Nobody knows how they feel

Haunting Gorilla

-At Apink's photoshoot studio-

Taemin walked in front of the girls to gain their attention so he can say what he needed to.

"Ok you girls go to your dressing rooms and change quickly. Since we arrived late our time is short and i'll have to go to apologize to the staff. Remember stay focused we still have more things schedualed after this. You guys better not disappoint me again today because I have worse punishments in mind." Taemin ordered the girls before making his way to apologize to the staff.

"Uuuuooo my nose still isn't working. Who on earth farts in front of 6 pretty girls and doesn't give a damn that he did. Naeun ah did he do this to you when you guys were married?" Eunji complained.

"No but I did catch him trying to hide it before. And we weren't actually married it was just for show." Naeun protested.

"Come on Naeun ah I watched you look all lovey dovey with him in the comfort of my own couch." Eunji squished Naeun's cheeks together forcing her lips to pop out cutely. In response of their skinship Naeun could feel a light tingly feeling consume her insides.

"Aigoo well it's understandable who can not love a face like this. Then if you don't like Taemin oppa then who do you like, and don't try to be sneaky and say you don't like anyone at all. Because I know you do."

"The person I like is YOU!" Naeun thought furiously at Eunji because she couldn't ever seem to mouth these words in the same sentence.The others stared at Eunji and all thought the exact same thought. 

"It's you, you dunderhead." Bomi leaned in next to Chorong catching her attention but Chorong was not looking at her since she's still calling Eunji an idiot. 

"Hey unnie does she still not know?" Bomi asked Apinks leader.

"(sigh) Yeah she still doesn't know. I always find myself thinking that all the food she eats goes into her muscels instead of her head." Chorong joked quietly so Eunji wouldn't hear. But since the other 3 girls did they all laughed together agreeing. Eunji who was still holding onto Apinks goddesses cheeks finally decided to let go. But since she did Naeun's bright red blushed cheeks were exposed.

"Ou- your blushing! So I was right YOU DO LIKE SOMEONE! Huh I knew it I am smart after all." Eunji patted her own head self praising herself.

"Yea right." Hayoung whispered softly to the others. The girls laughed again this time gaining both Eunji's and Naeun's attention.

"Ya what are you girls laughing at?" Eunji questioned. They didn't hear Eunji because they were too busy laughing looking at her head believing she doesn't carry a brain anymore.

"What, is there something on my head?" Eunji grasped her head searching if there were something there.

"Nope...there's nothing in the inside either."Bomi replied softly. Everyones laugh became more louder and harder. Naeun then caught on what they were talking about and joined along.

"Huh you too Naeun ah? What, tell me. What's so damn funny?" There was a faint voice approaching, it grew louder with each flying second. When the 6 girls finally  noticed, they were in trouble, Taemin sprinted towards there way in a fit of blind rage because they were not doing as they were told.

"Oh shoot RUN!" Namjoo pulled slave feet and leaded everyone to the dressing room before they were caught.




"Aaaww everyone looks so pretty. I wish I could dress up too (pout)." Envious of the other girls Bomi layed down on the couch remembering when she used to do it too. Chorong sat next to Bomi quietly so the staff won't be suspicious of the girls. She layed down in the exact same position as Bomi so she would be overlapped by her.

"Unnie what are you doing this is weird." Before Bomi could sit up Chorong stopped her.

"Don't move."Chorong whispered. Unaware of what her unnie was doing Bomi listened. She held her hands tightly together at the fact Chorong was literally inside her. Trying to distract herself she intently watched the other members prepare for the photoshoot.

"Bbom ah...I." Before the older girl could continue what she had to say she took a deep breath and let it out slowly to calm herself down.

"I never got to tell you before since the others were always with us but...I'm happy that you came back, I REALLY am. It was really unbelievable the moment you came back, and it still is." Though Bomi's eyes weren't on Chorong her ears were. She could hear Chorong loud and clear so much she could probably hear her thoughts as well. Embarrased by Chorongs unexpected confession while holding her own hands she started to nibble on her left thumb.

