

Hoon's brother, Hoonbi, is a mystery. An enigma.

Until he isn't. 

And then everyone wishes he'd stayed that way.

Because his true identity is trouble. And dangerous. And magical.


This is a comedic AU oneshot focusing on the occupation of Hoon's brother, Hoonbi.

Spawned from the line in One Fateful Day, where Hoonbi tells Serin, "Don't touch my stuff," it grew to epic proportions.

And now I introduce to you, Hoonbi, buyer and seller of "antiques", irresponsible treasure hunter, and a man of many mysteries.

(I may up the rating. Some of the chapters contain... questionable material.)


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secret-owl #1
Chapter 4: I believe this is my favorite thing you have ever written. For real. Reading it over, there were so many things that made me think, and many things that made me laugh. Since it's so long, it would be difficult to point out all of my favorite parts as I sometimes do. But I think the thing I like most about this one is its intricacy. It really shows how delicate reality is and how even a small change can alter so much. And it prompted me to think more deeper about how aspects of Hoon and Serin's lives are interconnected. My final impressions after 1.5 readings...Serin got to say goodbye to her mom. It struck me that while it was heartbreaking to say goodbye, this time she was able to. And I also wonder...if Hoon had been the recipient of that shot glass, where would he have traveled? The universe where he and Serin weren't together, perhaps? Lastly, I thought the end was beautifully done. I love how it connects back to the main uinverse and gives a sense of finality.
secret-owl #2
Chapter 2: "Hoping to give Soohyun a bit of a hard time..." Nice try, Hoonbi. Soohyun is already having a bit of a hard time.

I loved reading this; it's the only logical explanation for certain...things that occur for Soohyun. Hoonbi testing them in the bathroom, Eli being totally fed up with Soohyun, Hoon's face going pale when Serin mentions Soohyun's problem, Serin not wanting for her to have seen what she saw either, Hoon quietly taking the stones for his own personal use... This is a gold mine. Thank you for some much-needed comic relief.
secret-owl #3
Chapter 1: I took the liberty of adding a Soohyun joke!
"Not enough extra layers," Hoon said cynically.
"Something is better than nothing," Serin said, most likely giving Soohyun a very pointed look.

I absolutely love this story and chapter. Not only does it explain so much, but it's also really interesting to read and wonder about what other things Hoonbi has in his room and cave. His cave! Hoonbiana Jones has a cave full of magical items... and I especially liked the part where Hoon was hurt that he was worth less than the items. It was cute and very likely to actually occur. Hehe. Nice job. ^_^