Honors Biology

Calc BC

It was finally second semester of freshman year. I have been dreading this period all day because my schedule transferred me out of 5th period and now I am in 4th period. No one had 4th with me and I was scared of being a loner. 

Once I walked into the room, everyone was standing to the side. I proceeded to stand with them but I had made eye contact with Brian. I panicked and kind of shifted away. Oh gosh, I am so awkward. The teacher finally walked into the room and told us our seating assignemnts. I was praying in the back of mind that I would not sit next to Brian but then....

"Tiffany, next to Brian."

What?! Was my crush on him this obvious?? Even the biology teacher could see it? What was she trying to do?! This is torture.

"Okay." was my response to the teacher.

I slowly walked into the center of the room and sat next to him. The sad thing was that we shared the same table.

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