Sweet Pain...?

Sweet Pain...?

Sweet Pain…?


Kim Junsu, angelic singer of JYJ and TVXQ, a talented musical actor, loves to play games, soccer, sing, and dance, is a rich young man. He drives a sports car, and lives in a luxurious apartment on the top floor of a highly secured building. The hall outside his apartment had floors of marble, and walls of polished wood. His door to the house is polished in the same noble style, and has a handle of pure silver below the high-tech passcode entry lock. That same noble door is currently being punched mercilessly by a raging magnae. 


“Junsu! Come out of that large house of yours right now or I swear I will break this door down!” Changmin’s infamous scream echoed throughout the hall. Luckily, this floor only has two houses, and the other home’s resident is currently out of the country.


“Kim Junsu!” Yunho leaned against the wall behind Changmin, sighed and shook his head. The voice definitely has reached the younger male currently hiding in the room, curling up in some corner fearfully. His phone vibrated in his jeans pocket and he opened it to see a message from his lover. 


From Your Jaejoongie <3

Chunnie said Su’s passcode is 682151.

His brother set it up for him.

You two gonna be okay with Suie?

Should me and Chun come over?


‘His birthday reversed, smart.’ Yunho thought as he typed in a reply quickly, the loud banging starting to hurt his head. 


From Your Yunho ^^

Thanx baby. 

We will be fine, text you later, alright?

Love you <3


“Duckbutt! Stupid Dolphin! Ok, I’m gonna—” The leader pulled Changmin back by the shoulders before the youngest’s fierce kick landed on the poor wood. 


“Min-ah, I got the password.” The magnae stepped back immediately to let his hyung input the code. The door beeped quietly and the lock was undone. 


“Changdolah!” Changmin pushed open the door and barged into the living area after kicking his sneakers off in neck breaking speed. The dolphin was found by sharp eyes within seconds, curled up hiding behind the couch, hugging onto his cats. 


“Changmin-ah…” The brunette squeaked urgently. The tall male stomped over and pulled Junsu up by his arm roughly. “You are not running away from this! Let’s go!” 


The whimpering owner of the luxurious house was dragged to the doorstep, where Yunho stood waiting. “Hurry up! Or we will be late for our appointment!”


Incoherent complains were heard from the musical artist as he grudgingly pulled on his sneakers. ‘Chunnie must have told them my password! I hate you Chunnie! Stupid forehead! T.T’




“Minnie~ no~ I’m scared!” Junsu was still trying to fight against his fate, legs dragging across the floor, arm yanked by the taller male. Yunho walked in front of the duo, confident and peaceful. 


“I am scared too! That’s why you are here!” Changmin barked back at his hyung. The dolphin sobbed helplessly. 


“You have Yunho-hyung!”


The mentioned leader talked to the reception lady and she slid out from behind the counter. “This way, please. We reserved the V.I.P room for you.”


The magnae’s grip tightened around Junsu’s wrist. “Yunho-hyung is not scared, and definitely would not scream, or cry because of this! So I need you to do that with me!” 


They were getting closer and closer to hell’s gate and Junsu’s wailing doubled in volume, “No~! Changmin-ah! Why are you doing this to your precious hyung?!”


“Shut up, Junsu! Would you rather have your dear Yoochun to drag you here?” His tone was snarky, shivering ever so slightly in nervousness. 


“Chunnie wouldn’t drag me here!”


“You’re right, he would’ve knocked you out and carried you instead.” 


The group arrived at the black wooden door at the end of the corridor. The lady opened the door and stepped aside for the three to enter. Yunho bowed in gratitude and walked in, followed by a hunter and his poor duck prey. 


“The artist would be here in a minute.” The lady said kindly before closing the door behind them.

The sound of closing doors sounded horrific to Junsu and he wanted nothing more than to bail. 


“Give up already, Junsu! This was a promise remember?!” The duck melted to the cold marbled floor at the mention of ‘promise’, dread drowning him beneath deep oceans. 


Yunho sat down near the wall and picked up a newspaper on the table to read. Changmin however, was not so calm. Although not as in dismay as Junsu, he was nervous. He looked at the stretched black chair at the centre of the room, all sorts of equipments surrounding the chair, and involuntarily, a shiver ran up his spine. He gulped, and turned to his hyung for assurance.


Yunho motioned with his beautiful fingers for Changmin to go over, in which the magnae obediently followed. The leader tugged Changmin to sit down beside him and ruffled his caramel hair affectionately, “It will not hurt that much, I promise.” 


