One Last Time

Stay With Me a Minute, I Swear I'll Make it Worth It

He misses Jongin. He really does.

He thought the split wouldn't affect him too much, that he'd get over it within a month, if even that long. What Kyungsoo didn't expect, was for him to have a mental breakdown only after a week Jongin packed his bags and left him alone. The first day without the other was just... weird. After crying his heart out the day Jongin left him everything was weird. He was so used to going to sleep with a warm chest pressed against his back and waking up with an arm around his waist in a loose hold. It wasn't necessarily a bad weird, it was just odd. The reason it wasn't so bad was because he could finally stretch his limbs and sleep as wildly as he pleased without having to be aware of another presence, without having to make sure he didn't disturb Jongin's slumber.

The next two days were refreshing. Not only did he sleep the best he had in a long time, he didn't have to report his whereabouts, his days not ending with a questioning Jongin ("Where have you been? Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?"). His phone wasn't blowing up with texts and he didn't have to come home early to satisfy anyone's needs. The friends of his that Jongin didn't exactly approve of were able to come over and chill with Kyungsoo and he didn't get ed at for having negative people in his living room.

Around the fourth day things were finally beginning to feel off. There was no one to wake him up with soft kisses on his neck or back, no one to make him a healthy breakfast (Jongin refused to eat something as simple as cereal or toast in the morning, always adding eggs and fruit as sides to whatever else he decided to make for Kyungsoo and himself) those past few days. Though he bundled himself up with a sheet and his duvet, he was cold. But of course, he shrugged it off as nothing, so he bought a heater.

The days in between the fourth and the seventh were a blur. His shoulders were further down than usual, eyes holding no true emotion. Friends commented on the change of character, saying, in the nicest way possible, he looked like . He snapped at them, at everything that didn't exactly make him happy, his temper becoming shorter and shorter as days passed. The heater wasn't helping his shivering body at night, cereal, toast, and take-out all he ate. Kyungsoo is perfectly capable of cooking, he cooks better than Jongin (Kyungsoo was the original breakfast-maker but after one morning of him being sick and Jongin making breakfast instead, Jongin carried the title), but he decided to take the easy way out. Maybe he did it because he knew Jongin wouldn't like it, maybe he wanted to rebel in some kind of way.

It didn't even creep on him, didn't give him a warning. Many would say days four, five and six were warnings, but Kyungsoo doesn't agree. Day seven hit him like a brick to the face. He had woken up to tears burning his cold face. Getting out of bed seemed impossible; his limbs aching and barely functioning. When walking around his house—after taking half an hour to get himself on his feet—there was a heavy weight on his back, shoulders slumped and upper half slouched. The only think he ate that day was a piece of bread, not even having the energy to put it in the toaster and wait. That whole day he was either in the living room, bathroom, or his bedroom. Multiple times he felt like he might throw up, feet dragging as quick as they could to get in front of the toilet bowl. Nothing ever came out, his hacking resulting as failed attempts.

Around three months later, there's still his blank expression. He's made a habit of staring into space several times throughout the day. Everything distracts him now, he can barely stay focused for longer than fifteen minutes. Unlike that first week, he eats actual home cooked meals. Sometime around the third week he got tired of bread and oats, making some pancakes with strawberries in them and scrambled eggs. His eggs tasting bland compared to Jongin's, even after more seasoning and cheese. Kyungsoo knew he had to get his life back together, sulking over a break up could only get him so far. He had a job to attend to and family and friends to see. The only reason he didn't get fired was because his boss is his uncle and all of his immediate family was informed about Jongin packing and leaving. They pitied Kyungsoo, something that pissed him off, but also something he was grateful of. At least they cared.

Though he has plenty of friends and relatives, Kyungsoo's life is bland. He has no reason to feel emotions like happiness or excitement. Yeah, he has cracked smiles here and there and has laughed at things, but it's only temporary. There hasn't been a day since the first week that he's been genuinely happy. Some friends have tried taking him out or inviting him to places, thinking it would get him out of his "negativity shell" and help him find someone else, but of course their attempts didn't work. Kyungsoo isn't the type to go sleeping around with random people, depressed or not. He'd rather keep the dull aching in his chest.