" Believe it or not I was depressed when you left. I couldn't sleep for days and my body was basically broken." Bomi rolled her eyes towards her unnie trying her best to look at her without moving. Her breath became heavy but silent, and a soft warm feeling erupted in Bomi's chest.

"Was it really that bad?" Bomi asked.

"Yes, worse than you can imagine. I was hurting... hurting too much. I couldn't function properly I was in too much pain physically and mentally. So Bbom ah." Bomi got impatient waiting for the next words to come out. She stopped nibbling on her thumb and used the same hand to grab an end of a couch cushion for relaxation.

"Yea."Bomi replied for her to continue. Chorong placed her hand in Bomi's also grabbing the couch cushion wanting to hold her hand.

"Bbom ah I want you to promise me, and to never ever go against this promise alright. Please please please please PLEASE NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN!" Bomi stood frozen trying to figure out if the words she was told were correct. Not budging a bit Bomi stood still and silent. Chorong expecting a promise quietly yelled at Bomi to snap her back into their world.

"Huh- oh sorry Chorong unnie your words kinda got me. (chuckle) I'm sorry I had made you felt that way. And I, Bomi, Swear an Oath a promise to never ever and I mean Ever leave my poor unnie alone again or she'll die crying for me because she loves me so much."

"Ya Bomi i'm serious!"

"I'm kidding kidding, but not about the promise though I was serious about that." 

"Okay good." Chorong replied happily satisfied. Bomi then just layed there dazed replaying the conversation they had in her head repeatedly.


"Okay stay still Namjoo shi or I might poke your eye's with these contact lens." Namjoo's stylist warned. But since the stylist wore a feather bracelet it tickled Namjoo's nose tempting her to sneeze.

"Achoo~. (poke) AAaaaahhh my eye!"

"Tch I told you not to move! Don't worry I have eye drops your eyes will be okay shortly." Namjoo was too busy rubbing her eye to yell at her stylist unnie for wearing that feather on her wrist tickling her. A women walked into the room telling Namjoo to tell everyone the photshoot is starting in a minute. Namjoo stood up but walked unevenly as a side affect of her blurry eyes. She told Naeun and Eunji who were teasing each other to go and start preparing to take pictures. The two quickly walked out the door steadly balancing on their high heels so they won't trip over. Namjoo then noticed a tall figure in the corner looking at her at a distance but what she didn't know was she was being watched by that figure for some time.

"H-hayoung ah is that y-" Before Hayoung heard all she could say she left out the door instantly thinking she was caught staring at her.

"What happened to Hayoungie? I better go check on her. Ou- Chorong unnie is that you on the couch? Hurry lets go the photos will be taken soon." Chorong turned her eye to Namjoo.

"Ok be right there." Chorong tapped the couch were Bomi was laying to signalize that she was leaving.

"Hmm? Unnie are you crying?" The kid leader then stood up and tilted her head at Namjoo's question.

"Crying?" She then tapped her eyes checking for any tears.

"No, I'm not crying if anyone's crying it's you why are your eye's leaking?"

"You weren't crying? Dang it must be my eyes. The stylist unnie said it would be healed already." They carried the conversation walking to the photoshoot while Eunji barged in. 

"Oh sorry guys, I forgot my phone in the room i'll be right back."Eunji looked at the spot were she teased Naeun and snatched her phone ready to run back til she noticed a blank Bomi sitting up on the couch.

"OH SHI- Bomi? Wtf you scared me half to death.(sigh) You're taking this ghost thing a little too seriously don't you think." Bomi then shook her head to return from La la land.

"E-Eunji ah, Oh i'll come too." Bomi levitated off the couch and floated towards a startled Eunji.

"Bomi ah whats that on your face?"

"Hmm? What, my face?" Bomi wiped her cheeks and felt bits of wet moisture. She then held her hands in front of her face to confirm what it was. 




