A Trip Down Memory Lane

Forever in a Year
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It may seem a little boring, but bare with me, it will improve....



Oh SeHun sat in the act back of a cramped black taxi, staring blankly at the plain window. He was fascinating himself with the fact that he could change his focus to looking, and looking through, the window. He was alone in the small vehicle, meeting his companions at a nearby club to which they were regulars. SeHun refused to call any one his friend; he liked no one. It was just the fact that they were willing to give him cigarettes and alcohol for free; that was why he hung out with him. SeHun was gorgeous, and he used that to his advantage. He walked into any where, his silver hair shining and seduce man or woman, whoever took his fancy. He didn't care who, what or where as long as- for at least a moment- he was distracted from his crappy reality. Slowly, the night life outside became blurred and the audio of soft pitter-patter was heard as a light rainfall started. SeHun liked the rain, mainly because it annoyed other people. He liked it because it was relatable and they had something in common. In fact, the rain was his friend. They breached happiness and ruined it with sadness continuously. And, sometimes, they didn't mean to- but they still ended up ruining everything. But the difference is that the rain will ruin a picnic or a day at the beach, whereas SeHun would ruin the lives of others and himself. 

He used to be hurt by this. He would weep for days on end, traumatised at his diabolical actions.

Now, he just put in his pokerface and crawled through the remainder of his grimy, disappointing life, hoping that death was just around the corner. 

"Excuse me sir?" Said the dirty slob of a taxi-driver. SeHun pretended not to notice the man checking him out eagerly, eyes sparkling and moth drooling. The man himself was grey haired and balding, a not very subtly beerbelly and was clothed checked polo's and suede beige trousers. He smelled like stale popcorn and ice-cream. SeHun crinkled his nose- he wasn't that desperate. 

"Yes?" SeHun replied, face unemotional and gorgeous. His hand brushed his black skinny jeans, dusting them off and the taxi-man grinned. Although SeHun was revolted, he liked to give people false hope, just to see their world come crashing down. It made him feel in power, and he was a man who liked to rule. 

"We are at your stop-" the tramp started, slobbering over his 's'.

"I can see that," SeHun stated, completely monotone. The man sighed, not taking his eyes of SeHun's slim body. SeHun was wearing a black white-rimmed polo shirt with the jeans; showing up well with his pale milky skin and sleek silver hair.

"Well I was gonna say," the revolting man his lips as he paused," I could let you go free of charge if-"

"If?" Asked SeHun, expecting his usual request. He sighed and rolled his eyes in his heart, but his face showed nothing. As you might expect, SeHun was also a skilled gambler. He's not just good at hiding his own emotions, but he is impeccably good at reading others.

"If,"the taxi-man hissed," you would like to give me a little bit of fun tonight?" 

Goosebumps rose on SeHun's arms, "Sorry no." He slammed the due fare into the mans grubby hand (no tip included from the stone cold being) and calmly walked out the car. His heart was burning like the depths of hell. SeHun was outraged that some dirtbag dare speak like that to him. Though he was used to it, it didn't stop him being excruciatingly pissed.

SeHun looked up at the familiar black building with its modern neon lights and waited for his companions. He was early, but not by too much. In fact, he was shocked; he was later than usual. This time he was only half an hour early- much different from his usual hour, two hour wait. He had a lot of time to spare, so being early made up a lot of time for his favourite hobby, 'People Watching'. SeHun liked to see the different people walk by, on their way home, or on their way out. Drunk or sober, happy or sad, old or young it didn't matter. He just liked to watch other people's lives. This helped him become emotionless because instead of feeling his own feelings, he would feel everyone else's. But SeHun didnt know this, because it's normal to him. His natural state is being soulless. He wasn't always like that though, he was a real person once. He had feelings, he could be happy, sad, angry. But most of all, he could love and trust. He didn't have many friends as a kid, but SeHun was perfectly fine with that. He had his adoring parents, and little sister whom he was so close to.

"Ready or not, here I come!" SeHun would squeal after 100seconds were up, and he would prowl around the country farm house searching for HunJi, eyes looking for her her long brown hair in its usual ponytail, possibly behind a curtain or a chair.

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