Seeing this, Junsu quickly dashed to throw himself over Yunho’s thighs, head nudging against the older’s stomach for comfort. The leader chuckled and ruffled Junsu’s head too. 


The black door opened and a woman in early thirties dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt, with a wide expanse of tattoo on her exposed arm, walked in followed by the lady at the reception. “Hello, I’m Narsha, your tattoo artist for today!” 


The reception lady put down a tray of drinks and snacks before bowing politely and left the room. Narsha walked over to shake each of their hands. “So, who’s first?” 


Changmin and Junsu shook their head frantically, not fully prepared for the upcoming. The leader sighed and stood up, “I will do it first.”  


“Alright, Yunho-shi. Where would you like it?” The two walked over to the leather chair. The leader stripped off his shirt to reveal his masculine body before lying down on the chair. He pulled his pants down slightly, and pointed at his left lower abdomen, above his hip bone. “Here please.” 


“Okay! So the one as discussed! Now, just sit back and relax!” Narsha chirped and washed her hands, put on a set of gloves, and then began shaving and cleaning the pointed area. She drew a draft onto the skin in black marker and held up a mirror for Yunho to see. The leader nodded in consent and she moved about to prepare the tattoo machine. The scared couple sat quietly in their chairs, hugging onto each other and stared at the two in the centre of the room. 


Minsu watched in horror as Yunho relaxed fully against the chair and Narsha raised the tattoo gun to begin her work. The pretty face of Narsha and the tattoo gun, along with the sound of it working all terrified the duo to no ends. To their eyes, their hyung was being murdered by a female chainsaw killer!


The two jumped at a sudden vibration coming from within Junsu’s pocket. The duck pulled the device out and saw a message from Yoochun.


From Chunnie <3

You alright, baby? 

Yunho-hyung would be fine for sure.

How is Changmin doing?


The duck’s eyes widened as if he saw his savior. Fingers dashed hurriedly across the screen.


From Junsu Babe~

I’m not okay!!!

Yunho-hyung is having the tattoo right now, and it sounds so scary!

Minnie is scared too!

Chunnie~ TAT


A reply came almost instantly after the message was sent.


From Chunnie <3

Hahahaha, it’s gonna be fine, baby.

It is not that all painful, only during the process I guess?

And about for a week while the tattoo is still fresh?


Junsu sniffed as tears began pooling in his eyes. ‘How did Jaejoong-hyung manage to get soooooo many tattoos?! I already don’t understand all the piercings, but the tattoos seem much worse!’


From Junsu Babe~

That sounds really painful already!

I’m scared!

What if the needle gets stuck?

What if I bleed so much I die?

What if- what if-


The dolphin hugged onto Changmin’s arm tightly. The magnae’s large orbs kept lock onto Junsu’s phone screen, not wavering from the dolphin’s tugging and squeezing. 


From Chunnie <3

Shhhhh, Su, I promise you,

Those horrifying things will not happen.

I am sure of it. 


“Okay, all done!” The voice snapped Junsu and Changmin out of the conversation between YooSu.

“So take care of the wound and try not to get it wet or too exposed under the sun before it is fully healed. The lady outside would give you the full instruction set.” 


Narsha cleaned the newly inked area and bandaged it carefully. 


“Thank you!” Yunho bowed briefly and carefully pulled on his shirt. 


“Who’s next?”


The duo shivered and hugged each other. The leader stood in front of them and ruffled Changmin’s hair in encouragement. He understood that Junsu probably needed some more time to build up the courage, and although Changmin is the magnae, he would need to step up before his scaredy duck hyung. 


Inhaling deeply in preparation, Changmin stood up and walked over to the chair, hand holding tight to Yunho’s. He let go briefly to take off his shirt and point at his inner arm, below his strong biceps. 


“Okay! That area is not going to hurt so much, don’t worry!”


‘How could she still be so cheerful when we are suffering?!” The two youngest hollered in their minds simultaneously.


Taking another large breath, Changmin slid onto the chair, slammed his eyes shut, and tried to relax as much as he could, left arm outstretched for the tattoo artist, right hand clasping tight with the leader’s. 


More scared than ever as he watched the artist go through the necessary procedures before raising the needle, Junsu fidgeted and decided that he needs to distract himself, by texting Yoochun.


From Junsu Babe~

Chunnie! It’s Minnie’s turn now!

Oh my god sun! I’m next!

Wait no I’m supposed to distract myself!

This is not helping!

Yoochun!! Distract me!!


Fortunately, Yoochun’s reply came quickly, and blocked Junsu from hearing the magnae’s weak groans. 


From Chunnie <3

Chillax~ Okay I will distract you. 

