Chapter 18

You don't know me anymore

✧༚ Chapter XVIII 


"Good job with the securing of the controller." Donna said as they returned and Jungkook smiled as he gave her the briefcase that they'd placed the said object in.
 "Thanks, though I'm not the only one who deserves all the credit." 
 "Really?" She asked and raised a brow.
 "Yeah, no one was actually guarding the item, but they'd hidden it quite good. I think whoever's leading them in there has gotten a bit over his head. Might have gotten a bit too cocky and counted with every one of his workers to be on his side. Anyone that had opposed him had apparently gotten locked up in a cell and were more than happy to tell me where their ex-leader placed his key to his safe in his office. They even caused a commotion so that the chief, if he even was in the room to begin with, came out of it so I could get the item." He explained and Donna smiled. 
 "It's great to know that there's still some resistance and people using their brains." She nodded pleased. "Thank you Jungkook, will you do the honor and open the briefcase?" She asked him and he answered with a short nod. He carefully opened the briefcase and took out what must've been a computer. Donna pressed her hand on the screen and a red warning window popped up when she did. With her hand still on the glass surface she turned to one of the technicians behind her. "Dohee?" She asked and the named person immediately brought forward a contact that she plugged into the computer and connected the other end in another computer. Her fingers flew over the signs displaced and she quickly wrote down a series of numbers. V looked amazed at her and then turned to Donna when the glass underneath her hand lit up green. A fiber thin hologram screen not much bigger than both of V's hands appeared and another technician turned to look at the screen next to Donna and then pressed something in the left corner and a globe bigger than a bathing ball replaced the thin screen and a 3D version of the earth slowly spun high enough for everyone to see.
V's stomach sank to the floor. All the red dots on the globe. Each one of them represented a cyborg, a person unable to make their own decisions. 
 "Those bastards." Donna mumbled between closed teeth. "Seems like they're using a transmitter and hijacking the built in computer to make the brain think that it need to produce more aggressive hormones. But since it's impossible to actually change anyone's thoughts, they probably have minions among the cyborgs to deceive them to attack the place they want to. This plan has so many holes that I'm really wondering how much they thought this through."
 "I do think that we should credit them in coming up with this idea. Their plan might be evil, but it's cleaver. Even if the plan has some bold choices, it's still a quite effective way to get a war started." A female researcher standing next to V said. 
 "We were lucky to have some professors here that spilled the plan so we could work more efficient before countries began to point fingers at each other." Illhwan said at his position next to Donna. 
 "Yes." She said and nodded agreeing. "Some countries have of course caused a huge commotion and the newspapers are not helping by writing false things about how there's spies everywhere and how America finally crossed the line etc." 
 "Why do people always blame America? We Koreans can be pretty ruthful too." J-Hope said jokingly and V smiled as he turned to his friend. 
 "Precisely what I was thinking." Rap monster said and raised his arms. "Have you seen these guns I mean?" He said jokingly earning a smile from Suga too. 
 "Yah! You must be blind." He said and sighed. "You're just terrible clumsy. I should know because I'm the one who's been cleaning up and fixing the some of the things that you've touched." 
 "Ouch! Sorry man," Rap Monster apologized. "We should play a round of armwrestling then and see who the strongest one is." He continued with a cocky smile but Suga just shook his head as answer. 
 "And be the one to fix more things that you'll break if we have a show off? I'd rather not." 
 "Burned." Jungkook said with a smile and turned to V. "I think Jimin would win over any of us if he was here." He continued. 
 "Unless you counted with Illhwan." V said. 
 "Unless you counted that boulder yeah." Jungkook said laughing. 
 "Exactly when did you guys stop listening?" Donna said behind V. He turned around surprised and was met by a slightly angry leader. "Like I said before, we're leaving in three days for the final device." V's skin prickled. It was almost over. The turned towards Jungkook with a slight worried smile. Jungkook took V's hand and pressed it gently. He knew too. V had gotten a rising suspicion that his dad was going to be at the last place. Him and the rest of the people with the answers to the questions that had started to trouble him. 


A/N: I was planing to update earlier but been without Wi-fi for so long that I forgot about it when I arrived home three days ago ^,^''' And as always, sorry for grammar etc. Anyways! Hope you're all having a great summer~

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peggyw #1
Chapter 23: Engaging story! I like the ending, but an epilogue is always welcome!
kaisora #2
Chapter 23: finally..u manage to finish it author nim! i like the ending. dont need sad ending to make it epic..good ending always satisfied me. thank you for never give up write this wonderful story..fighting for your life and maybe for new story..
love, your reader..
omg.............finally update..

thank u love u
kaisora #4
Chapter 17: i do enjoy it!
fighting for next update..
Chapter 11: aki mushrooms
dramalad #6
Chapter 11: Plz update soon
Chapter 10: I wAS RIGHT

Chapter 9: This definately feels like another calm before the storm XD
ioanadsc27 #9
Chapter 8: This needs to be a book