Making up?

Don't Leave Me Hyung!

A/N: Hello hello!!!!!!!! Here we go with an update. YAYYYYY. This story does have a few twists and turns, but don't worry, it's still a very Ontae fic. I will not have Jinki and Kyungmi end up together, I will keep true to my OTP. I just wanted to have fun writting this. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. I'd love some feedback, but only if you want. Constructive criticism!!!!! Enjoy~~~~~~~~


Taemin's POV

"Taem, what do you think? Should I wear the red shirt or the blue one?" Jinki showed them off to me, placing them on his chest. 

For the next two days Jinki went on as if everything was fine. I began to think that nothing had actually happened. He invited me to go eat out chicken and to watch movies. I am beginning to think that everything was finally the way it was suppossed to be and I started to finalize my confession. I just needed to find out a few things from Kyungmi and get help from other friends. I Just wished I knew how he felt about me. 

"Why aren't you getting dressed? I wanted to take you with me." Jinki laughed and poked my side. "I know you think I'm handsome, but I'm not that attractive, am I?" 

I snapped out of my train of thought and shook my head. "N-no! You're very handsome hyung. M-mian, I like the blue one, it looks really good on you. W-where a-are we going?" I didn't mean to get caught thinking about him. 

"We are going to go hang out with Kyungmi, I invited her to go eat with us and I wanted us to walk by the Han river too. What do you think?" Jinki went into his closet to get changed. He was still too shy to let anyone see him shirtless. Even with me. 

"Is it a date, hyung? You don't have to invite me." It was starting to anger me. I still barely knew his "Kyunggie" and he hadn't taken the time to tell me about her. "I wouldn't want to be a third wheel to you guys."

"Taeminnie, I invited you because I want you two to get you guys to know each other better." Jinki stepped out and fixed his outfit, making sure he looked his best. "I want to treat both of my dogsaengs well tonight." He turned and gave his big grin. "How do I look?" 

I looked him over and threw him his sweater. If Jinki wanted me to meet Kyungmi I would make sure to find out all I could about her. I was not about to let Jinki slip away from in between my fingers. "You look great hyung, I'll go change."

In the end we all somehow ended up wearing blue, black and white. Kyungmi showed up at our doorstep and accompanied us out into the car. We were all still in disguise, but had wanted to look good for our first night out. I felt like there was some  tension, especially when we had left. Jonghyun had waved bye and complimented our "group dynamic", what the hell hyung? I just felt the tension grow as I took a seat in the middle. 

"Taemin likes to eat steak, so I asked if we could be dropped by this great restaurant. Is that ok with you two?" Jinki glanced towards us and squeezed my knee. I let out a slow breath and nodded. 

"S-sunbaenim? W-what's your favorite type of food?" I turned to her shyly, making my first attempt to make a truce. I was so nervous I was surprised that nobody commented on how loud my heart was beating. 

"Ummm, I really like meat too! But I really like sushi, and I will eat any kind of sushi." She laughed and tapped her chin. "You know Taemin, you don't have to call me sunbaenim. You mean so much to Jinki, so I want to be close. You can call me Kyungmi, but if you don't want to, you can call me noona." She didn't seem so bad after all. She was trying really hard to make me feel comfortable. 

"Thank you, noona," I blushed and looked away. I didn't want to look weak to them. I had to step up my game! 

The car stopped soon and we all got out, Jinki helped both of us step out. The moment I took the place in I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the first restaurant Jinki took me to after our debut. How could I forget it? I had sworn it had the best meat in town and we always came for special occassions. But we had always been alone. Did that mean I had to share this with Kyungmi now? I didn't want to share my special memories with anyone else. Was Jinki trying to say something? Or did he already forget all those countless "dates" to this restaurant? I quickly snapped back into focus and followed them inside. We sat near the back, since it was darker and it'd be harder to recognize us. This time Jinki took the middle seat and went ahead and ordered for us. It was starting to make me slightly jealous that he not only knew just what I liked, but what Kyungmi liked too. 

"Noona, I've been wondering, what kind of band are you debuting in? I haven't been keeping notice on what SM has been creating lately." I sipped on my tea carefully. I made sure to give her one of my sweetest smiles. 

"O-oh, I am going to debut as a solo. SM was looking for a new 'solo act' and they seemed to like me." Kyungmi shrugged as if it weren't a big deal. 

"She has been working really hard for a while now and they finally found a spot just for her. There's a lot of soloists coming out, and our company wanted to stay ahead of the game." Jinki smiled and turned to her. "I'm proud of you for accepting this. You're brave for wanting to go solo." I coughed silently. I was coming out with a solo debut soon too, but I hadn't gotten the chance to announce it to Jinki. I hoped that Jinki would be just as proud of me too, if not more. 

