Chapter 12

You don't know me anymore
✧༚ Chapter XII 
”Taehyung.” V couldn't stop staring at the person in front of him. Part of his brain tried to remind him of Jungkook, while another part wouldn't shut up screaming about how his dad was standing right in front of him.

 ”Are you the one behind these cyborgs attacks?” He asked carefully, still not able to truly comprehend it. 

 ”Yes.” The man in front of him answered coldly. ”Taehyung, the day I vanished, I knew I had to do this. Even if it meant to leave you and my wife behind.” He said with a sad sigh. 

 ”I don’t know why you keep calling me Taehyung. My name is V, and my father died ages ago. You’re not him.” V said and took a step back. It’s a lie. You can’t trust him! He tried to tell himself, but the computer part knew that the person infront of him really was his dad. He hadn’t aged much at all and his facial features, scars, the birthmark on his left hand. It was all there.

 ”It is me. I know everything about you. How you always bite your nails when nervous or restless, how much you loved bubbles when you were smaller.” He said and showed him a wry smile. It was just like him. V felt tears build up, and his face heated with anger.

 ”If you really was him. You wouldn't have been manipulating people to do your bidding! To kill innocent people!” V shouted. ”This is wrong.”

"Do you know how many wars that's been upheld thanks to the cyborg attacks?" V’s dad asked and V got a lump in his throat. He shook his head. He didn't know. 

 "But you're taking away their free will. That's just plain wrong." V said and looked straight at the man that he once called dad.

  "Some times, you got to make decisions for people that can't do the right thing." He answered in a way that made V think back of how his dad always had spoken to him when he hadn't understood anything. With pity and a forgiving smile. V felt his cheeks heat. His dad turned around. Facing the blank wall in front of him.

 "Who said that your way is the right one though?" V said obstinate. "It's morally wrong to plant bugs into someone's brain and force them to do things against their will!" He continued and looked at his dad's back. 

"Don't you understand? You're only scratching the surface! Things that you might think is modern today, is already several years old to me." His dad said and waved with his hands frustrated. Eyes gleaming. "This is only the beginning." V swallowed a wave of uneasiness and turned around. He had to think of a way to talk him out of murdering more people.

 "Dad." He said after being quiet for some seconds. "This isn't right. For you alone to cause this much trouble is not good." He turned around. "How could you?" He asked disappointed. This person wasn't his dad. His dad that was killed in service, body never found. That left him and his mum alone. 

 "I'm not alone. I'm merely a piece in a bigger game." He patted V's shoulder and V felt a shock thru his spine. It felt just like old times. The only difference was the surroundings, and the fact that Jungkook was lying on the ground, not moving. "Son, we're a part of something big here. You just don't see how big it is." He said and smiled at V. "I know you'll understand in time." V let out a shaky sigh. He knew he wouldn't be able to talk this person out of this corruption. His dad had died to him when he went missing in the war. He could’ve looked for them any time, but V never even saw a glimpse of him. This was just a cheap copy of him. 

 "You don't know me anymore." V whispered only loud enough for his dad to hear. "I'm sorry." He then said as he threw a punch towards his dad's face. 

 "Taehyung, did you forget that I got selected to participate in the war for a reason." His dad said with smile that didn't feel fatherly at all. He held V's hand in a hard grip and V knew that if he hadn't punched with his left hand, his only hand made of flesh would have hurt a lot. His dad released his cyborg hand, with a snort. He seemed disappointed by the fact that V couldn't beat him. V's resolution washed of him as he saw his dad placing his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Don't worry about your friend. He's alright." He said assuring, but it didn’t stop the anger from bubbling up inside V. 

 ”Don’t touch him.” He said coldly. 

 ”Just stop it son. You’ll never beat me.” He said with a confident smile. V looked resigned down at Jungkook. I’m so sorry. He thought. If he just was stronger. 

 ”Together with us he’ll surely be able to stop you though.” V suddenly heard a voice to his left said. He saw J-Hope smiling next to Rap Monster, a blonde girl with a short ponytail and a buff looking guy with jet-black hair standing near the staircase. 

 ”You’re such an idiot sometimes…” The girl with the ponytail said. She couldn’t be more than a few years older than V, and the man next to her not more than 5 years older. Even though he looked much older with his broad shoulders and tall figure. 

 ”Hey! Alway’s make a flashy entrance.” He said as he ran towards V’s dad with a gun. 

 ”Give up.” The big man said and V thought he saw a glimpse of recognition in his fathers eyes, before it disappeared. 

 ”Looks like I’m outnumbered.” He said smiling and took a step back. Hands in the air. ”See you later, son.” He said smiling at V and before anyone of them got any time to react, he had pressed his bracelet and a loud alarm sounded thru the building. ”You too, Illhwan.” He said with a dark look at the young man that showed no sign of emotions. ”He then ran away, skilfully dodging the bullets J-Hope fired. Not that he needed much skill as J-Hope’s aim was plainly horrible. 

 ”Damn.” The girl swore under her breath and locked eyes with the one named Jamie. ”Why didn’t you stop him?” She asked and pointed at her bandaged arm. ”I can understand that Rap Mon didn’t shoot because he’s against violence and only followed to help breaking up the locks, that didn’t exist.” She said and shot fiery gaze at Illhwan that stood there without a word. She sighed when she realised that she wouldn’t get any answer. ”And you J-Hope.” She said with newfound anger. ”Where do I even…” She said depleted and turned around to look at J-Hope that now stod next to Jungkook. Then, as she suddenly remember where she was she turned to V. 

”Hi. We’re here to help.” She said simple. 


A/N: Updated as promised ^^ Yeah. It was way too few females in this story. Hope you liked the way it turned out c; Stay tuned for next chapter.

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peggyw #1
Chapter 23: Engaging story! I like the ending, but an epilogue is always welcome!
kaisora #2
Chapter 23: finally..u manage to finish it author nim! i like the ending. dont need sad ending to make it epic..good ending always satisfied me. thank you for never give up write this wonderful story..fighting for your life and maybe for new story..
love, your reader..
omg.............finally update..

thank u love u
kaisora #4
Chapter 17: i do enjoy it!
fighting for next update..
Chapter 11: aki mushrooms
dramalad #6
Chapter 11: Plz update soon
Chapter 10: I wAS RIGHT

Chapter 9: This definately feels like another calm before the storm XD
ioanadsc27 #9
Chapter 8: This needs to be a book