"Good good... Eunji shi move to your left a bit. Chorong shi relax your body more. Namjoo shi look at Hayoung shi... more intently, look into her eyes like your trying to read her thougts." The photographer leaned to the left then to the right. He got into really freaky positions just to take pictures. The girls were outside in a beautiful flowered field. Butterflies scattered over them and the scent they smelled were wonderful and fresh. Namjoo stared into Hayoungs eyes studying her irises, she smiled at how pretty they were. Hayoung's cheeks flooded with flames and across her nose as well, she couldn't take Namjoo's stare head on so suddenly.

"Oh Hayoung shi that's great, I love that look keep it up." The photographer zoomed in at the two girls staring deep into each other eyes lost in one another's gaze.

"OK that was wonderful! (clap 2x) Everyone set up to the new scene immediatly." Everyone began to migrate to the new location but the only ones still sitting down were the two girls.

"Uh- I-I think we should go now Namjoo ah." Hayoung quickly avoided Namjoo's gaze and stood up to leave but to only be thrown down to the ground. Namjoo grasped Hayoungs wrist tightly and studied the maknaes face even more.


"Hayoung ah is there something going on you're acting pretty weird?"

"Nope nothings wrong, now can you please let me go we're going to be left behind." Hayoung attempted to move but Namjoo pulled her back and grabbed her other wrist. She then forced the younger girl's back to the grass and sat on top of her as an anchor.

"Ya Namjoo what's the meaning of this?!" Hayoung complained struggling to get out. She knows she is capable of overpowering the tiny girl but now the girl wonders why she cant or won't assert her power at this exact moment.

"Hayoungie we're best friends right?"

"O-of course how can you question that."

"But best friends don't keep secrets from each other, if we are Bff's tell me everything thats on your mind right now!" Hayoung was too busy focusing at her lower stomach where Namjoo was sitting on so she couldn't answer demanding friend.

"Hurry and tell me or-"

"Namjoo, Hayoung hurry you're holding this photoshoot up!" Bomi yelled from afar.

"Tch. You got lucky this time Hayoung ah." Namjoo closed up into Hayoungs eyes holding her chin so she can properly glare into her. Hayoung blinked rapidly feeling Namjoo's aura consume her. She could feel the older girl's breath collide onto her lips which made her lower lip quiver. Hayoung conversed with herself in this short moment to endure this torture.

"Hayoung what's wrong? Don't let Namjoo control you. Why are you acting like this, this is not you. Aaaargghh What's wrong with me?!"

"I'll let you go, but just so you know I'm not going to leave you alone for even one second. You got that!"


3 hours passed by and the girl's were almost done with the photoshoot, also Namjoo was persistant in following Hayoung. While Hayoung was having a tough and stressfull time because of her Namjoo enjoyed bothering Hayoung. She smiled when she chased after the maknae. She laughed when Hayoung was hiding in the most obvious places. And she felt relieved and comfort when she caught her, the same goes for Hayoung too. But the only difference in the two was that one is closer to knowing how she felt and the other is far from it. Until both girls realize their feelings they'll continue to play chase.


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Chapter 12: too crazy wows >.~ the spirit walker stuff I have to say was pretty cool
Chapter 12: Lol, your update made my day. But gosh, who's that guy who stole hayoungs phone? Hope you can update sooner author.
Eririn #3
Chapter 12: Wow this chapter is long. Thank you for making me laugh. I enjoyed this update.
Chapter 11: omg so many laughs ;D
Chapter 11: Lol Eunji's boogers,cant stop Bomi is angel now?cant wait your next update.
Chapter 10: ahhhhhh usowa was a saesang! ugggg this creep i would kill him! how could he do that to chorong and eunji/naeun >< who is that guy that kept stalking bomi? thanks so much for updating <3 the chomi the beginning <3
Nachomisan #7
Chapter 10: Dayum... That guy is a creep. And the other guy stalking Bomi is also a creep e.e this story is so dramatic lmao
Chapter 10: I knew usowa was a creep >.>
arizanazi97 #9
Chapter 10: Urgghhh... Is usowa a phsyco? so creepy...
Chapter 9: awww thank god 2eun is ok <3 yet chomi <3 glad they have the talk yet poor hajoo getting beat up my rongtler haha thanks so much for updating!