G-Dragon Meets My Parents.

[ONESHOT] Bringing Kwon Jiyong Home


Bringing Kwon Jiyong Home. | G-Dragon Meets My Parents
Every time the clock ticks, my heart beats faster. 
"Hey, I'm sure it's not that bad," Jiyong tried to assure me everything was alright, 
But knowing my parents, I highly doubt that.
"You don't know my parents." I mumbled softly, distracting myself with the farmiliar neighbourhood.
"Baby, I'm sure they're not that bad," Jiyong said gripping tigther onto my hand, before placing a kiss on my cheek.
"Ji." I stopped walking, stopping in front of the farmiliar house. Gulp.
"This is it?" Jiyong said taking off his shades.
"Y-yes." God, I couldn't even bear to talk anymore. The enviroment just got a lot more tense, "Maybe we should come anot-"
"Baby," Jiyong called out once more, before pulling me into a deep kiss. Surprising me, my eyes widened at his action before relaxing. 
Hey, it works. I'm rela-
I spoke too soon.
Jiyong and I broke off our kiss, and in come dad, with a baseball bat. BASEBALL BAT? 
"YAH. Who the hell are you?" Dad yelled at Jiyong, pushing him away from me. Jiyong fell on the floor, 
"Dad!" I managed to get a hold of Dad before he do anything violent with that baseball bat of his.
"Yoora, you can't just kiss some guy in front of our house, what will the neighbourhood think of you. Aigoo." Mum sighed while she shook her head.
"Are you alright?" I rushed towards Jiyong, helping him up, 
"I'm fine. Really," Jiyong got up and dusted himself, "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Choi, I'm Kwon Jiyong and I'm Choi Yoora's boyfriend."
Oh boy. The look on both mum and dad's face was unpleasant. Their eyes widened at him, then at me. 
"B-b-b-boyfriend?" Dad stuttered with his baseball bat pointing at Jiyong accusingly.
Jiyong gripped onto my hand as I nodded my head, too afraid to met my parent's eyes. "Hello," Jiyong waved at the end,
"YAH!" Dad lose it and threw the baseball bat at us, almost hitting us but missed. Fortunately. "We're older than you, don't say hello like we're your friends, you best be on your knees, boy." 
"I can't believe Yoora bought a punk home," Mum mumbled loud enough for us to hear.
"See, I told you." I whispered back at Jiyong.
And so, we ended in our old living room where Seunghyun and I used to get punished or questioned when we were young for doing something bad.
Weird enough, I feel like I was young and I did something bad again, as both Jiyong and I kneel before mum and dad. Oh god, this is going to be long,
"Are you an aelien or something?" Dad finally broke the silence and questioned Jiyong,
Aelien? I almost choked out a laughter, but I know better than to laugh in a situation like this.
"Sorry?" Jiyong was clearly taken aback by dad's question. 
"Why do you have such weird hair styles and why are your hair blond?" Dad pointed out, 
I knew Jiyong should have dyed his hair back to their original color or at least a more dull color, but no. Mum and dad just have to call for a meeting today.
"I-" Jiyong stopped and put on his thinking face, "It's for the new concept,"
"I think the blond hair looks beautiful. Should I dye mine too?" Mum asked dad with a gleeful smile.
But dad's glare gave mum a pretty straight forward answer. "I guess not..." Mum said frowning.
"Your mother," Dad shook his head and sighed.
"I think Jiyong-ie here is pretty handsome," Mum paid Jiyong a compliment and smiled at him gleely. Dad was glaring at mum then at Jiyong, an icy cold one. No ones like it when dad's jealous.
"Oh.." Mum saw dad's icy glare and turned away from staring at Jiyong. My Jiyong.
"What concept? You're korean and you should be proud to have black hair!" Dad is really what they called the old-fashioned uncle who lived under a rock or the other side of the mountain.
Wait till they see Seunghyun-oppa's new hair, they're going to have a heart attack. Speaking of Seunghyun-oppa, where is he? 
Or did mum and dad punish him already? Did they send him to the witch doctor for a soul cleansing?
