What happened part 2

Haunting Gorilla

" Bomi sweety... Bbom ah... RillaYoon... Ya Bomi... Bomi unnie... Pabomi" Everyone so dear to me called my name it echoed throughout my head. Listening to each person had me unconsciously call them back.

"Appa, eomma,Chorong, Hayoung, Namjoo, Eunji, Naeun."  With eyes closed I faced the ceiling. Took in heavy breaths and threw out even heavier ones. 

"I have this weird feeling that if I don't choose the third choice I'll be a pabo AND I'M NOT A PABO!" Bomi then looked around the room when she stopped she slightly grinned.

"And to prove I'm not one i'll do it. Aish I really wanted to go to heaven it would've been my utopia." Bomi said emphasizing that she would regret her decision rather than her actual feelings, that she was happy to return home.

"So that's your final decision now go through that door." Carl pointed to the door in a motion that felt like he wanted her gone already.

"Th-that door isn't gonna be like the others right?" Bomi was frightened that if she passed through she'll have to experience things like the last two rooms again.

"I literally give no sh*ts I have to return to my job or the room will be overcrowded. Do you know how many people die every single day...HUH?!" For no particular reason this guy is being such a jerk, i hope he keeps working here. I patiently approached the door that had the unique ability to return me home with my heart pumping rapidly.

"HURRY THE UP I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY!" Damn this guy need to calm down, go to sleep, get a girlfriend, smoke some weed, whatever needed to have him stop getting his s in a twist. I opened the door but before i could see what was there that damn( Many censoring beeps later) pushed me through. But when he turned around I got my payback. I forcefully kicked his bottom having him fall onto his face and curse my name, I felt at peace, oneness with myself.

"THAT RETARDED STUPID B- wait hold up did i forget something important to tell her. Ah whatever I could care less if she died falling back down." Carl halted his steps scared about the thought he had in his head.

"But that would mean she would come back here. Ah hell naw, knock on wood knock on wood." A while later he was scolded by his manager for damaging the company desk.



"YOOO OH SH- OH MY GOD. HEEELP SOMEONE (Cry) SOMEONE ANYONE." This door was worse than the second, in the second room i was walking in the sky, but in this one I WAS FALLING. I watched the earth sprint towards me getting ready to punch my lights out. I desperately tried everything to slow down fly, jump, swim, cast a spell, and cursed.

"Stop slow down, stop, stop now, N.O.W right now." An enormous cloud came before me intersecting my path. I shot through creating a whole in the cloud taking some with me. Without my doing i was picking up speed and as i went against the wall of air streams formed making me look like a badass anime character. 

"Stop i'm gonna die, it's coming Aaaaaeeiiiii(whine/sob)." Bomi was a falling star plummeting to earth a few moments away from impact. But at this point she was so scared she turned silent and covered her face not wanting to experience her great fall. 

(Inhale) (Exhale) (inhale) (Exhale) (Inhale) (Exhale) Bomi hyperventilated waiting for the big crash.

"Mommy mommy can i get some McDonalds pleease." A child asked his mother.

"Alright only if you promise to be a good boy." The mother bargained.

"Okay i will! Yaaay Micky D's. Mommy I love you."

"Yes yes mother loves you too sweetheart." Whats going on why do i hear a mother and a child here. People walked two ways buying food and any other random item; Bomi was at a street market. Bomi peeked her eyes through her middle and ring finger to glance at her surroundings.

"Boiyo? whats this I'm at a street market?" Bomi 360'd  to make sure her assumptions were right. 

"I thought i would hit the earth and die...again." Bomi took only a few steps and put up a evil grin on her face.

"Wait, everyone thinks I'm dead. But since I'm not ooooh hoo hoo I'm going to have some fun pranking the girls. Just you wait guys your missing sister is coming back."




"What should I do? Oh should I pretend to be a zombie! Naa thats too cliche." Bomi strutted the streets excited to see and "play" with her girls again.

"What to do... what to do~." If you walk the street markets of korea you'll obviously smell the delicacies that will stain it's smell into your nose.

(sniff sniff) (sniff sniff) " Ooh Kimchi... Kimbap(sniff sniff) OMG tteokbokki." Bomi ran towards the trail of scent pulling Bomi's nose to the tteokbokki stand.

