My Valentine

My Valentine - Jinyoung

Brilliant rays of the fading sun flooded in through the windows of your apartment while the light coupled with the lamp hanging over your shoulder, making this night just about perfect. A incredibly soft blanket covered your exposed legs while your book sat in your lap as the comfy couch enveloped you between the arms.

The soft click of the front door opened as your eyes continued to dance along the printed words on the page. Arriving at the end of a paragraph, you placed your finger against the page to mark your spot while you craned your head over your shoulder to see your boyfriend, Jinyoung, slipping off his shoes and shaking his jacket off of his shoulders. 

"Oppa~" You sang with a smile crawling along your lips

"Jagi~" He sang in the same tone while he smirked and placed his backpack next to his shoes before his socked feet shuffled against your wood floor before he jumped over the back of the couch and plopped down beside you on the couch.

"Ahhhh, catching up on your book, I see~" He flicked the binding of the book with the back of his fingers.

"Mhmm" You nodded your head as you watched his eyes drop to the pages as he tried to find out what part you were at, "I am getting to the exciting part~"

"Oh really? How exciting is it?" His brown eyes lifted and locked on yours while you forgot how to speak for a second or two.

"W-Well I think the guy is going to confess that he likes the girl but I predict she will be kidnapped by the rival of the guy that loves her because the bad guy loves her too" You told him as your eyes slowly started to drop back to the book.

"Aish~ Girl plots are always so intricate" Jinyoung ruffled his hair dramatically causing you to chuckle a little.

"Well how would you have it?" You questioned as you placed your bookmark in your book, knowing that you were going to end up paying attention to your boyfriend more than your book anyways.

"The guy should tell the girl how he feels as soon as he can so she won’t get whisked away by another guy" Jinyoung tapped the black words on the page with his pinky finger.

"Well he was shy and busy with work…" You bit your lip a little knowing that work can he a sensitive subject with Jinyoung.

"He could still do something, like write a letter or something girly" Jinyoung shrugged as he sat up and checked his phone feeling a buzzing come from it as he looked over his bright screen.

"Yeah… but in person confessions are always better" You hummed while watching his eyes move over the screen as his body tensed a little. "What is it?"

"O-Oh the manager sent out the schedule for the next week…" Jinyoung spoke slowly while his mind tried to compute what each event was that the manager has scheduled.

"Are you busy this upcoming week?" You questioned, leaning over slightly while you closed the book in your lap, your eyes watched his head nod slowly while his thumb scrolled through all of the events.

"Aish… why would he do it on that day…" Jinyoung bit his lip as you widened your eyes at him. Slipping his hand through your slowly, his head turned while his chocolate orbs found yours.

"What day?" You probed gently squeezing his hand

"Valentine’s Day…" He sighed while clicking on the day and seeing that he was all booked. Turning his phone slightly so that you could see, his eyes dropped to his phone as did yours.

"Wow… you really are busy that day…" You mumbled while your eyes skimmed over the titles of events that filled up the whole day. A sinking feeling started to fill your heart as you began to feel a little sad that you couldn’t spend the day with him while being surrounded by other couples that would be together.

"Mianhae" He started while his tongue slid over his lips. "I finally have someone to spend Valentine’s Day with but I can’t spend it with her…" He pouted as his hand held yours a little tighter.

Taking in his emotions plastered on his face, you leaned over and pressed your lips against his warm cheek.

"You know, she will wait for you, every day she spends with you is Valentine’s Day to her" You reassured him bringing your other hand around your clasped ones. "She understands that you have to work and that you can’t help it~"

"I promise I will make it up to you and do something special for you on my day off." His eyes turned and locked with yours, your eyes read his eyes filling with love as you couldn’t help but allow a smile pull across your lips.

Watching his eyes, he glanced down at your lips for a split second before his lips lovingly pressed against yours, sealing his promise as his arms wrapped around you while the night slipped through your fingers.

Valentine’s day rolled right around the corner, with your manager calling you into work that day as well, you got ready for the day as you dressed up a little more than usual hoping that your outfit could distract your mind from being away from the man you loved for the day.

Following your morning routine, you stepped out of the door on time while you adjusted your bag on your shoulder. Scanning the passing faces, you saw more happy smiles along with arms wrapped around each other while some kissed each other looking like they would pass out if they didn’t break for air soon. Bringing your eyes to the cracks in the sidewalk in front of your shoes, you managed to make it to your bus stop.

Riding on the bus all the way to the business block that you worked on, you watched the love spread amongst people, the man that always sat next to the same girl gave her a flower while the young kids happily counted their Valentine’s for the class party that they would have later.

Arriving at your stop, you tipped the driver a little before exiting and heading inside your building. Puling the glass door open, your heels clicked against the tile floor while you headed to your desk to work.

Rounding corner after corner, your eyes scanned the passing desks seeing that they were mostly empty, especially the workers that had significant others to spend on a holiday like this one. Turning your chair, you sat in your seat as you your computer and started to work on your project for a local cafe that was opening.

Hours passed as you worked endlessly to make your current assignment perfect. A yawn escaped from your lips as you decided to take a little break from looking at a computer screen. Panning your eyes across your desk, taken back once you saw a red mug with white polka dots on it with a heart that read With Love, leaning against the mug rested a tastefully bright box with a red ribbon with white polka dots tied around it.

Turning your head from side to side, you watched a male co worker stand up from his seat as he hung his suit coat over his shoulder. Returning your eyes to the gift before you, your hand slowly outreached to pull the box to place it in front of you. A white note hung from the bow as you slightly recognized the handwriting, pulling on the ribbon, unraveling before your eyes, your fingertips lifted the lid to a beautifully simple note.

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
May I have a lunch date
With you?

~ With Love

A smile proudly formed on your glistening lips before you placed the note back in the little box while your fingertips ran over the glossy finish of the mug. The of your fingertips allowed your mind to wonder to what your other half was doing at this very moment. Lifting your phone out of your purse, you unlocked the screen and clicked on the pictures of your boyfriend as you couldn’t help but feel your heart ache a little.

Flipping through the pictures that you had, your lips slipped a soft sigh while your fingers placed your phone next to you as you returned to your project. Hours ticked by slowly, your stomach growled loudly in protest of food. Sliding your hand over your stomach, you rubbed it slowly trying to silence the hungry organ inside of you while trying a little more. More and more protests came from your stomach, giving in, you stood up and gathered your things. Figuring that you could treat yourself to a lunch alone, you skipped down the stairs before entering the lobby.

Scanning the area, you noticed that it was more desolate than normal, adjusting your purse on your shoulder, you stopped in your tracks once you saw a man in a suit holding a single red rose between his fingers, watching him turn towards the clicking of your heels. The handsome face shined with a smile while your heart skipped a beat noticing who stood in the middle of the lobby.

"Jagiya" He smiled and stepped towards you as you couldn’t believe as to what was just happening. The two of you opened your arms to each other and hugged each other tightly, his secure arms hugged your waist while your hand rubbed along his shoulder blades and his spine.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were booked for the day" You questioned pulling away from the warm and loving hug.

"I am booked for the rest of the day~" He sang letting his twinkling eyes meet yours

"With who?" You questioned tilting your head slightly in curiousity

"My Valentine~"

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Chapter 1: "I am booked for the rest of the day~" He sang letting his twinkling eyes meet yours

"With who?" You questioned tilting your head slightly in curiousity

"My Valentine~"

me dies x_x
Chapter 1: Oh my god, that was so cute! I was actually legit grinning. <3