Chapter 19

Wanderlust: An EXO Fanfiction

The ride back to the city was quiet, but it was a comfortable sort of silence. Kuri was thinking of her long lost grandparents, and also still in shock about the fact that Tao had said he was her boyfriend. Her boyfriend. Sure, he was good looking, and a superstar, no, scratch that- EXO members were more than superstars.

They are universal stars.

And now one of them had just told her grandparents that he was dating her??

Man, life is crazy.

I barely even know the guy though what is this Tao are you serious-

"Was what I said back then a little rash?" Tao asked quietly, gazing out of the window at the light rain that had begun to fall.

"Huh?" Kuri pretended not to know what he was talking about, but inside, she was panicking as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"Back at the teahouse. When I said I was your boyfriend." He murmured quietly, seeming about as reluctant to discuss this particular topic as she was.

"I shouldn't have said that right? I mean, I don't even know if you LIKE me, I just..." He trailed off, ruffling his hair frustratedly.

"Kuri." His quiet voice suddenly became calm, controlled; there was a quiet authority in it that somewhat scared her. "Could you at least tell me one thing?" He asked, and she nodded carefully, afraid of what he'd ask.

"What will be left when we get back to Korea?"

What will be left?

"I... Don't know." She admitted, looking down at their hands that had somehow become entwined again.

"Baekhyun was right; it's not like we could date anyway." She whispered, blinking away the tears that had inexplicably formed.

"Hey, don't cry. It'll be alright. Everything will be alright." He soothed her, shifting across the seat to hold her in his arms. His warm embrace merely made her cry all the harder, frustrated at herself, at how she could have let her guard down so easily so that he could steal into her heart and root there like that.

"But I just need to know one thing. Do you like me?" He asked, and she looked up, giving a slight nod, still teary. "As more than a friend?" He pressed, and her nod was barely perceptible this time, as a dark blush once again stole over her cheeks.

He huffed softly in relief and hugged her tighter, patting her back somewhat awkwardly as she hid her face in his shirt.

Do I really like him?

The thought nagged at the back of her mind, but she pushed it away impatiently.

I'll have to worry about that later; but seriously. An idol falling for you, from your favourite group no less; you should be happy; right..?

She groaned inwardly at herself, awkwardly wiping her tears away as she stayed quietly in Tao's arms.

"We're here." The cab driver announced in Mandarin, pulling up to the hotel. Tao carefully pried Kuri off of him, before getting out of the vehicle and helping her out of it. As the cab drove off, they realized the streets were quiet as a graveyard, and snow had begun to fall.

"Shall we take a walk together?" The words were out of before she could stop them. Tao merely smiled.


Hand in hand, they strolled down the streets, past dark storefronts and down chilly alleys. As they walked, while feeling Tao's steady warmth beside her, she slowly began to relax, and take in the scene around her.

The snow had coated the streets in a fine white powder, and the empty streets were strangely comforting as they wandered down one path or another.

The stars were bright that night, seeming to shine only for her as they twinkled in the darkness.

That day had been absolutely perfect. She had gone out with a super famous idol, had him tell her long lost grandparents that he was dating her, and even affirmed their relationship. But there was one problem...

What if it doesn't work out? Wouldn't jumping straight into a relationship kill it quickly?

She hadn't realised she had slowed, and he had followed her pace, until at last, they came to a stop under a lamp post. The warm orange glow felt comforting as it washed over her, and she slowly looked up, feeling as though she was in a dream.

This is like of those Korean dramas what is this.

She blinked, meeting Tao's gaze. The slight wind that had once blown through the streets was now eerily silent, and Kuri felt as though she were frozen in time as he slowly leaned down, towards her.

Their lips met once, briefly, but this time, she kissed him back, throwing the sudden alarm bells that had begun ringing to the back of her mind.

Surely something as perfect as this couldn't go wrong.

They stayed like that for God knows how long, it could have been a second, it could have been a thousand years; all Kuri knew when they parted was a vague sense of wonder, as though she were seeing the world properly for the first time.

It was in this dazed mood that she turned to look up at Tao, opening her eyes that had somehow shut, slowly.

This really is like a movie.

She didn't feel cold anymore; even though the wind had now started up again, she felt a warmth begin to grow inside her, filling her with a soft glow.

Without a word, they began walking again as if by previous agreement, but all Kuri could think about on the walk back to the hotel was how soft his lips had been.

This night couldn't be more perfect.

[A/N Omg hi I know this is like super late but I actually wrote it a while back and only have had the time to post it now orz So I'm really sorry for the delay!! >^< I'll try to post faster next time >^< but thank you for reading this! (: reads/reviews/votes/subscribes are always appreciated so please comment to tell me what you think/vote if you like this! ^^ thanks for stopping by and reading this message! Till the next chapter then! ^^]

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Chapter 15: Keep it up with the good work! Still have room for improvements!
Nice one authornim.. can't wait for the next update .... :)