"Uwaaahhh this looks good." Gulping her spit at the sight of the food Bomi couldn't help but want the spicy rice cake.

"AHJUMMA I WOULD LIKE SOME TTEOKBOKKI PLEASE." Bomi bent forward and placed her hand in front of the old lady so that she'll notice her order first. 

"Yeeeea one tteokbokki coming right up." The little old lady smiled showing a missing front tooth.

"Thank you ahjumma, and your eyesmile is soo cute it could even outshine Eunji's no doubt." The old lady lifted the bag of tteokbokki and opened her other hand to trade off the rice cake for money.

"Oh yea that's right can you hold on a second." Bomi looked for her wallet to purchase the tteokbokki until a hand came and grabbed the bag. Bomi looked at the guy that took her food away confused and angry of what just happened.

"YA thats my tteokbokki! I ordered it go get your own." Bomi snapped kicking the floor demanding her rights as an equal consumer.

"Thank you and have a good day." The ahjumma waved him good bye ignoring poor little Bomi starving in front of her.

"Ahjummaa~ that was my tteokbokki and your just giving it away to that guy hmph thats not fair." Bomi ran towards the guy to take what was rightfully hers.

"I was lying about your eyesmile Eunji's is waaay better, your's ugly." Feeling bad and not meaning what she said Bomi went back to the old lady and properly apologized. She sprinted to the guy that took the tteokbokki and jumped perfectly onto his back. Until she flew straight through him hitting and rolling against the ground. 

"Who- how did he do that?" Bomi on all fours looked at the guy questioning his existance as a human being. But he didn't even bother to look at her and just went on eating the food infuriating Bomi's anger.

"Heey get your dirty hands off my precious baby you theif." Bomi yelled pointing to the man. Still no response and he kept on munching away so Bomi stretched preparing to do some taekwondo to teach that guy a lesson.

"Ok be like that, I'll let you know that I'm a 3rd degree black belt, mess with me and i'll make sure you'll go through that painful experience i did up there." Bomi swung her body like a pendulum and butterfly kicked making contact to the guys face. It was a perfect kick to only be overturned when her foot kicked past his hunger filled face. 

"What is he?!" Bomi questioned as she rubbed her hamstrings because she didn't properly stretched. Also crying by the fact he finished the tteokbokii she cursed him so much that this story would be if it was written. But she stopped cursing him after he apologized bumping into a really pretty girl. 

"Why didn't he pass through her like he did with me? Maybe he just wanted an excuse to talk to her, wooooo what a player gka." 

"Sweety don't run you just ate 20 chicken nuggets and 2 cheese burgers you'll get an upset stomach if you don't rest for a while." The mother warned her child.

"Merong~ hahahahhahahh you can't catch me nananana." The kid teased the mother. Bomi turned and fell down thinking she was going to knock down the child. But she just witnessed the boy run right through her suprised face.

"Huh w-wait so it's me? I'm able to pass through things?!" Bomi rose up till the tip of her toes stood her up doing the Micheal Jackson tip toe dance.

"What does this mean... What happened to me? (gasp)... i know, thats the only explaination there is. I'm a superhuman OMG sweet~." Bomi jumped giddely at the fact of being superhuman.

"Ok so how did this happened. (snap fingers) It was the cloud! After touching that cloud falling this started happening. Damn i'm smart, see i'm not Pabomi i'm IQ-mi (meaning she has a high IQ and it sounds like she's calling herself cute in korean/english)  thats a perfect name for me." Knowing this she ran through crowds of people and things, she had tons of fun until she realized the Con's of this situation...she can't touch things at all. 

(stomach growl)"Mmmmnmnnm I'm so hungry."(stomach growl) "Shikuro, shut up, your not making it any better." She said things couldn't be worse until she finally found out she was lost. She ran bus stop to bus stop but always arrived late and taxi drivers don't notice her so she can't ride them either. Bomi's only choice was on foot. Checking the map she learned that she was miles away from home.

"Why did i get sent all the way here?...(cry) wuuuuuaaaiii this is too hard, I don't even have a phone not that i could even touch though. Sneaking into car to car Bomi traveled her way to home. Days passed by and in each day Bomi saw her special power as a curse instead as a gift(a/n: she still doesn't know damn). But during one hitchhike the car's destination was not Seoul, Bomi couldn't notice because she fell asleep. 

