Chapter 13

Wanderlust: An EXO Fanfiction

They ran through the corridors of the aquarium, past colourful reef fish and strange-looking deep sea creatures. Taking random twists and turns, the screaming got softer and softer as they left the group behind.

It was thus fifteen minutes later that they found themselves in a dark hallway, lined with small tanks filled with the different types of Angelfish.

The hallway was silent save for the soft purr of the air-conditioning unit and their labored breathing. Kuri was leaning against the wall, panting hard as she tried to regain her breath. Tao seemed almost unaffected, as he wandered off to look at the fish. But he stayed close, always within sight. When he returned, Kuri was still breathing harshly, but her panting was considerably slower as she straightened up slightly, before looking up and right into Tao's intense gaze.

For some reason, the way he looked at her, with his gaze flitting between her eyes and lips, made her already flushed face blush darker, and she looked away, trying not to let him see how vulnerable a position he had her in. But before she could look away, he held her chin, tilting her head so that she was forced to look at him.

Time seemed to slow down as he leaned towards her slowly, and her breathing stopped despite her body's silent scream for air. His soft breath was gentle against her skin, and she trembled slightly. Awaiting the inevitable collision, she closed her eyes, tiptoeing up to meet his lips.

"So this is what you do once you're single. Fool around with other men?" A sudden voice startled her, and she had to cling to Tao's shoulders for support as she turned around to see the intruder. "I had expected more of you, Kuroneko." Taylor stepped out of the shadows, the expression on his face unreadable as he shook his head.

"Taylor?" She gasped, flinching at the use of his old nickname for her, not seeming to want to believe she got caught nearly kissing Tao by him of all people. "What are you doing here?" She asked, the guilt in her voice evident.

"I happened to wander by; I was looking for a quiet spot away from all those fangirls." He laughed bitterly, his features twisting into a cruel sneer. "Remember? This is where we first kissed." Beside her, she could hear Tao's sharp intake of breath, and the words made an icy sharpness pierce her heart.

"What does it matter, Taylor?" Her voice was cold, controlled. "We're over. You wanted this, remember?" She let go of Tao, taking a step towards the other boy. "You were the one who hurt me first." In her anger, she went straight up to him, hot tears already filling her eyes.

"You're the one who taught me the pain love can bring."

Tao started forward, concerned, but what happened next was unexpected. Kuri's clenched fist went flying towards Taylor's jaw, the sound of impact filling the small space as a bruise began to blossom. Taylor seemed too stunned to move, clutching his injured cheek as he stared at her in wide-eyed shock.

"Let's go." She muttered, stalking past Tao and grabbing his hand, pulling him along as they walked down the corridor, leaving Taylor behind.

Tao merely let himself be dragged along, apparently still stunned at what had just happened. Kuri said nothing, probably still too mad at the other boy to talk at the moment.

Following the signs, they managed to make it back to the entrance, where the others were gathered. Once they reached the group, Kuri dropped Tao's hand, wanting nothing more than to run as far away from that day as she could.

Lay was the first to notice.

"Did you guys have a fight?" He asked Tao, gesturing towards the fuming girl beside them. "Not really... She ran into her ex and got mad at him then punched him." He shrugged like it was nothing, but inside, he was secretly proud that she could hold her own in a fight.

"Whoa..." Lay murmured, seeming awed. "Remind me not to irritate you next time." he joked, coaxing a smile out of Kuri.

"It's getting quite late guys; should we go back soon?" Sehun asked, looking at his watch.

"There are fireworks tonight though; and they say the best place to see it is the Ferris wheel." Chen piped up, pointing helpfully towards the looming structure before them. "You need a ticket though; the ride is just long enough for you to catch the sunset AND fireworks together; since they launch them once the sun sets." Suho said, consulting the brochure with Angela peering over his shoulder at the words on it.

"Let's go then?" Kai asked, already winding his arm around Nessa's waist and guiding her towards the wheel. "Yeah, let's!" D.O cheered, following after Kai.

Surprisingly, there seemed to be no queue at the Ferris wheel, and they were able to get to the start of the queue easily. Kuri and Tao were the last to enter, and as they climbed into a sky-blue carriage, Kuri suddenly realised something important- she was afraid of heights. Deathly afraid of them, actually; the only reason she ever rode rollercoasters was because they were fast, and the ride would be over quickly. But this... It was an half an hour ride, at least. How on earth would she survive that?

But still, she sat on the seat quietly as the attendant closed the gate behind them, silently shaking inside.

As they were carried into the air, swaying gently in the wind, she began to have a panic attack, her breaths coming too quickly for her comfort.

"What's wrong?" Tao asked, confused and worried as he spotted her discomfort.

"I'm... Really... Scared... Of high places..." she whimpered, and his eyes widened in shock. "But you.. Rollercoaster?" He couldn't seem to get the words out; it was too strange for words.

"Roller coasters are fast and the torture is over fast." She argued, gripping her seat so tightly that her knuckes nearly turned white.

"Hey." He reached over to touch her hand, and when she didn't resist, tried to pry it off the seat. "Relax. I'd never let anything happen to you, so please don't worry." He his maximum aegyo power, trying to put her at ease. To his relief, he could feel her tense body relaxing slightly, the fear leaving her face slowly. "That's right. Relax and look at the sunset; they'll be launching the fireworks soon." He said reassuringly, lacing their fingers together.

Kuri hesitantly looked out of the side of the carriage, and wasn't disappointed. The sun was a great orange blaze, hidden behind puffy white clouds. She gazed in silent wonder at this work of nature, and didn't even realise they were nearing the top.

"They say the top of a Ferris wheel is the best place to kiss someone you love." Tao said quietly, looking out at the sunset as well. Kuri didn't answer him, though whether it was from her not hearing his comment or her refusing to reply, he would never know.

As they neared the top, Kuri suddenly turned to him, eyes sparkling in happiness.

"Thank you, for making this the happiest day of my life." She said as she leaned over, closing the space between them and pecking him gently on the cheek. As she leaned back, he impulsively moved forward, before pressing his lips to hers in a short, but sweet kiss. Vaguely, he realised they were now at the top of the wheel, and fireworks had begun exploding as they filled the now-dark sky. Kuri didn't move, seeming surprised at the sudden kiss. She neither rejected nor accepted his kiss, but when he pulled away, he could see the faint blush on her cheeks.

"I didn't regret that at all."

[A/N hello! Omg this story is moving too fast am I watching too much Disney hahaha kissing on the second day seems like what Anna would do oops but this is probably the last chapter at the amusement park *cue happy clapping* it's been dragging on too long IMO haha but I'm not exactly sure what will actually happen next now that they're gonna go back to Korea and all that so I might take a few days off writing to settle the plot ahaha :X but yeah anyways! Thanks for reading, and reads/reviews/votes are always appreciated so yep! See you in the next chapter! ^^]

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Chapter 15: Keep it up with the good work! Still have room for improvements!
Nice one authornim.. can't wait for the next update .... :)