Chapter 22

You don't know me anymore
 ✧༚ Chapter XXII 
”What’s the password?” J-Hope hissed through a small crack he let open in the door. 
 "You know that this is a glass door, right?" Jin asked the very visible J-Hope inside the gas station. 
 "Duh. Of course I do. Just taking precautions." He continued and opened the door and let him and the rest of the boys inside. Suga sat absorbed in a piano game on computer screen and barley noticed when Jin snuck up behind him and placed his hands over the other males eyes. 
 "Yah! You're making me lose!" Suga shouted, but with a small smile playing on his lips as Jin's lips touched his left cheek. 
 "You don't need help with that. We all know that you manage losing just fine without any of our help." Jungkook snickered with a playful smirk pasted on his face. 
 "Don't be mean now." V told Jungkook and placed his hands on the younger males shoulders. "But I bet ten bucks that I could play better than him even without my right hand." He continued in a not so discreet way. 
 "Now now." Jin said with a hand on Suga's shoulder to stop him from standing up. "We all know that you're the best of us in here when it comes to fixing things and building amazing toys." 
 "I wouldn't really call them toys..." Suga muttered quietly but a pink shade had searched its way over to his cheeks. He closed his computer at the same time as he stood up from the chair and then grabbed a piece of chocolate from one of the shelves and threw it towards J-Hope that caught it. 
 "Anyways. For how much longer will we have to wait for this Jimin-guy?" He asked V who for the second time that day felt uncomfortable with being the so-called leader of the group. 
 "V got a message from him. He'll arrive in fifteen or so. We should pack the last of our things so we can pick him up." Rap monster answered in his stead and V gave him a relived smile. If they'd have a leader, he'd vote for Rap Monster. Even though he was clumsy and broke things easily, his ability to speak up and make people trust him outweighed his small flaws.
 "Are we taking the buss?" Jin asked and V nodded. 
 "Yes, well first pick up Jimin, then go to the pool." He answered and the boys wished them good luck and they left the building.
They had disposed of the hover the minute they had arrived in Korea and quickly met up with Suga and Jin that had stolen a rusty coloured truck with a fingerprint scanner as the lock. This really impressed V since he knew how hard they were to crack the lock, which was the reason he'd only stolen older vehicles that he could jump start by connecting some cables and messing with the lock. He even felt a tad bit sad when they decided to let the car crash into the telephone box outside of the gas station by removing the object sensor and putting some heavy objects on the gas pedal. Their new vehicle was an old bright yellow school buss that they had found in an empty village close to the border of the previous north side of the country. Jimin would arrive with a buss close to their location and since they didn't want too much attention on themselves, they decided that Jungkook and V would be the ones to go and pick him up. They waited for him at the buss stop in the shadow of a tree and Jungkook was the first one to go and greet him when he went off the buss. He had two bags in his hands and wore a snapback and some orange coloured shades. When he noticed Jungkook and V, he smiled slightly and began walking towards them. A pat and the shoulder, and it was like they travelled back in time to the day when they first met. 
 "Nice to see you guys again", he said with a smile and V nodded.
 "It's been awhile." V answered.
 "So how was New Australia?" Jungkook asked as they began to walk towards their hiding place, and Jimin shrugged.
 "Pretty boring." He answered. "Though my parents will most likely be a bit annoyed when they realize that I'm back in Korea, but they'll get over it. They've probably not even noticed my absence yet." He continued with a bit of a strained smile on his face. V grimaced when he heard the hurt in Jimin's voice and put a hand on his shoulder.
 "Don't worry, we're with you." He assured him, since he wasn't sure what to say to him. He'd been through the same, and he knew that he couldn't say anything to make him feel better, only promise to be there for him. Like Jungkook had. He looked over at the younger male as he thought about it and saw him look slightly annoyed at the hand on Jimins shoulder. He felt slightly good over the fact that he was annoying him, and thought back once more at the first time that they'd met. Seeing Jungkook jealous wasn't something he usually saw and he wanted to savior the moment slightly longer. 
After a few minutes, they arrived t the meeting point and Jimin whistled when he saw the school buss. 
 "That's quite some... thing." He said and laughed. 
