Iced Chocolate Frappucino

Iced Chocolate Frappucino

The winter season has reached it’s peak. It was freezing outside and the streets of Seoul were coated with a layer of ice making it slippery. People were muffled in their thick coats and scarfs, rushing through the streets to reach their warm destination as soon as possible. May it be their home, office or a coffee shop.

It was a typical day for everyone. Nothing special was in the air or nobody anticipated anything. Same was for Charlie. She just had her last lecture in school and was now heading to her bus stop. Craving for something sweet what she always did when her day had been long. And it had been a long day for her. Like every morning she nearly missed her bus, had to rush all the way to school to be in time for a big exam, forced herself to stay awake during the lessons, realized during lunch break that she had forgotten her lunch, had to stay in the library to finish a school project and now finally at nightfall she was able to go home. Too exhausted from the day she strolled through the streets. She was way too tired to rush to her bus station now and decided to stop by at her favorite Coffee Shop to get something sweet to drink.

She opened the jingling door and breathed in the cozy smell of the coffee shop. Oh how much did she love this small coffee shop! It offered the best coffee, it was cute and cozy. “Hi Charlie! Long time no see! How are you? And same as always?”, the girl behind the counter happily greeted the regular customer. “Hi there! Yes, thank you!”, she waved smiling.

Charlie sat down waiting for her drink and looked around. Since it was pretty late the Café wasn’t crowded, just a couple enjoying their little date and a boy who was occupied by his phone. She looked out of the window and watched the people rushing by. Their noses were red and fog was coming out of their noses while breathing. She smiled, leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the café.

“Look, oppa! It’s snowing!” she heard the the female part of the couple whispering. She opened the eyes and watched the snowflakes slowly falling down. It was a beautiful picture how the snowflakes danced through the dark.

“Two Iced Chocolate Frappucinos for Charlie and Jinyoung!” the worker called out. Hearing her name her face immediately lit up. Finally! Her drink was ready. How much she had been craving for it all day and she just couldn’t wait to take a long and refreshing sip. "Who on earth besides me drinks an Iced Chocolate Frappucino in the middle of winter?", Charlie wondered as she walked up to the counter in the coffeeshop to grab her drink. She had noticed two drinks waiting on the counter waiting for their respective owners.
She knew that it was odd drinking something cold in the middle of winter but it was a habit of hers she never dropped. She loved sweet drinks but to her they somehow didn’t taste right when they were warm. She just preferred cold drinks over warm drinks so no matter how cold it was and being on the sweet side she’d always drink Iced Chocolate Frappucino, even during winter when people were catched by colds and drank hot drinks. Her friends were always making fun of her because of that but being her stubborn self, Charlie would always stay faithful to her favorite drink.
Wondering who would share the same weird habit with her she looked around. It was the boy who was occupied by his phone before who stood up and walked towards the counter. He smiled widely at her, creating wrinkles around his eyes and displayed a beautiful eye-smile along to his flashy smile. Astonished over the beautiful face Charlie blushed slightly, turned around, grabbed her drink and bid goodbye to the coffee worker.

Exiting the café she took a deep breath. Wow, that surely was some handsome boy! She took a big sip and made her way to her bus stop. Still slightly startled over the handsome boy she didn’t properly paid attention where she was walking and suddenly got bumped by a rushing passerby. Shocked by the sudden touch she lost balance on the slippery ground. While trying to regain her balance she lost hold on her precious drink and it fell. With wide eyes she watched it falling, loosing is lid and saw the tasty brown drink spilled all over the snow.

“No!”, she cried out loudly, “my precious drink! I’ve been waiting for you all day you just can’t leave me like that!” Making an annoyed raspberry she took out her purse hoping to have enough money left to get a new drink. Luck wasn’t on her side and she let out another cry of desperation. Totally defeated she threw her purse back into her bag, bowed down and picked up the cup on the floor to throw it into the next trash can. Getting up she met face to face with a smiling face.

“Here take mine! You look like you really need it now to calm down.” It was the smiling boy from the café earlier. She made a little jump and stared in disbelief at the beautiful face. He kept smiling, eyed his drink and motioned it into her direction. “Eh, erm – no! Eh it’s ok! I – eh – can get a new one! Thank you!”, she stuttered. “No it’s ok! Just take it, really! I was watching you for a wihle and you really look tired so I was hoping to make your day a little. You can take it without worries, I haven’t drink from it yet, I promise!”, he winked at her, took her hand and placed the drink on it.

Surprised by his sudden act she nervously struggled for words: “Erm – wow! Thank you? Eh – how…can I pay you back?” He flashed another bright smile “When we meet again.” And with that he turned around and left her dumbfounded. Still staring at his back she needed her time to bring her thoughts back into order. As she walked to her bus stop Charlie kept eying the drink not sure whether to drink it or not. After all he could’ve put something weird in it, right? But the craving for her favorite drink was bigger than her conscious mind and she took a big sip. Tasting the cold sweetness in she smiled happily.

Sitting in the bus Charlie held the cup with both of her hands and kept the name written on the cup with her thumb. “Jinyoung”, she whispered, “let’s see if we meet again.” Feeling something sweet and refreshing spreading in her stomach, she was somehow happy.


The next day at nightfall she entered the café again. Craving for something sweet again. “One Iced Chocolate Frappucino, please.”, she ordered. The girl behind the counter was about to type in the order when someone behind Charlie said “Make two of them please!”
She quickly turned around to face a smiling angel. “Your treat right?”, Jinyoung winked and Charlie could feel the sweet and refreshing feeling in her stomach again.



Hey there!~ 

Finally updated this One Shot! I had the idea while I was studying and couldn't wait to finish it up! Actually this is a One Shot for my beloved friend Charlie :3 We are both struggling with GOT7 Feels atm so erm yes I promised to make her one. But I hope you guys will like it, too! And please leave some comment so I know what you liked/disliked ok?

So Charlie...please keep doing your job by nagging with me about updates thank you.

Angie // Schokimonster~

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JLP1004 #1
Chapter 1: It's good and cute. I can't believe it's only a One Shot story.. I'm sad that the story ends. T_T
Chapter 1: Awesome~ I love the way you make them meet and I can't resist the cuteness! Too cute to resist!!
vereex #3
Chapter 1: Awww damn it's cute! I just want to meet a jinyoung as well like this (>人<;)