He's feeling lazy today, lazier than usual, but he has to get up and out of the house because he has close to nothing in his fridge and pantry. He doesn't understand how all of his groceries disappear within a couple of weeks (probably because he's been living the very cliché life of someone trying to get over a break up by eating and watching dramas he never found interesting until now because he can finally understand why the female lead gets so hurt and acts the way she acts when she gets dumped or is the dumper). Kyungsoo isn't someone who likes grocery shopping during the day or evening, it's too much traffic in the stores and he hates waiting in long lines. Right now is the perfect time to run his errand, two in the morning. Slipping a hoodie and his shoes on, he drives to the grocery store, the only sound around him is the engine.

As always, his first trip is to the meat section, then there's the soup, rice, snacks, and fruit. He walks slowly and lazily down the aisles because there's no one to complain about him being a snail. He grabs some chicken and pork, throwing them into the cart he's leaning on. He's just tired. Physically and emotionally.

Everything is fine until he sees a familiar mop of blond hair and tan skin. The male is bent over in front of the strawberries, face scrunched slightly as he turns the plastic container in his hand as he checks if the fruit is good. All Kyungsoo can see is his profile and the side of his body, but he thinks he might throw up the fried chicken he had earlier... Jongin's favorite. 

Kyungsoo makes a move to turn around and just come back for his fruit salad later and go back to the chip aisle to get that weird flavor Baekhyun has been talking about, but then Jongin's eyes meet his and  just kill Kyungsoo now. His eyes are squinted at him, not in a bad way like ew why the are you here, more like is that really who I think that is? Kyungsoo can see from where he is how Jongin's face scrunches again like he's contemplating on saying something or just leaving like he didn't see Kyungsoo at all and his breath hitches when Jongin walks up to him, one hand in his pocket, the other holding the strawberries. 

"Hi," he says simply with a nod of his head.

Kyungsoo nods back. "Hey."

"I see you haven't changed, still shopping in the wee hours of the morning," he laughs slightly, eyes looking at what's in Kyungsoo's cart. "I got so used to shopping with you around this time I can't even go during the day without wanting to fight someone." He doesn't laugh, his voice is normal, but Kyungsoo knows he's not serious. Kyungsoo has always been able to read Jongin without a problem and it makes him happy and sad at the same time. It doesn't really matter if he can still read him, he's not going to have many opportunities to do so anymore.

"Sorry about that..." Kyungsoo doesn't really know what to say to that but it's fine because Jongin is quick to ask him how he's doing. Well, maybe it's not fine, Kyungsoo has been miserable, heart-broken, depressed, angry, confused... the list goes on. "I've been living," is what he settles with. It's stupid and not a real answer but that's all he can give Jongin without spilling his heart out, again. "You?"

"I've been good, I guess," he shrugs. "I found an apartment close to campus so it's a lot easier getting to school now."

There's more nodding from Kyungsoo before things get quiet and awkward. He's not surprised by the atmosphere seeing it was already somewhat awkward, but Jongin usually doesn't know how to carry on a conversation when he's the one to initiate it. Jongin has always been a quiet one, usually speaking with his body or eyes, and just thinking about it has Kyungsoo missing him like crazy all over again. He misses guessing what Jongin's thinking or how he's feeling. God damn it he just misses everything that has to do with Kim Jongin. Kyungsoo takes the opportunity to actually look at Jongin, not really getting a good look at him the entire interaction. His eyes are still looking into Kyungsoo's cart, he hasn't looked at Kyungsoo since he greeted him. Why is he forcing himself to talk to Kyungsoo when he can't even bear to look at him. And it's not like Kyungsoo can blame him, if roles were switched he wouldn't have even walked up to Jongin, and if he did it would only be to punch him in the face.

Everything physical about Jongin is the same, save for his blond hair. Though his hair has been blond before, it's still weird to Kyungsoo; it's been a while since his hair was anything other than black or brown. He doesn't know why, but Kyungsoo expected Jongin to either gain a little bit of weight or lose some, but Jongin is exactly the same he was three months ago. This makes the corners of Kyungsoo's lips lift for a second.

"You should probably get home soon, you need your sleep for class tomorrow," Kyungsoo says, finally breaking the silence that seemed to have spread throughout the entire store. 

"It's Friday, Kyungsoo."

Oh. Right.

He chuckles awkwardly and scratches the back of his head. "Right..."

