Come back home.

Come Back Home

listen to while reading, i did when i was writing and it really set the mood hahahahah


one two three, you left me

Jongin lies on his bed on what seemed for hours.   It's been about 2 months since he left, it felt like years.   Jongin contemplated on moving.  He didn't need two bedrooms anymore did he?

But he couldn't, he couldn't bring himself to move.  Jongin needed to forget, to move on.  But he couldn't.   Jongin's life would be considered to be good: he had a good job that he actually enjoyed, friends who loved him and he had  enough money to buy himself some small luxuries.   To Jongin, it was plain.  The same old routine everyday; get up, breakfast, go to work, work, go home, sleep and repeat.   A friend and co-worker of his, Oh Sehun, would occasionally ask to hang out with him, however Jongin would always refuse.  He'd say something along the lines of: "I've got the flu, next time, I promise" or "My sisters are in town. Sorry, next time, I promise" Sehun would never believe him though.

Jongin didn't do promises.

''you have to promise you'll never leave me alone. Ever!''

''I promise! we're gonna be together forever~''

Jongin winced slightly at the memory.   Both of them were young and clueless.   He often wondered what his younger self would say if he saw what his life came to now.   He remembers how the younger him, full of excitement wanted to do so much; Travel the world, become an astronaut, a footballer, he even wanted to make his own boy band, he said it would be called Exo.. or was it Super Junior?   He couldn't remember, he was only a child.

"Hyung!  You're a good singer! lets make a boy band!'' the younger said excitedly "I'll be the leader! I'll be in charge in looking after all the members!   We'll find other members!   I think we should have 12 members so the songs are better than any other band there is!''

''isn't 12 a bit too much Jonginnie?" the older laughed ''but of course, I'll join your boy band, what's it called?'' he smiled

The  younger thought for a while, scrunching up his face ''what about... Super Junior.. no... B.A.P... no... have you got any ideas hyung?'

''what about Exo?'' the elder asked.   Jongin looked at him for a while, then smiled widely and nodded.   "Exo it is then" he smiled.

It was Jongin's day off today.   He'd usually spend his day offs by sleeping, watching TV and eating.   He finally got out of his bed and quickly looked at himself in the mirror.   Jongin thought he was quite handsome.   He could get anyone he wanted.   He didn't want just anyone though.   After leaving his room, he headed to the kitchen to quickly make himself some breakfast.   He was never exactly the best cook, he usually depended on others to cook for him.   He could still get by however.  He could make toast, and that's all he needed to know to make breakfast.  It was boring, but it would do.

Jongin sighed as he didn't have much food in stock, he needed to do his weekly groceries shopping, but he was tired.  He decided he would go later and just skip breakfast.

" But hyung, I'm not even hungry" Jongin whined and rolled his eyes.

"Jongin stop being so difficult, you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and i know you'll be complaining later on how hungry you are later!" the elder scolded and shoved some bacon in his mouth. 

''Hyung! How dare you!  Maybe I'm a vegetarian now and you've just disgraced my vegetarianism!" Jongin argued just for the sake of arguing.  The elder raised his eyebrow and smirked "so we can stop ordering chicken and I can take Kai's Fried Chicken number off the fridge?''

Jongin sat down and ate the bacon and eggs ''Hyung you can take my dignity, but you will never take KFC from me'' he said with a mouth full of bacon. 

Yet again, he fell asleep on the couch.  Jongin groaned and checked to see what the time was on his phone.  He frowned slightly as he forgot what his wallpaper was: both of them smiling happily.   It was taken on Jongin's birthday, ''hyung..." he said softly, he was talking to his wallpaper now, but he didn't care.   "Come back home, why did you go away?   We can't share moments like these anymore...I can barely remember any now, they're shattering like a sand castle getting hit by a wave, hyung.   Is this what its came to know?   I'm that pathetic, I'm talking to my wallpaper."   He laughed bitterly.

He thought about changing his wallpaper.   But he couldn't what would he change it to?   Himself?   How sad.   He looked out the window and it was raining, Jongin sighed,   'thanks mother nature for making my life just that little bit more depressing' he thought to himself.   Jongin hates the rain.   In the movies it was always used dramatically.    It was annoying, people don't kiss in the rain, they don't dance around with their lover.   This is reality.  Reality doesn't have happy endings.   To say Jongin  was bitter  was an understatement.

Jongin was still moping around his house until he heard the doorbell, which he thought would be Sehun, bugging him as always.   He lazily made his way other to the door and opened it.   It wasn't Sehun

"Jongin, he's through with me!'' there, he was, stood at his door, crying.   Why is he back?  what did he do?  So many questions were flooding through Jongin's mind.  The sobbing boy pulled him into a warmth embrace.   Jongin missed this, he shouldn't of held him back, what if he leaves him again.  He should of stayed away.   But he couldn't.

Put all the pain in the past
I still wait for you like this
Now you gotta do what you gotta do

''Kyungsoo hyung.''

come back home.








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Chapter 1: There are more sequel, right??? *pleading eyes*
like how they.. maybe... together, right? *self hypnotize*

Kyungsoo comes back! ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 1: wahh! I can't wait to see what happens next!