Whenever you want…

I'll be there…whenever you want…




"LEE JUNHO!" minjun shouted.


Taecyeon put his hand on minjuns shoulder "minjun-ah…maybe we should let him be alone…"


Minjun threw down Taecyeons hand from his shoulder. "If you want you can leave, but I won't!"


"minjun hyung…Taecyeon hyung is right…maybe we should just let him be alone…"said chansung.


"Ok…! So go out…! All of you! Go out right now!"Minjun pushed everyone out of the room and closed the door and locked it.


"Didn’t you hear me…? I told you to…to …" junhos eyes suddenly became dark. He couldn't see minjun clearly. He was about to fall.


"junho-ya…are you ok?" ask minjun worriedly.


 Junho looked at minjun again. He felt weakness in whole of his body.


"h…hyung…"junho crooned. He couldn't stand on his legs anymore…his eyelids shut.








Junho opened his eyes slowly, he was in his bed. He turned his head to the right; minjun was sitting on a seat beside his bed, holding his hand and staring at floor.


"minjun hyung…" said junho with a low voice.


Minjun looked at junho "junho-ya…you're awake…are you ok?"minjun put his other hand on junhos cheek." thanks god…your temperature is normal now…" minjun smiled.


Junho looked at minjun confusedly. "What…?" he asked.


"Don’t you remember last night…?" minjun patting junhos cheek.

Junho shocked his head. His face looked completely tired and confused.


"junho-ya…you should rest now… and I know that you're so tired because you didn’t sleep well last night… you were all the night…doctor also told us that you should rest…so rest now…I'll explain everything for you later…ok?" minjun said softly.


"No…Please tell me now hyung… "


"No! You should rest…"said minjun. After some seconds he continued.


"Don’t look at me like this…you know that I can't say no to this face…"


Junho was still waiting. minjun sighed.


"Ok….but you should rest after those … understand?"


Junho nodded.


Minjun continued "You had very bad pyrexia…and because of that you were hallucinating and didn’t know what you were doing…you even hurt yourself…"minjun looked sadly at junhos other hand. junho looked at his hand. It had a bandage.


"Re...Really…? What happened then?" Asked junho.


"Then you fitted, and we took you to hospital…doctor said if we had arrived a little later you might…you might…"minjun bitted his bottom lip.


"Ah…! Let's stop talking about it! You're ok right now and it's the important thing…"minjun smiled and cuddled junho.


Junho smiled too. How much he was glad that he has minjun.


Minjuns smile suddenly disappeared. junho understand it.


 "Is it everything alright hyung…?" asked junho.


"junho-ya…can I ask you a question?" minjun asked.


"Of course hyung…"answered junho.


"Last night when you were hallucinating, you told me something…you told me when I had to help you I didn’t … actually I didn’t understand your mean …"minjun said sadly.


"Oh…" junho frowned.


"So I want to know…what your mean was…"


"It's…it's one of my nightmares…"




"Yes…I see that someone is choking me and you are there too…I call you to help me…but you you don’t notice me…it's like you even don't see me…"junho sighed.


"junho-ya…"minjun embraced junho tightly.


"I'm so sorry because of not noticing you in you nightmare…but it's just a nightmare like its name…you shouldn't care about it…it will never happen…I promise…"


"I know that…but…but…"junho said sadly.


Minjun turned junhos head up." And be sure that I don’t let anyone hurt you…it’s a promise too…"minjun smiled.


Junho smiled and then yawned cutely.


"Oh how I forgot it! You should rest now…! I'll make a soup for you…! And don’t think about that nightmare again…ok?"


Junho nodded.


"What a good boy…!"minjun teased.


"hyung…!!!"junho groaned.


Minjun laughed and walked to the door.


"And remember ((I'll be there…whenever you want…))"minjun said before closing the door.




Thanks for reading!


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Chapter 2: OMG Awwwwwww! They are so adorable! I love this one so much! I'm happy that Minjun didn't leave Junho alone in his room.. <3
You are improving each & every day. Keep it up love! I want moorrrrreee~ <3
jlove2pm #2
Chapter 1: ouch... what happen with Junho?
he hurt himself....
need the next please....
Oh wooow another fic! *squeals* <33
hey hun, add '2pm', 'Minjun' & 'Junho' tags to this as well ;)
Waiting for you to update this~ <3