Chapter one

Hold, release, rakshasa and carcasses

flowing, floating, swaying......

 I found myself that I was riding in a small-sized boat enough for only one person, floating in a dark, gloomy river. I think about an hour passed. Among in the darkness, a person wearing a funny mask led his hand. I grabbed his hand. It was cold. When I stood up, my hands were tied with a thin strings. And at the ends of these strings, numerous, colorful butterflies were tied. The man with a funny mask told me it was my memories. He also said it is up to my decision to abandon it or not. But I did not feel like abandoning something, so I went with it. We walked the dark, grey-colored road. The man in funny mask was very quiet. As if he was already dead one. He even did not answer when I asked for his name.

 Click..... Click...... Click......

The only sound I heard was the our footsteps. About an few hours passed. We faced a huge, crowded place. It looked like a old market, very colorful. Every person laughed till their heart's content. Children's ran around, playing some kind of game. The person in a funny mask leaved me here, going back to his place. I ran around, in joy. This place is so wonderful! After few minute, maybe thirty minute. Everyone started to go somewhere. I followed them. And then, we faced huge, red, woody door. The crowd entered the door, and I also tried to enter one. But a guard, with a paper covering his face, blocked me from entering the door. I asked, "can't I enter this door?", but the guard told me that I was too heavy to enter this door. 

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