The switch!

The to do list!

The switch is a Genderbender/romance/comedy fic.
I didn't go to far from my comfort zone with this one. I keept it kinda fluffy and with some cliche moments. 

Folishly agreeing to her twin brother Minseoks idea. Kim Misun hides her idetety as a girl and potrays her brother.
Not knowing anything about anyone in the school or who Minseok would hang out with, Misun is completly lost.
The oh so great idea Minseok had, didn't sound so great anymore. What if she was caught? What if she dosen't act the part well enough? 

About to give up after one day in school Misun meets the guy that makes her heart beat faster and pink taint her cheeks. Zhang Yixing.
The cute chinese exchange student, Minseoks roommate for the past year and now he was Misuns. 

Things don't really go acording to plan when Minseok dosen't return to school the day they decided to switch back. 
Why didn't Minseok show up? Why did he have to find her there freezing? 
"You're not Minseok, are you?" 

No availeble trailer at this point; but working on it. 


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