 "Hi, you must be Jimin!" J-Hope said and reached for his hand. They shook hands with each other and the rest of the boys appeared from inside the buss and presented themselves. When they all were done, Jimin went inside the vehicle and placed his things on one of the empty seats. 
 "Okay, so V's pretty much wanted as a criminal right now since he's the son of one of the leaders over the rebellion. And even though they won't find him involved with anything, him deserting his service isn't going to help us legally even if they don't send out a search party for him, which they probably will. He'll probably be accused of being a threat to the peace and anyone associated with him will be suspected too." Jimin and surprised everyone by how he analyzed the situation. 
 "How did you know he was the son?" Jungkook asked slightly suspicious since they hadn't told anyone except Rap Monster and J-Hope who already knew about his dad being the leader, not only a member. 
 "Easy, the government wouldn't waste time hunting some ordinary person. V must therefore be special in a way, perhaps having a close relation with one of the leaders and you just confirmed my thoughts." Jimin said with a wry smile and Jin nodded impressed. 
 "Well conducted." He said and Jimin smiled wide. They all exited the buss and V told him their plans. 
 "We're going to the second province tomorrow. The place is governed by various gangs, but as long as we're careful and don't draw any unnecessary attention to us, they'll leave us alone." He said and Jimin nodded understanding. They walked towards the camp that they had set up next to a dried up swimming pool and Jungkook immediately began climbing down the latter to the pools floor. Their resting place was inside a storage room for the pool equipment and the outdoor pool must've recently been used by other people because there was a mattress on the bottom of the pool that wasn't too shabby. They had been reluctant to use the area first since it really was strange to find such an item outside and they were afraid that the area already was occupied. But after further inspection they realized that it wasn't and hurried to set up a camp. The boys all sat down on the king sized bedding and looked out over the area in front of them. 
 "If they already see us as criminals, we might just make the best of it." Suddenly said and surprised even himself as he continued.
 "We’re going to change this world, but we’re not going to do what my dad and the others did. We won’t take away people’s free will.” V said with confidence as he turned to Jungkook who sat next to him. "Everyone deserves freedom and the right to make mistakes and to follow their own dreams." He thought of what his dad had talked about before he died. "Are you guys with me?" He asked and was greeted by smiles and encouraging words from the boys. 
 "The world needs some rebels to make sure that the authorities doesn't get too full of themselves." Jungkook said with a slight frown on his face and V nodded.
 "Yes, as long as we're needed, we'll be here." J-Hope continued and Jimin agreed. 
 "Yeah! Bullets can't hurt us!" Rap Monster shouted with a cocky smile as he raised his hand for a high-five from V. They both laughed and the boys next to them did the same.
 "Yes, we are bulletproof. We are the bangtan boys." He continued with a smile and looked at the sun setting below the treetops. He still hadn't forgotten what cruel things the government did behind their subject's backs and though he didn't believe in revenge, the thought had crossed his mind. But those thoughts could wait until the morning. Because right now, he only wanted to sit and relax with the friends he never could've imagined having and holding hands with the wonderful boy next to him. Jeon Jungkook, who had stolen his heart and mind, making him desire more that life had to offer and motivated him to keep going, even as everyone seemed to abandon him. A stranger that he'd gotten to know who had turned into someone way more important.
(I just realized that I forgot to upload the chapter once more. hehe and oh god it's longer than I expected sorry for any spelling mistakes etc.)
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peggyw #1
Chapter 23: Engaging story! I like the ending, but an epilogue is always welcome!
kaisora #2
Chapter 23: finally..u manage to finish it author nim! i like the ending. dont need sad ending to make it epic..good ending always satisfied me. thank you for never give up write this wonderful story..fighting for your life and maybe for new story..
love, your reader..
omg.............finally update..

thank u love u
kaisora #4
Chapter 17: i do enjoy it!
fighting for next update..
Chapter 11: aki mushrooms
dramalad #6
Chapter 11: Plz update soon
Chapter 10: I wAS RIGHT

Chapter 9: This definately feels like another calm before the storm XD
ioanadsc27 #9
Chapter 8: This needs to be a book