"But you should get home, don't you have work tomorrow?" Jongin's eyes finally, finally, lift to look into Kyungsoo's and the latter swears he hears his heart crack. He knew he should've just turned around.

"I... yeah, I do," he says as he looks into his cart to see if he forgot anything. Fruit. He still hasn't gotten his fruit.

"Thought so. Well... bye."

Jongin's back is already in view as he quickly escapes, not even giving Kyungsoo the time to say anything back. 

With a loud sigh, Kyungsoo gets his fruit, pays for his groceries, and goes home. He doesn't even bother putting away the food that doesn't need to be refrigerated, quickly ridding himself of his jeans and top before throwing himself into bed. He barely gets a minute of sleep.


It's been a month since the awkward grocery store incident and surprisingly, Kyungsoo's not doing as bad as he thought he would. He thought meeting Jongin again would make him break down and die (yes, he can be very dramatic sometimes), but things have actually gotten better. Jongin still pops up in his dreams sometimes, he doubts that'll ever change, but the dull ache in his heart is starting to get better; the break up isn't hurting as much anymore. He'd even texted Junmyeon back after two weeks of ignoring him and just about everyone else who's been trying to interact.

Work , as usual, but something about today really . He's never really enjoyed his job, no one enjoys putting on a fake happy voice when customers call and ask a billion questions or get stuck in the middle of nowhere and need guidance back home, but it's all he can do as of right now. His uncle pays him more than enough and he's still contemplating on going back to school for something he does enjoy. Too bad he doesn't exactly know what it is he enjoys. The only reason he doesn't go mad at work is because of Baekhyun. He's the only person that's not Jongin that can keep him sane, even though Baekhyun has drove him insane numerous times. Baekhyun is the one friend that constantly checks on him but isn't annoying with it. There doesn't have to be words all of the time, little touches on the back and legs or glances that ask 'how are you feel?' or 'do you need anything?' are enough. 

Wanna get something to eat later? I'll buy

He thinks it might be nice to have someone to eat with, plus, he doesn't have to cook or pay.

Yeah, I'm done here in 30

Baekhyun is waiting in front of the building when Kyungsoo walks outside. He greets him with a smile, Kyungsoo managing to do the same. An arm wraps around his shoulders and then he's being guided to the small diner a few blocks away. Baekhyun sings quietly to himself, he's always hated unnecessary silence. Usually Kyungsoo would tell him to shut the up, but there's something calming about his voice and whatever song he's singing. Maybe he is getting better.

They're seated towards the back of the diner, something Kyungsoo is grateful for.

"So, what's up?" Baekhyun asks as he looks at his menu. Kyungsoo doesn't even bother coming up with words, just letting out an 'eh' and hoping Baekhyun understands. And he does. "Have you talked to your mom?"

"I have," Kyungsoo starts before clearing his throat a couple of times, voice barely there due to lack of use the last half hour. "Same conversation as always: 'hey sweetie, how ya feeling? Are you eating well? Have you spoken to Jongin? Have you tried dating again?''' Both he and Baekhyun roll their eyes, the latter scoffing softly. When the waitress comes he orders bulgogi, Baekhyun getting buldak. There's not much talking after that because Baekhyun gets on his phone to play a game or text someone until Kyungsoo tells him he's going to the restroom. 

Right when he's about to walk into the hallway that leads to the restrooms, he spots him. But he's not alone this time, there's a skinny blond in front of him. He's handsome and his smile is really attractive as he laughs at whatever Jongin just said, the latter joining in and leaning forward to rest his hand on top of the blond's. He wishes he didn't just see that because now, instead of a bearable dull pain, there's something sharp that's poking at his chest. .

Of course he moved on. Why wouldn't he have? Did Kyungsoo really expect him to be suffering and lonely like he is himself? Idiot.

It's not even like he can cry anymore, his eyes haven't shed a tear in weeks now. All he can do is pick his speed up and get into the restroom. Hands resting on either side of the sink, his head hanging, he sighs. He tries shaking his head a few times to get the images of the love of his life laughing with someone else, touching someone else. It wasn't the laugh he shares with just anyone, it was the smile, the laugh he only shared with Kyungsoo. Jongin is the kind of person to keep everything to himself and not let just anyone in, always being cautious when it came to people. He's a quiet guy unless he's around someone he's really close to, and there aren't many people he's close to. This makes Kyungsoo want to know exactly who this guy Jongin has gotten friendly with is, but then again, he's sure that would only hurt more.

