Only to me



Various degrees of whining coupled with some curses resonate in the dorm. All of the Infinite members minus the leader are seated in the living room, focusing their attention on the TV. They are watching the press conference of the variety program “Fluttering India” which casted their leader.


No no no, stop doing that! I say no! Don’t lean so close to him!


Of course the subjects of his attention carryon doing whatever they like, it’s not like you can control someone through the TV. Woohyun ruffles his hair in frustration.


Hey, why are they turning their back to the press? What are they talking about? This is atrocious!


Sungyeol storms his foot as he stands up, too agitated to sit still in one place. He is suddenly being pushed aside.


Go away hyung, you are blocking me.


Why you little brat! How dare you push your hyung!


Sungyeol stretch out his hand, ready to whack the maknae but is stopped by Dongwoo.


Yeolie, can you quiet down? I can’t hear what they are saying.


All of them are smiling like idiots after hyung speaks to them.


Myungsoo is frowning as he speaks, not too happy with what he is seeing on the TV.


You and Woohyun hyung smile like idiots also when Gyu hyung whispers to you.


Sungjong, don’t be rude to your hyungs.


Hoya chilled the maknae, while the two being mentioned nod their heads, glaring at the youngest.


Though I do agree you are speaking the truth.






I say quiet! Go elsewhere if you want to quarrel!


The ruckus that was going to erupt ended just as abruptly. Sungyeol snickers at the rest who has incurred the wrath of Dongwoo. Everyone knows to behave when Dongwoo is not in a good mood which is as rare as the blue moon. But like what the leader once said, there’s an iron fist behind the smiling face and you don’t want to be the one to experience it.


Everyone turn their attention back to the TV, whining again as they see their precious leader whispers to the other casts of the show. The broadcast soon ended but the solemn atmosphere remains. Woohyun is the first to speak up.


The producer mentioned they want it to be a series! We must stop hyung from going. He’s going to be a collector item if this goes on. He won’t have time for us!


Huh? What do you mean?


Dongwoo looks at Woohyun, asking him to explain his sentence.


Every time he goes on a program without us, the sunbaenims can’t wait to pocket him and kidnap him away.


Hyung is right. There’s Ryeowook hyung when he attended Immortal Song, Lee Sang Min sunbaenim & Hong Jinho from The Genius show and now Kyuhyun hyung.


Sungjong counted off the few names who has been too friendly with their leader.


Well, don’t forget Hyungdon hyung and Heechul hyung.


Myungsoo chips him his share. Hoya decides to put forward his two cents worth.


Well, Sunggyu hyung has dongsaengs eyeing him also. Ilhoon is one and now Minho.


Oh no, I didn’t realise there are so many. We only needed to deal with the Nell hyungs previously.


Exactly! If every one of them monopolize a bit of hyung’s time, we will be left with nothing but peanuts.


Woohyun emphasizes after the poor dino who’s been hit with the truth voices out his thoughts.


We shouldn’t be so pessimistic. We are hyung’s favourite dongsaengs. We have priorities over everyone else!


Sungyeol announces brightly, cheering everyone up instantly. As he is speaking, voices can be hear at the front door. The leader walks in shortly.


Guys, I’m back.


Hoya is the first one to reach the leader’s side since he is sitting nearest to the door, follow closely by Woohyun.


Welcome home hyung. How’s your day?


There’s some discreet nudging, each trying to get the other one further away from the leader. But they are both pushed away as Dongwoo comes flying in, wrapping the leader in his arms.


Gyuzizi, I missed you!


Dongwoo grins, ignoring the dirty glares he’s getting from the other members. He’s probably the only one who can do this without making it awkward.


Sunggyu laughs as he tries to wriggle out of the hug.


Woo, have you been finishing all the sweets Inspirits sent to us by yourself?


Before Dongwoo can answer, the leader is distracted by the koala who’s hugging him from the back.


Hyung, I’m hungry. There’s nothing to eat here. Can you bring me out for dinner?


Oh yea, how can we forget Myungsoo is also good at doing random hugs. The other members look on with contempt, but secretly wishing they can do the same.


Hyung, hyung, we are also hungry.


Decided they have enough of watching at the sidelines, the two younger Sung brothers squeeze their way to their leader.


As the whole bunch bicker on what to eat, the earlier discussion is forgotten, preferring to outwit each other to get their leader’s attention for the moment. The competition stays within the four walls. Each of them have a fair chance of winning.


That is until they come across the “Fluttering India” live chat and discover they might have more competition.


Why is Jonghyun saying hyung looks good? Is he admiring hyung also?!



I have this bad habit of adding new chapters to my completed stories. Should I stop doing this?

I seen too many pictures and videos of Gyu whispering to everyone that I had to write this.

Hope everyone has enjoyed reading and as usual, comments are greatly appreciated. 

Thanks to all who has subscribed and commented !!!

@Drhr13 : Can you give me the secret code to unlock your comment? Or you are speechless that the story is too good or too bad?

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lazygirl1991 #1
Chapter 4: this is so cute!

Love it when every member is trying to grab attention from gyu :)
Chapter 4: More chapters pls~ its funny how they quarrel on gyu's attention whahaha... have i said how i love gyu's whispering habit kekeke....
MsTurtle #3
Chapter 4: I really don't mind !! I really love this !! thank you !! and of course myungsoo should be ruled out straight from the beginnning.. that cat still have problems staying on his own two feet .. kkkkkkk ^^
marshimaru #4
Chapter 4: lol yea ofcourse i like this!! ^^
/i pity woohyun tho hahah/
Deavea #5
Chapter 4: When I get notifications about update I hope that will be one of your stories :) I love when members fight for leader's attention. And never apologize for a new chapter it brings smile to many people.
Ai_Fang90 #6
Chapter 3: I love this story!!it's really cute!!!
Love that all Infinite member love their leader^^
Please,continue this story,authornim~
marshimaru #7
Chapter 3: this is so cute xDDD i just like everything about this story hahaha
good job authornim!
gonna wait for the idk-if-you-would-write-it next chapter!! XD lol
MsTurtle #8
Chapter 3: I really love this chp authornim thank you !!

p/s: hahaha and I was kinda hoping they would react to gyu hugging with N , you know the leaders understanding each other moment >.< kkkkkk
zezezeze #9
Chapter 3: Good job authornim