Chapter 8

Wanderlust: An EXO Fanfiction

"Don't say that." Lay frowned "everyone is pretty in their own ways."

"Pretty boring that is, in your case." Baekhyun quipped, idly toying with Chanyeol's hair.

"Dude, when will you stop with the attack on Kuri?" Tao rolled his eyes "you're being really childish." He added, looking somewhat annoyed. These words left the said girl looking grateful yet somehow scared, as if afraid of the implications this might bring for her from the other boy.

"..." Baekhyun said nothing, just looked away with a stubborn pout on his face, making Chanyeol chuckle and ruffle his hair. "I know she pretty much ruined things during your first meeting, but let's just forgive and forget, hm? Besides, that coat wasn't even nice." Chanyeol snickered, prodding Baekhyun's cheek with a finger.

"... Hmpf. Fine." He unwillingly turned to Kuri, who raised her eyebrow, clearly curious to see what he would do.

"I'm sorry alright? I promise I won't do that again." He muttered, not looking at her as he stuck out his hand like a child forced by a teacher to make up with someone they disliked.

Kuri breathed a silent sigh of relief as she took his hand.

"And I'm sorry I spilled that coffee on you." she said carefully, watching his face for a reaction. The tiniest of smiles began to bloom tentatively on his face, and he dropped her hand. "Shall we continue with the rides?" He asked, looking eagerly out the glass window in the direction of the haunted house.

"Yeah, let's go!" Chanyeol cheered, pushing Baekhyun off of him and standing up, stretching as he grabbed his coat and scarf off the back of his chair.

The rest got up excitedly as well, and Chanyeol and Baekhyun went off to get Nessa and Kai while the others headed out of the cafe into the cool air.

Once Kai, Nessa, Baekhyun and Chanyeol had joined their party, they set off in the direction of the haunted house, chatting excitedly about how they'd react if they ran into a scare actor.

"I'd wushu him and throw him into a corner." Tao boasted with a grin, making the others laugh. "You just screamed and trembled like a little girl the last time on EXO Showtime; what makes you think this time you'll actually get to wushu the guy without running away?" Kris teased, laughing when Tao blushed beet red and kept quiet. "Don't ruin stuff for others, idiot." Tao huffed, playfully smacking Kris, who barely suppressed a grin at this.

As they continued chattering excitedly, they became aware of how long a queue had formed behind them.

"Wow, this place must be really scary. Look at all the people here." Luhan commented, craning his neck to try to see the end of the queue.

"Yeah, I heard it's the scariest in all of China." Lay replied, tiptoeing to try to see into the entrance. "... Guys can we not go ..." Kuri asked, sweating nervously despite the cold. "I don't do well with ghosts..." She mumbled, flushing slightly in embarrassment as she did so.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you." Tao smirked, playfully snaking an arm around her shoulders. "Yeah right, that's if you don't run off first." She laughed, pushing him softly and playfully. "You don't believe in my manliness?" Tao asked, feigning hurt. "Obviously, we all know I'm the manly one here." Luhan snickered, earning him a light punch from Tao. "Yah, idiot, stop making me look bad in front of everyone." Tao scolded, but he was still grinning as the attendant let them through the entrance.

Once inside, Kuri began to tremble, trying to force herself to be brave as she walked along with the group and tried to keep from whimpering. Her cold hands gripped Tao's arm tight, and she could feel him trembling, too. It comforted her slightly to know she wasn't the only scared one, and as they ventured deeper into the place, her fear began to grow.

"It's really cold and dark in here..." She whispered, grabbing Tao tighter. "Yeah, it has to be or it wouldn't be scary." he whispered back, obviously trying to sound indifferent, but the tremor in his voice betrayed him.

As they rounded a corner, a grim reaper suddenly leapt out, causing their entire party to scream in unison. Everyone pushed and shoved each other as they tried to get away, with Nessa bringing up the lead. Finally, when they decided it was safe enough, Nessa finally stopped to catch her breath, obviously still somewhat in shock.

"Thanks for letting me hold your hand, Kai. I was really scared back there." She panted, still bent over as she tried to slow her breathing.

"..." The rest of the group stared silently at her, not seeming to be able to move.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked, scanning their worried and scared faces.

"Well..." Chanyeol began, but Baekhyun cut in. "That ain't Kai you're holding."

"... Come again?" Nessa was sure she'd heard wrong or that they were playing a prank on her, when she scanned the group of faces again... And realized Kai's pale face was among them.

Slowly, cautiously, she turned in the direction of the person she was holding, before letting a scream rip when she realized it was a scare actor dressed as a rotting corpse. Its mouth stretched into a wide grin filled with sharp fangs, and they completely lost it. Screaming and running for their lives (yet again) they only stopped when they were finally nearing the end.

Kuri was near the back of the group, trying her best to calm the adrenaline rushing through her. As she walked behind them, however, a cold hand laid itself on her shoulder, startling her.

She dared a glance over her shoulder, and instantly froze, too scared to even breathe, even though she desperately needed air.

"... Kuri?" Tao had stopped, and was currently scanning the darkness when he saw it.

A killer clown was holding onto her shoulder, blood red lips stretched into an impossibly wide smile. The smile of a madman. The knife glinted in his hand, held close to . She was whimpering softly in fear; her eyes were filling rapidly with tears that glittered in the dim light, and he could see that she was visibly trembling.

She managed one word before she burst into full on desperate sobbing-


[A/N hey! So I managed to complete another chapter today haha (': somehow feels like this amusement park thing is dragging on a little too long but I kinda want to make it more detailed haha (': what do you guys think? Is it alright to continue with it or should I just move on? (I don't actually know what I'm supposed to do after they go home from the amusement park and fly back to Korea... Omg) But anyways! Reads and reviews are always appreciated <3 thank you for stopping by!! ^^

P.S the haunted house experience (holding the wrong person) did actually happen in real life when my bestie went to Korea :'D she thought it was her friend she was holding, but it turned out to be a scare actor haha ^^" that's where I got my inspiration from (': but yeah, that's about the only thing though. The rest was completely imagined (':


Also, WHOAA I logged on today and found five new subscribers omg thanks you guys are awesome <3 I appreciate this a lot you guys have no idea omo <3 ahh thank you all once again for reading and even subscribing!! ;w; *throws hearts and cookies your way* Thank you once again and I shall see you guys in the next chapter <3]


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Chapter 15: Keep it up with the good work! Still have room for improvements!
Nice one authornim.. can't wait for the next update .... :)