Kyungsoo turns on the water to rinse his face a few times, hoping the cold water will make him feel a little better. It doesn't really do much, but his face isn't burning anymore. In the middle of rubbing his eyes, Kyungsoo hears the door open and then the footsteps of the person who was walking in stop quickly. Opening an eyelid Kyungsoo takes a peak at the guy (he assumes it's a guy before looking because this is the men's room) and he freezes. Of course. What did Kyungsoo do to deserve this?

"Kyungsoo," Jongin nods.


Neither make a move to get out of the other's presence, Kyungsoo looking at Jongin through the mirror and Jongin looking at the back of Kyungsoo's head.

He doesn't know what it is, but something just snaps in Kyungsoo's head. He's tired of the awkwardness, tired of the silence. He hates the way his heart stops then starts beating three times faster than normal whenever he sees Jongin. After grabbing some paper towels and wiping his face he turns to face Jongin and takes a few steps forward until he's maybe two feet away and looking up at the younger male. He didn't know what he expected to happen, maybe for him to yell at Jongin and apologize and beg for forgiveness and for Jongin to come back, but he doesn't. Instead, he just steps even closer to the other and wraps his arms around Jongin's torso. The blond flinches and Kyungsoo can feel it, saddening him a little more because Jongin never flinched whenever Kyungsoo would touch or hold him.

"For s sake Jongin, hug me back," Kyungsoo practically whimpers, face nuzzling into the other's chest. "Please," he begs.

Kyungsoo feels the deep breath Jongin takes before slow, hesitant arms encircle around him.

He was wrong, he still can cry. He's flat out sobbing into Jongin's chest by now and it's only been a minute into the embrace. Though his confessions of missing Jongin, being an idiot for lying, still loving him are barely comprehensible, he knows Jongin understands by the quiet choked cry that comes from the younger's throat and the hand that finds its way into his hair, Jongin's fingers combing through the brown locks slowly.

"Jongin I know I ed up and I know you're probably tired of the same apologies and excuses but please. I'm not asking you to take me back because I don't deserve that—I don't even deserve you—but just one more night, that's all I'm asking,"


"I know you have someone else and I'm sure he's way better for you than I am, but please? I'm not asking you to cheat, I promise. One more time, I promise after that I'll let you go."

How could Kyungsoo even think to ask Jongin to go behind his new boyfriend's back and cheat? That's the reason he and Jongin aren't together anymore.

It was stupid, it was an honest mistake. Too many drinks and Baekhyun's roommate Chanyeol resulting in waking up completely , chest to chest with Chanyeol and an arm tightly wrapped around him.

If he would've just listened to Baekhyun when he kept telling Kyungsoo to slow down with the drinks and go home before he did anything stupid he could still be happy with Jongin. Kyungsoo isn't even a drinker, but what do you when you're celebrating your best friend's engagement? The only reason Jongin didn't go was because he had an exam the next day. But cheating wasn't even the worst part, Kyungsoo kept lying to Jongin about it. When Jongin asked about what he did, he just shrugged and said nothing much. When Chanyeol texted him to apologize about that night and Jongin would ask who he was talking to, he said it was his uncle asking about work. When they ran into Baekhyun and Chanyeol at the grocery store there were too many glances at Kyungsoo that Jongin caught and later asked about, but of course, just like any other time, Kyungsoo lied and said Chanyeol was just weird. The tension between the roommates and Kyungsoo was quite obvious to Jongin but he had no choice but to shrug it off because Kyungsoo claimed it was nothing. He always believed Kyungsoo, always trusted him.

What's done in the dark always comes to the light, so Kyungsoo thinking it would just be forgotten of was stupid.

He's still not quite sure how Jongin found out, but one morning he woke up to Jongin emptying his drawers into bags and suitcases with tears running down his cheeks. Kyungsoo was beside him instantly, head pounding for some reason. He asked what was wrong, what happened, why Jongin was crying. Very calmly, Jongin told Kyungsoo to get away from him, to stop touching him. Kyungsoo ignored him and continued to ask questions and grab his hands until the younger yelled, voice echoing throughout the room. 

"You're a liar, don't you ing touch me."