"I'm sorry, Mr. Choi." Jiyong apologized bowing his hair. That's odd, he never apologize for making a right choice in fashion. That fashionista.
"And what's that?" Dad got up from his seats and pulled Jiyong's sleeves up, taking him by surprise.
Uh oh. His tattoo. 
"I think they look pretty, well what does it says?"Mum said again, her fingers reaching for Jiyong's arm.
"Mummmmm," I groaned and shut my eyes close, 
"Alright, alright. You didn't have to be so posessive like your dad here," Mum whispered the last few words.
"I meant, they're tattoo, sir." Jiyong repeated himself. 
"Aish, what is up with kids nowadays, ink on their body, they're absolutely ridiculous," Dad mumbled and nagged as he went back to his seat.
"Hey, I'm sorry Ji," I leaned in and whispered to him, before gripping onto his hands. But he gave me an another assuring smile,
"What do you do for a living, kid?" 
"I'm a rapper, sir. I'm in the same band as Seunghyun, "
I thought mum and dad were introduced to him and the other members back then?
"That stupid Big Bag?" I manage to hold to my laughter before earning a glare from mum.
"It's Big Bang, dad. His G-Dragon, the leader." As if dad knew who G-Dragon was, I rolled my eyes but I'm proud of Jiyong here.
"Ji-Dragon? What the hell is that? Who call themsevles Dragon?! Is this a joke?" Dad sighed, "And why do Seunghyun calls himself the MOP?!"
MOP? God, both Ji and I were dying from all of this. 
Dad just shook his head, "Why can't you guys just work as a clerk or a teacher or a doctor something? Kids nowadays, they all want to be idols," Dad rubbed his imaginary tears away with his sleeves.
"Honey," Mum patted dad's back dramatically, "It's okay,"
"I can't believe our daughter, our princess. Is dating some punk- idol, it's just..." Dad was sobbed. "She's going to get married to him one day and she's going to forget us and we're going to be in the old folk's home and.." Dad was getting overly dramatic.
Wait. This is. I. What. Married?
"I'm home!" It was Seunghyun-oppa. He entered to our room and found us and mum and dad's gaze turned to him. "Oh ." He mouthed.
"OH MY GOD," Mum gasped as she shot up from her seat. "SEUNGHYUN.WHAT IN THE WORLD,"
Dad was speechless but his face tells us all. He do not approve, he stared at oppa's hair as if it was the most terrifying thing he has ever seen.
I was right. Seunghyun was giving both mum and dad a heart attack alright. His hair was dyed to platinum blonde or more of white? (A/N You know from his HIGH HIGH area and Ji is still having his blonde in this story)
"I'm sorry Jiyong, this is my family." I turned towards Jiyong, who was smiling so sweetly at me.
"It's okay baby, instead. Mr. and Mrs. Choi," Jiyong announced, clearing his throat and taking a hold of my hand,"I'd like to ask for blessing from the both of you for Yoora's hand in marriage." 
"WHAT?!" We all said in unison, even me and even Seunghyun's oppa eyes widened before giving him a thumbs up.
Jiyong's unexpected 'proposal' gave us a heart attack, in mum and dad's case it was a tsunami or end of the world. As I was their one and only daughter or what they like to say, Princess.
"We're going to the witch-doctor from the other neighbourhood for a soul cleansing." Dad announced.
I'm sorry if it's not well written. But it's just a light comedy hehehehe.
I'm still debating whether or not to continue it :D 
Feel free to load me with your love and comments  :3
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Chapter 1: damn this is so hilarious! you should continue it I wanna see what Papa Choi does to Ji-Dragon and Mop haha!
Hahahhahaha!!! Big bag?! Mop?! Absolutely hilarious!! XD
Conitnue! I'll definitely read it! XD
Iheartlife #3
OH MY GOSH! that was hilarious!!!!
LOL, I STARTED LAUGHING MY OFF AT THE "And why does Seunghyun call himself the MOP?" xDDDDD
you should keep updating.<br />
Sounds really good!