The food came soon and hyung started digging into his favorite side dishes, Kyungmi and I couldn't help but start laughing. His mouth was full and he looked like he hadn't eaten in weeks. "Hyung, slow down, you're gonna have an upset stomach." I poked his side and giggled. It had been a while since I had seen him so enthusiastic about food. He stopped for a moment and leaned towards me, a little too close for comfort. "Aish this brat, I'm treating you, so enjoy your food." I nodded, embarrassed at the blush coloring my cheeks. 

"Aigooo, Taeminnie is so cute! I'm jealous oppa, you treat him so well." Kyungmi laughed at our interaction. It seemed odd to me that she didn't mind hyung being so close to me. Maybe I had overreacted to things. 

I went ahead and ate my meat in peace and quiet. Hyung was grilling all kinds of meat, my favorite and one of Kyungmi's favorites. I couldn't stop myself from eating more and more. I was so concentrated on my food that I didn't notice Jinki's gasp until he dropped his chopsticks. "H-hyung?" I was worried at his shocked expression. 

"Oppa, what's the matter?" Kyungmi examined his face and searched for an answer. 
Jinki swallowed thickly and looked over our food. "D-does this contain cucumber?" He pushed his plate away and tried to compose himself. Kyungmi shrugged and searched the food.

"You don't like cucumbers, right hyung? I'll pick them off of your food if you like." I grabbed his plate and started moving his food around anyways. I was confused as to why it would be a big deal. 

"A-ani Taemin-ah... Oppa is allergic to them," Kyungmi placed her hand over mine. "How many did you eat oppa? Are you feeling okay?" She gripped a menu that had been lying nearby and started to fan his face. 

"I-I'll be okay Kyunggie. I didn't think I ate too many." He pushed her hand softly and sighed. "Mianhe Taem, I didn't want to alarm you. I think the restaurant had just added cucumber to their ingredients." He tugged on his collar. 

I was worried and upset. 

"Why didn't you tell us hyung? We all thought you just didn't like them. You could have had an accident," I got him water and took away the side dishes. He didn't look good, but he refused to leave the restaurant until we had finished. 

Moments later Jinki was drinking more water and fanning himself, trying to be descrete. He was already sweaty and his face was pale. I could hear his breathing getting heavier next to me. This stubborn pabo hyung needs help. I made a mental note to talk to him about it later. As Kyungmi and I finished eating she gave me a look that told me she knew. 

"Oppa, why don't we all go get you checked out? Maknae seems like he's about to murder you with that stare of his." I felt embarrassed that Kyungmi catched on, but I was too upset to try to hide it. Jinki was still keeping secrets from me. "I'll take care of this and you can go to the doctor."

In the end Jinki paid for the food and we walked to the nearest drug store. We got some medicine for him and walked home. By then it was pretty late and hyung invited noona to stay the night in our dorm. I was hesitant, but I offered her some of my blankets and a pillow (I really like blankets and pillows, okay?). She also seemed hesitant but decided to stay. 


"Neh?" Jinki turned to me with one of his biggest smiles. I couldn't resist him. My breath hitched up and I struggled to continue.

"Why doesn't noona sleep in y-your room a-and," I swallowed thickly.

"But, where would I sleep Taem?" Hyung's confused stare turned towards Kyungmi. "I guess I could sleep here instead. You should get a bed since we made you stay."

"N-no." I took a deep breath and calmed my racing heart. "Y-you could sleep with m-me if you want. I-I w-wouldn't mind. Y-you know I d-don't kick, a-and I could turn the lamp off if it bother's you." I cursed in my head for my stutter. I hated looking weak in front of him. He scrached his head and shifted nervously.

"I don't want to be a bother Taem, you should sleep comfortably. I can sleep here."

"It's....It's okay hyung," my heart skipped a beat when he touched my arm. But then it sunk down when Kyungmi took his hand and tugged on it. 

"Oppa, I'll be fine. If you're too worried, then I'll sleep in one of the beds. Maybe I could take Taemin's?" She glanced at me.

"N-no! Jonghyun sleeps there too. I wouldn't trust him alone with you. You should just take my bed. You'd be more comfortable." Jinki took her hand tenderly and let out a sigh. "I can sleep on the couch. It will be fine."

"No, I insist. You need a bed. At the moment you have more schedules than I do. You need to be well rested. If Taemin offered a bed, you should take him up on the offer." She was starting to get too close for comfort. I wasn't liking their exchange. They looked too much like a couple. 

"I'll just figure it out with Taem, you go ahead and make yourself comfortable." Jinki patted her head and watched her walk away. 

"Taem, do you want to go to the park for a walk tomorrow?" He gave me one of his goofy smiles, but I tried to resist. "We can talk."

"I... I have plans already." I lied quickly. I was too heated up to talk to him. And I didn't know if I could be with him by myself just yet after tonight.