Is what he said after Kyungsoo jumped back and finally gave Jongin his personal space back.

"Why'd you do it? Was I not good enough? I can't believe you really ed someone else.

Kyungsoo was completely frozen by then.

"Why didn't you just tell me? We could've talked about it if you would've came clean when you got back the next morning. I would've been pissed, yeah, but I would've been more understanding if you had just ing told me! But no, you wanted to continuously lie to my face. But it doesn't even matter anymore, I'm done."

Kyungsoo's yells of apologies and love were ignored as Jongin continued to walk around the house to pack all of his belongings. His voice has gone hoarse, only being able to rasp out please while he watched the younger get closer and closer to the front door. The last word Jongin said to him was liar. After that day, Kyungsoo has never told another lie.

After a moment Jongin sighs. "Okay," he breathes out. "Just one more night."

Sniffing loudly, Kyungsoo lets go of Jongin and nods a few times. 

"Okay, I should probably get back out there, I'm sure Baekhyun is starting to wonder what's taking me so long."

"Yeah, same..."

Kyungsoo goes into a stall to get some toilet paper and gives some to Jongin. They both wipe their faces and blow their noses before looking into the mirror to make sure they look presentable. Kyungsoo's surprised no one else has came into the restroom during their little moment.

"Meet me at my house around ten, the door will be unlocked," Kyungsoo says as he opens the door. Jongin mumbles an okay and then Kyungsoo is leaving.

When he gets to his table the food is already there and Baekhyun has an eye brow raised at him as he chews his food.

"Get lost?"

"Shut up," Kyungsoo grumbles, shoving some food into his mouth.


After Baekhyun walked Kyungsoo to his car back at their job Kyungsoo went straight home. He still had an hour and a half to get himself prepared for Jongin's arrival when he got to his house so he spent about thirty minutes of that time cleaning the house up a little. Though the house was never exactly clean when Jongin had lived there, Kyungsoo didn't want him coming back to clothes on the couches (he's too lazy after work some days to walk to his room to strip and nap, so the couches are always where he ends up, as well as his clothes).

Next he took a shower, the hot water helped alleviate the tension in his muscles and clear his mind. He had no reason to be worried, no reason to be anxious. Jongin is only coming over to help Kyungsoo get over him, nothing more. The most they'll do is talk and stare at walls when they don't know what to say, no big deal.


Okay, maybe Kyungsoo was wrong, this is a big deal. He doesn't even know what to do, what to say, or even how to feel when he hears the front door open. Jongin's footsteps are soft, like they've always been. He calls out for Kyungsoo, peaking his head into the living room to see Kyungsoo sitting on the couch. As expected, he sits on the opposite one. The only light on in the house is the kitchen light, leaving the area dimly lit.

"So what's up?" Jongin asks casually. But Kyungsoo doesn't miss the way his voice is a little higher and shakier than usual. After a moment of contemplation Kyungsoo decides so man the up and move next to the other. 

"You never told me how you found out," he says softly, leaning all the way back and closing his eyes. When he had asked the day he was caught Jongin only replied with it doesn't matter. 

"You told me the night before," Jongin states after a minute. "I took advantage of you being drunk—I still don't know why you were drinking that night—but yeah. I asked you if there was anything you were hiding from me then you confessed to cheating."

Kyungsoo is an idiot. He already knew he was but wow he's stupid.

"So why didn't you just leave when I told you?"

The younger leans back as well. "I thought I could get over it," he shrugs, the movement being felt by Kyungsoo. "I knew you felt bad about it, you constantly repeated how stupid and sorry you were, but after not being able to sleep at all that night I just couldn't. The only thing that went through my mind was liar."

"I'm not even going to try to apologize again, I know you're tired of it and don't want to hear it, but do you actually believe that I was sorry... that I still am?"

"I did—I do. It still hurts, though. I know people make mistakes but you had so many opportunities to tell me and all you did was lie."

All Kyungsoo can do is nod. He already knew that he ed up multiple times.

"So... what's his name?"

"Who are you referring to?"

Kyungsoo rolls his closed eyes. He didn't want to have to say it.

"Your boyfriend."

"He's—Taemin. His name is Taemin." 

Taemin. For some reason that name sounds familiar.

"How long have you known him?" Kyungsoo doesn't really care, he just wants to get the attention off of his lying and stupidity.