(snore) "Hmm gadbffthmn (yawn) wait this city doesn't say Seoul crap i got on the wrong car.(stomach growl) Hmph it's been 3 days since this all started and i'm still starving, I CAN'T EAT. WHY WAS THIS A CHOICE WHY?!"Almost giving up on life Bomi penguined hungrily to a food stand. An ahjushi was having a meal so the only thing Bomi could do was smell it. She leaned closer to the meal vacuuming the scent of the food into her monsterously huge nostril she formed.

While sniffing the mans food Bomi turned her head to the active television in an electronic stores window. A k-drama was on and as she watched it she found out what her true identity was.

"I pass through everything i try to touch." The protagonist told himself looking at his hands in a defeated position. Bomi shifted her eyes to her hands understanding what he is saying.

"No one... no one can see me." Bomi then looked at the old guy eating his meal not seeing or being bothered that a random young women is sniffing right into his food. 

"Ha- hahahahahaha I'm a ghost that explains it-" He laughed hysterically as he found out he was a ghost but sounded as if he wasn't bothered by it as he actually was. Bomi stood straight up on her chair and looked from the tv to a mirror. She studied herself checking the symptoms to have to be a ghost.

"I-i-i'm a ghost.Is that what that damned receptionist ment as to return to the world as myself. Well thats one good thing that happened today, i found out what i really am."Bomi was a bit happy finding out her "true" identity but was still unhappy because all of her misfortunes.

"Dad the train to seoul leaves in 1 hour lets hurry." A little girl reminded her father when the trains departer was and it was that fathers food Bomi was sniffing. Bomi's eyes opened wide as she hopped up her seat knowing she could go home. Her life just got better in 5 minutes.

"And that's another one."



-Present time-

"So that's what happened during my time. Any questions or remarks." Bomi asked her friends she was happy to see again.

"Yea I got a question." Chorong raised her hand the moment Bomi asked for questions.

"Yes unnie."

"Can you get out of the table? The food is inside you so it's gross to eat it."Bomi was in the center of the table engulfing the food she's unable to touch.

"Good question unnie. The answer is no because i'll suffer if i have to watch you eat all this while i just sit and watch, merong~." Bomi stook her tongue out teasing her sisters.

"Hayoung ah can you go fetch me the vacuum please it seems Bbom ah forgot how to respect her elders in her time of abscence, so it's my duty as an unnie to discipline her." Chorong said seriously eyeing down the playing Bomi.

"Ch- Choorong ah don't you feel bad for me huh, don't you miss me?!" Bomi got up watching Chorongs movements so she won't get captured.

"I didn't miss you one bit, i was glad you were gone, so glad i threw a parade." Chorong replied chasing bomi with the vacuum targeting her. Laughter and Bomi's yelling filled the apartment the whole morning.

But Nauen was the only one not joining in as she stayed quiet because of a question distracting her.

"If no one could see her then how can we?"






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Chapter 12: too crazy wows >.~ the spirit walker stuff I have to say was pretty cool
Chapter 12: Lol, your update made my day. But gosh, who's that guy who stole hayoungs phone? Hope you can update sooner author.
Eririn #3
Chapter 12: Wow this chapter is long. Thank you for making me laugh. I enjoyed this update.
Chapter 11: omg so many laughs ;D
Chapter 11: Lol Eunji's boogers,cant stop lol~ing.so Bomi is angel now?cant wait your next update.
Chapter 10: ahhhhhh usowa was a saesang! ugggg this creep i would kill him! how could he do that to chorong and eunji/naeun >< who is that guy that kept stalking bomi? thanks so much for updating <3 the chomi the beginning <3
Nachomisan #7
Chapter 10: Dayum... That guy is a creep. And the other guy stalking Bomi is also a creep e.e this story is so dramatic lmao
Chapter 10: I knew usowa was a creep >.>
arizanazi97 #9
Chapter 10: Urgghhh... Is usowa a phsyco? so creepy...
Chapter 9: awww thank god 2eun is ok <3 yet chomi <3 glad they have the talk yet poor hajoo getting beat up my rongtler haha thanks so much for updating!