My Love Chen X Reader


My love 
Chen X reader imagine
~I have more then one instagram so if you've seen this on a different instagram account other then UnnieLovesoppa, its mine. I did this for a contest.
sorry for spelling mistakes! Enjoy



"_____!" Chen yelled excitedly as he shook you awake. 

"Hhmmmm" you mumbled as you turned away from him covering your face with the blanket.

"Babe I know you aren't a morning person but please let me see your pretty face" he smiled and tried to uncover your face.

Chen really was the sweetest guy you ever met and you loved living with him when he wasn't with exo (you love them too no hate) 
but you've been having a hard time getting to sleep at night for the passed week.

You gave up and he pulled the cover down and smiled at you.

"Good morning" you mumbled in a sleepy voice.

"Good morning!" He said back with his winning smile. 

You pushed your lips out and chen laughed getting the message.

He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you toward him and placed his lips on yours. 

You both pulled away and smiled.

 "I have a surprise baby. I got you awake so early because I'm taking you to a place very close to my heart" He picked you up bridal style and carried you into the living room. 

"Where?" You eyes light up.
 It was always fun going on adventures with chen and because it's so rare you two go somewhere just the two of you.

 "It's a surprise for my baby" he smiled and when you both entered the living room your eyes widened.
 In the living room was breakfast on the coffee table, bubble tea (you love it), both your suitcases packed and flowers.

 "Chen! Oh my gosh this is beautiful" you said kissing him. 
He let you down and you both ate together. 

Chen got up and put his hand out, "Ready to go?" You smiled taking his hand, "Yep!" 
You both grabbed your bags and headed out the door. 
You started driving to the airport and put a picture of you on Instagram. 

The picture said "Going to a secret get-away with my favorite man! " 
Chen saw you take a selfie, "You're beautiful don't worry" you blushed. 
Because of your lack of sleep you fell asleep on the plane. "_____, we landed" you blinked and looked outside.

 "Oh my god chen! We're in china!' You smiled hugging him. 
You both got off the plane and you got your things and dropped them off at the hotel.

 "Wow this is a beautiful hotel! I hope you didn't spend a lot"

 "Don't baby it's because I love you" you smiled, "I love you too" He got on his knee and put his hand out, "Now, my lady let me take you to a nice dinner" you put your hand in his and smiled.
 "I would love to! I don't have a dress though" Chen got up and opened your suitcase pulling out a gorgeous gown. Did he buy that just for you?
 "You don't?" He asked handing it to you.
"Aw chen!!" You hugged him. 

You got a pair of heels and started to get dressed. 

You just turned away from him. You heard clothes rustling so you knew he was changing too. 
You turned around and chen was dressed in a nice black suit.

 "Wow..." You said looking at him in awe, chen always looked fantastic in a suit. "No you're wow" he said looking you up and down. 
The way he was looking at you made you blush. 

"Chen..." You mumbled pulling the end of your dress down to make it longer. 

"Cute, order whatever you want. Let's go!" You smiled plan accomplished! 

You both left to go to the restaurant. 
After the amazing dinner you both came back to the hotel and went on the balcony. 

You were looking at he stars when you heard chen step out with you. He handed you a glass of wine and you smiled.

 "Thank you so much chen. This was an amazing day!" You smiled.

 "It's not over yet baby" he said and reached In his pocket pulling out a box. 
You open it and find a locket. "It's not even our anniversary chen, this is so sweet." You started to tear up.

 "I did this all because you're my love" he said and then kissing you. 

End~ wow that was cheesy! but I hope you enjoyed!


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that was cute!!! love it!