"Like eight years, give or take."

That's why. Kyungsoo remembers Jongin's mom talking about Taemin one day when he and Jongin were visiting her for her birthday.

A hum comes from Kyungsoo, but that's it. He's not used to this... this awkwardness. He's used to Jongin's arm around him or being on the younger's lap in some way. He's used to having little to no person space when it came to Jongin, not this. 

He wants to ask Jongin why he walked up to him in the grocery store, why he didn't push him off in the bathroom if he still hasn't gotten over him lying completely, but he decides to keep his mouth shut this time. Instead, he leans his body to the left so his head can land on Jongin's shoulder. The other doesn't flinch at the contact this time and Kyungsoo actually smiles to himself, nuzzling into his neck. He smells like the cologne Kyungsoo gave him for his 20th birthday. Kyungsoo's lips stretch even more and he's pretty sure Jongin feels it.

"What are you..."

"Relax," Kyungsoo sighs. "I'm not trying to put any moves on you. If I'm making you uncomfortable tell me. If I'm not, I'd really appreciate it if you held me."

When arms aren't wrapping around him a frown replaces his grin and he's sighing once again. He's about to remove himself from Jongin's body, but then after a few more seconds he gets what he wants. Jongin's strong arms cage him in and bring him even closer.

Some time in the middle of staring at the back of his eyelids Kyungsoo ends up falling asleep, his face hiding in Jongin's neck, half of his body practically on top of the others. He doesn't know what time it is or how long he's been clinging onto the younger but when he finally opens his eyes again there's very little light peaking through his blinds. Looking back at Jongin he finds him sleeping, nose slightly twitching like it always does when he's asleep. The hold around him is a lot looser than what it was when he fell asleep so it's easy to slide out of Jongin's arms and walk to his kitchen. He grabs two bottles of water from his refrigerator and sets one in front of Jongin on the coffee table. Someone might find it creepy the way Kyungsoo's staring at Jongin, but he doesn't care. If Jongin wakes up and catches him staring he still won't care.

And that's exactly what happens.

He starts moving a little, face scrunching up as his limbs stretch out as much as they can. No doubt feeling Kyungsoo's eyes on him he turns and looks at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Good morning sunshine."

Jongin tries to say something back but it comes out as raspy gibberish. Kyungsoo points to the bottle he got for him and then watches as the other chugs half of it down. 

"What time is it?"

Kyungsoo shrugs. "I don't know, why? Do you have somewhere to be?"

His head shakes and he mumbles, "No, but Taemin's probably worried."

Oh yeah, his boyfriend. Kyungsoo almost forgot. 

"If you need to leave I understand, he's your boyfriend, he comes first. I was selfish enough to keep you here all night and I didn't even mean to do that," Kyungsoo says lowly. It's not exactly the truth, but it's not really a lie. He hadn't meant to keep him for the whole night, but he wanted to wake up with Jongin's arms around him one last time.

He's not going to cry again. He already cried enough in the men's restroom last night.

But that doesn't mean it doesn't break his heart when Jongin get's up. Kyungsoo doesn't see it happen, only feeling the movement. His legs are bent with his arms crossed over them, forehead resting on his forearms with his eyes closed. He refuses to watch Jongin walk out again.

There's a few taps on his arm, but he just shakes his head. "Just go," he tries to say, but his voice cracks at the very end.

"Kyungsoo look at me," Jongin says in calmly. "Kyungsoo," he tries again, fingers tapping him again.

He takes a deep breath before he finally finds the courage to lift his head and look at Jongin. There's a hand on the top of his head, flattening his bed hair. The action reminds him of how they used to spend their time waking up in the mornings. Jongin's hand in his hair and Kyungsoo's arms and legs wrapped around his body. 

"Jongin you're making this worst for me, stop being sweet, stop acting like you care. If you think this is going to help me then you're wrong. Just le—"

Jongin shouldn't be kissing Kyungsoo, he has a boyfriend. But as bad as it is, Kyungsoo can't find it in him to push Jongin away. In fact he does the opposite, lifting his arms to wrap them around Jongin's neck and pull him closer. 

"He's not my boyfriend," is what Jongin mumbles onto Kyungsoo's lips before gently pushing him on his back.



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Chapter 1: Ooooooo this is really good. Usually I don't upvote until the end of the story but this is already amazing!