"Oh, I thought you wanted to talk. Is everything okay?" He nudged me until I looked up. I couldn't handle gazing at him and knowing that he could slip away soon.

"Who is our maknae hanging out with? I'm jealous they get all of your time." His laugh was too much right then.

"K-kai invited me over. I think it's a date, and I really like him." I blurted out and escaped from my hyung as fast as I could. That would buy me some time. I shouldn't have lied, but I needed time, and now! I didn't have enough time to find out more about Kyungmi and she was already looking too cozy.


Nobody's POV

Jinki went back into his room to get some pajamas and give Kyungmi her change of clothes. She was already starting to make the bed when he walked in.

"Have you told him?" 

Jinki stopped looking for clothes and slowly turned to her. "Told him?" He tried to play it off, but she was ahead of him. 

"Oppa, I really want to know, have you confessed? He was so cute just now. I hope you're going to go share a bed with him." She giggled and plopped down on the mattress. "He was so nervous... Aish, I wish a guy would be like that with me."

Jinki handed her a shirt and some sweats. "I was going to confess tomorrow, in the park where we shared our first ice cream. He tried out the new banana flavor, and he was in heaven." He chuckled and clutched his own clothes to his chest. Kyungmi smiled to herself, picturing her best friend confessing to the cute little maknae. "But, I can't do it."

"Why not? It's obvious he likes you, I already told you. You just have to let him know how you feel." She sat up and shook her head at her friend. 

"He told me he really likes someone else. And they are going on a date tomorrow." 

"WHAT?! HE-" 

"Shhhhhh! Everyone else is sleeping!!!" Jinki tried his best to hush her. Kyungmi was already standing and pacing. "I should give up so he can be happy."

"But, oppa, I was so sure he liked you." Kyungmi pulled him in for a hug. 

"Kyunggie, all of this is really making me think. Lately I've been thinking over the past and how we almost fell apart." Jinki squeezed her gently. "I regret a lot of things, and one is that I never gave you a chance. Maybe this thing with Taemin is the push I needed to try and date. I never really dated anyone before. TV shows don't count." He laughed at himself. "But we might work, we might not. If we don't then I'll learn and maybe win Taem back over and I will have learned. If we work out, then we work out, and that's that. What do you say?"


Just because you guys keep having to wait on me, here is a teaser for the next chapter!!!! 



Taemin's POV

I was finally ready to confess. I was going to storm in there, get hyung and take him out to a nice dinner. I was going to make sure that he didn't eat cucumbers and if he did I had medicine and a doctor on speed dial. We could order chicken if he wanted and I had his favorite drink at hand. I held a bouquet of white roses to symbolize our young and innocent love. I wore blue because he had said I looked my best in blue. Everything was perfect. Hyung had always spoiled me in the past, and I finally have a chance to spoil him in return. 

I walk in through the door and head straight to the living room where Jonghyun said he would be. 

The bouquet of roses hit the ground. 

Right in front of me were Jinki and Kyungmi. 

Her hand on his shoulder, his on her waist.

They were kissing and hadn't heard me enter.


A/N: didn't expect all that, did you? DUN DUN DUN.

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Chapter 12: love this
Chapter 12: Jinki's dad aint never gonna change *gives him the stink eye* I was so nervous but Jinki was so brave, I'm so proud of him.
keke the rest of the band finding out was a cute scene XD
I am so glad everything is working out now :D:D:D hooray for ontae! *brakes out into my happy dance again*
Chapter 10: Perfect date! Romantic XD I'm so happy
Chapter 9: ;akjdf;akdjf YAY!!!!!
'Bout time. So proud of Jinki for finally accepting and confessing. *does happy dance*
Chapter 5: haha making a song about how being short is ok hahahaha. (don't worry Jjong I'm short too lol)

ohmegerd that ending :O
Chapter 4: damn, Jinki's dad is an >:(
Chapter 2: awww, she is so nice and understanding. poor taemin, Jinki you aint wrong follow your heart.
Chapter 12: yaaaaaaaaaaaay, I bet Jinki felt sooooooooooooo freaking good, telling him "I'M GAY" kekekekekekke I would have PAID MONEY to see his face, hahahhahahaha, I bet it would have been an amazing sight; I thought he was gonna blow and throw the glass at them; and LOVE the way the others found out, get away from my baby, hahaha, oh kibum, love Jonghyun's nose bleed, our secret little ontae shipper, keke; and Minho, I new this was coming, haha, really Minho, really? lol; I'm so, so glad that everything worked out so well, love this so much, fantastic job hun, my ontae feels are singing, keke. <3 XD
Chapter 12: You updated!
anyways... I really thought Jinki's father was going to throw that glass at th boh of themand take it the hard way but it went so well!
I like how ey found out about eir relationship by getting caught too! It was funny how Minho didn't have anyone tho... poor Minho. Please have him end up with someone, but it's your choice!