Chapter 23: Are You Okay???

Meant To Be

Yumi's POV:

It was like he was looking right into my eyes, and I got lost in his.

AIYA...This is NOT happening... NO!

Teacher: Attention class! I'm afriad that's all the time we have today, I'll see you on Wednesday. I will give you 20 minutes to practise and then you will have to present.

The bell rang and everyone ran out of class. I went to my locker and got all of my books and binders. I closed my locker, turned around and there was Krystal and DongHae.

DongHae: Let's go have Ice cream!

Yumi: Uh...

Krystal: The CEO won't get mad. He always gives us time to hang out after school on Idol School week.

Yumi: Oh ok...

DongHae: C'mon!

DongHae pushed me out of the school and dragged me to the ice cream parlour.

DongHae: What flavour do you want?

Yumi; Any, dosen't matter. I'll have whatever you have.

DongHae: Ok!

DongHae went to go order while Krystal and I waited at the table.

Krystal: You know, something's up with him. He's not usually like this.

Yumi: What do you mean?

Krystal: He usually dosen't like to go anywhere after school. When we invite him to eat ice cream with us, he says no.

What Krystal said made me think about what Yesung said to me a week ago "You should watch Donghae carefully, he's only nice if he wants something or just likes you. If he's mean all of a sudden then he dosen't like you anymore, or dosen't want anything... "

I guess he really wants to do that duet...

Krystal: And he's never this excited to eat ice cream...

DongHae came back with our ice cream.

DongHae: I paid for both of you, you don't have to pay me back.

Krystal: Really? Not even 1 won?

DongHae: Well, people change as time goes by, right?

Krystal eyed me like "you see what i mean?" I nodded my head and ate my ice cream. F(x)'s manager picked us up and took us to our dorms. We changed and DongHae watched TV while I went to see 101.

ChenLing: How was school?

Yumi: It was okay...

There was a long pause, but then ChenLing spoke...

ChenLing: Is....everything okay?

Yumi: Yea, yea everything's fine.

I had to lie. I can't tell her about the duet, and DongHae being so nice...and...YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Kyung-Eun: Do you want to practise our song a few more times? Our debut is in 1 week... I'm soo excited!!!

SeoYeon: Best of luck to all of us after debut. No matter where we go, where we end up, what we will be doing, we will always be, 101. There are 101 sides of us, 101 looks, 101 styles, 101 possibilities to anything.

Minah: Stop that! You're making me cry...

Yumi: Yea, i'm starting to tear up too...

ChenLing: Let's just practise now.

We practised the song 4 or 5 times, then we went to the dorm for dinner. Leeteuk, Siwon, KyuHyun, and Eunhyuk were there, preparing dinner.

Leeteuk: Hey!!! How was school?

SeoYeon: Same old, same old...

Leeteuk: We made fried rice for dinner!!!

Yumi: WOW That makes me happy :D

ChenLing: Yumi and I love when this stuff happens :D

ChenLing high-fived me and we giggled to each other.

Kyung-Eun: .....I've never really had fried rice before...

Yumi: Really? It's really good! It's kinda like veggied on rice...that's it.


EunHyuk: Jaa! Suju style fried rice!!!

I was looking forward to dinner, but when he said "Suju style fried rice"... I might skip dinner...


...I'm joking, I'm having dinner... :P

Everyone took a bit from the pot and started eating. And then DongHae came home. When he came in he slammed the door. That big "BANG" made me sit up on my chair. He stormed into his room and slammed that door closed too. I looked at everyone and their expression was like "Uh oh..this is NOT good..."

i slowly stood up and tip-toed to the room. I slowly turned the door knob and opened the door. I went in slowly...

Yumi: Is everything okay???

DongHae: Yea...everything's great...

Yumi: If everything's great then how come you slammed the doors?


Yumi: Just tell me...I know you want to let it out...


Yumi: What happened???

DongHae: Victoria confessed to me.


Yumi: Then, what about Nickhun?

DongHae: She said she doesn't like him anymore.

There was a looooonnng pause.

Yumi: What else did she say?

DongHae: She wanted me to...go on a date with her.

O_O OMG...

Yumi: Did you....

DongHae: I didn't want to reject her because I know how it feels to be rejected, but...I kinda have my eyes on someone else...

Yumi: So, did you say no?

DongHae: Yea, I said I was sorry. I could see her eyes water as she walked away from me, so I said yes.

WHATT?? But... O_O


I looked at him like he was a lost puppy.

Yumi: I'm....sorry, you have to go through this...

DongHae walked over to me and hugged me. "Help me." Was all he said. I felt something wet on my was his tears. He was really crying.

DongHae: I remeber Nickhun telling me how happy he was with Victoria. He always said "I think I'm the luckiest guy in the world." But now that Victoria..she...

Yumi: I know... I'm sorry...

He continued to cry. I have no idea what to do in this type of situation. I have never experienced this type of thing before...

He eventually stopped crying and I left the room and finished my dinner.

EunHyuk: What did he say?

Yumi: He's just stressed about work...

EunHyuk: He's never stressed about work, I guess it's too much for him...

Yumi: YEA... That's it.

Siwon: He hasen't eaten anything, is he really that stressd?

Yumi: He said he was given very little time to do his job. If he dosen't do it well, it might result to him being fired.

Leeteuk: OHHH I hate those...the company puts soo much pressure on you...

KyuHyun: I hope he can relieve stress fast.. before conflict starts...

Yumi: Hm...and i know just the thing to calm him down...

Everyone went to sleep. Leeteuk and I watched DongHae carefully. Sometimes, Donghae starts punching his pillows, so i have to get up and calm him down. Leeteuk sometimes gives me pointers since he knows him a lot more than I do. I have to be the one to calm DongHae down becuase i'm closer to him than Leeteuk....

Leeteuk's POV:

I think it's good that DongHae's like this. Yumi has to spend more time with him, and she helps calm him down. I wonder where this story is going???

They way Yumi comforts DongHae looks a lot like their married... KEKEKEKEKE!!! No matter how much Yumi hates him, fate keeps dragging them together, they really are meant to be...

I  better sleep now, before Yumi notices that I'm actually paying attention what she's doing ...

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shineebling #1
ohhh its so sad :(( yumi and donghae were perfect for each other!!
AhRiShA #2
LOL maybe, I'll think about it. I'm writting a new fanfic right now :D<br />
HIGH22 #3
oh my god, please make a sequel
chrlnleong #4
Ohmygod...who are the people? The suspense is killing me! Please update soon:)
AhRiShA #5
Thanks unnie! I'll try ASAP!!!
hi dongseng!!! how are u? pls keep updating!! lol
beeeaaaar #7
Update Soon ^^
AhRiShA #8
Hey! Thanks for subscribing!!! I'll continue ASAP!
Continue PLEASE !!!!!!! hihi :)
shiningstarr #10