for a singer. You can improve yourself when you experience love. It’s very important to know such a feeling.” Yongguk laughed and gave Zelo some light punches into his arm.

Hearing this the maknae smiled a little.

“Aish if I only had known this earlier… Do you know the hardships I went through to meet her? Well now it’s too late…” And he became sad again.

“So… Why did she break up with you? Did she say anything?” Yongguk asked carefully.

“She said I didn’t have enough time for her. That she wanted a boyfriend who could spend more time with her and whom she could introduce to her friends and go on a date with…” He looked the other way.

“Maybe you could try to talk to her. I mean if the members know that you’re dating we could help you to hide it from the company and you could meet her without having to lie to us so you definitely can meet her more often than before.”

Zelo liked the idea of the leader but was not sure if she would get back to him. But Yongguk reassured him that if she really loved him she could go without having to go on public dates with him if they could spend more time together.

After that Yongguk left to the bar to get a drink for himself while Zelo skyped his girl.



So this was a story I started a long time ago. I changed it a bit so it became a oneshot.

I actually wanted Zelos girlfriend to be pregnant so that would be the reason she broke up with him but would really be a full story...

So... I hope you still like it~


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