Love Me, Love Me Not



One word that everyone treasure and trying to hide

It’s just one word but it explains everything about you

Why should we make something to be a secret ?

Of course because it’s a secret

It’s its fate to be hidden


Park Jiyeon

A die-hard fan of Kim Bum

Bubbly and cheerful personality

Study in Woollim High School


Kim Myungsoo

A die-hard fan of Kim Taehee

Cool outside but dorky and such a freak inside

was in Basketball Team

Study in Woollim High School



                When Jiyeon for the first time met Myungsoo, she felt that kind of attracted feeling to him. Slow but sure, she approached him and knew him more. But what if that feeling came because Myungsoo looked alike Kim Bum,an actor that she crazily admired? Is it a love ?

                Same went to Myungsoo, he felt that same feeling over her because he simply could see Kim Taehee in Jiyeon’s face. Is it a love ?

                When two of them finally know each other’s secret, still they become a couple ?


So here Olivemoon and I collaborate to make a (romcom) fic. I cant say Olivemoon is a co-author, instead she’s like a 2nd author in this fic.

Please leave me some comments. Dont be a silent reader cause I really want to know what’s your opinion about this story.

Another important point is please subscribe as I’ll have that spirit to continue this story if you subscribe this story *winking flirtatiously*

[!!!] No Plagiarizing

I know I know our story isnt that amazing but please..pretty please appreciate our hardwork by not plagiarizing it ^^

That’s all~

Love ya~ :*


Jiyeon walked out from the DVD shop with still looking at a thing in her palm, Kim Bum’s new drama DVD, The Winter That The Wind Blows. Grin was drawn all over her face. Soon her attention was distracted out by the rain. She then tucked the DVD into her purple bag to save it from the rain’s splash. She saved herself too by sheltering herself under a nearby halte and waited for the bus.

            As she was waiting for the bus, she imagined if she would be at home and watching Kim Bum’s new drama. Actually, she had watched it on the television last month but she forgot to record it as she was too excited watching it so she bought it and wanted to re-watched from the start. Yeah, thats Park Jiyeon. The die-hard fan of Kim Sang Bum. She didnt know why, she just loved all about him. His voice, his face and all about him.

            She gazed throughout the rain. A quarter half had passed but the rain had not been stopped.

            “Yaah~ What a beautiful rain~ This scent...aaah so soothing~” She inhaled with her eyes closed as she was enjoying the rain. Both the scent and the sound.

            Some people will cursed at the rain, why it should rain but shes different. Beside Kim Sang Bum, she loved rain too. Not rain that actor singer but rain in the true meaning, drops of water from the clouds.


            A sudden crush hit her left arm. She was startled and glanced her eyes only to see a guy bumped his body to her.

            Jiyeon looked up and saw a tall body standing beside her. She couldnt clearly saw his face but she could tell hes a guy.

            “Mian..Jeongmal mianhae..” As the guy got himself under halte’s roof, he pleaded with his hands clasped to her. He looked so hurry,indeed.

            Jiyeon looked a sorry face in him so she just forgave him though she couldnt clearly saw it. She was in her good mood. That’s why.

            “Ahh..It’s okay.I’m fine.” She smiled slightly to show him that she was really okay. The guy then lifted his head and smiled her back.

            “Really? I feel relieved”

            As their eyes met, they were silent for a moment.That was the moment when that feeling came knocked their heart.




            That was what happened two years ago and they didnt know that in two years later, they’ll meet again. The didnt know that fate makes them to meet again. Fate’s so unpredictable afterall.

            And their story begins... 



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Chapter 1: Looks like my dream story with ji, myung, Krystal, Kai, Kim bum, taehee, eunji, and chanyeol!! Please update~~