What is my favorite wearing today?


From Junsu Babe~


I’m wearing a plain blue shirt, black jeans, and black jacket.

Oh and white sneakers!


From Chunnie <3

No… what is my favorite wearing?


From Junsu Babe~

But Chunnie, I just told you.


From Chunnie <3

What about your underwear?


From Junsu Babe~


I’m wearing a grey boxer briefs.


From Chunnie <3

Oooh… y.


The musical singer blushed, cheeks heating up rapidly at Yoochun’s teasing. He feels much more at ease now, distracted from what else is happening inside the room he is currently sitting in. Bringing the cup of orange juice to his mouth to chill the crimson burning up his neck, his other hand typed a reply.


From Junsu Babe~

Wait, what? Hey!!!

Chunnie!!! >/////<


From Chunnie <3

Yes, baby?


From Junsu Babe~

You are so erted!!


From Chunnie <3

No, I just really like your large ;)


Junsu felt like strangling his best friend. He loves Yoochun very dearly, but he also feels like killing him every other moment. ‘He always teases me!’ 


From Junsu Babe~


At least it’s not as large as your forehead!


Satisfied at his reply, he almost dropped his phone when the artist called, “You’re last, Junsu-shi! Please come on over!” 


He lifted his head to see the magnae standing in front of him, Yunho and Narsha standing next to the leather chair. Before Junsu was able to whine in fear, Changmin had grasped onto his arm, pulled him to the chair, stripped him of his shirt, and pushed him to lie down on his stomach on the chair. The fluent movements were done within seconds, well practiced and very worth of applauses. “He had told me before he wanted it at the back of his right shoulder.”


“Is that right, Junsu-shi?” Narsha moved to clean the said area. With his body pressed down by an evil magnae, Junsu could hardly move, much less run.


“Yes, but—”


“Okay then~ Let’s get started!” A marker was raised to draw the draft, and the dolphin squirmed helplessly. 


“Changmin-ah, Changmin-ah! I promise I won’t run, could you be lighter? You’re hurting me!”


The magnae raised his eyebrow at his hyung, and he lifted himself slightly off Junsu’s body. Widening his eyes in hope, Changmin cooed, “Here, better? But I’m not gonna stop holding you down. You will run for sure.”


Cute dolphin kicked his feet and squealed incoherently, earning a loud smack on his round by the leader. Pink lips pouted as fear again began building at the sight of Narsha cleaning the tattoo machine. 


“Changmin-ah! It doesn’t hurt that much right? Right?” Misty almond eyes met dark orbs. 


“It is fine, Su-hyung. It’s not that bad.” Yunho smirked at the response. Who was just grasping onto his hand and groaning in pain a few minutes ago?


Leaving the two youngest, he picked out his phone and stepped aside to call his adorable lover.


The phone rang twice before a melodious voice greeted him.




“Hey, Joongie.”


“Ah, Yoochun says hi. How are things going? Are the two okay?”


“Tell him I ‘hi’ him back. Yeah, Changmin and I finished, it’s just Junsu left.”


“Will he be okay? Its Su! I’m worried…”


“Don’t worry Jaejoongie…”


“Ahhhhhh!!!! It hurts!!!!” Junsu’s dolphin scream blasted from his squirming body. Changmin added pressure into his arms to press his hyung down. “Stop moving Junsu-hyung! Or it will hurt worse!”


“Was that Su?! Is he bleeding?! Is he dying?! Is the artist killing him?!” Jaejoong’s voice was laced with anxiety, and in the background, Yoochun’s wicked laughter could be heard. Yunho rolled his eyes heavenwards at the two drama queens, the squealing duck and his diva other half. Jaejoong had gone through this tattoo process more than enough to know the artists don’t have a part-time as a murderer. Well, at least this one doesn’t. 


Voice calm, the leader replied,


“No baby, that was just the television playing ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’.”






A year later, the Five Gods of the East stood atop the stage in the Nissan stadium of Tokyo, hands linked tightly together. They had released their comeback album, both Korean and then Japanese, around eleven months ago. And then since then toured around the world; started off at Korean National Stadium of Seoul, down to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, then Australia, over to Europe Germany, France, Spain, England, and across the Atlantic to United States New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, then up to Canada Vancouver, and down to Chile, Peru, Brazil, then back to Asia Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, around the five domes of Japan, and finally ending in Nissan Stadium. 


Today is their last day of their three-days Nissan Stadium concert, and marked the ending of their year long world tour. Last time there were only two members atop this stage, cheered by 70 thousand fans. Emotions rushed up their body, eyes twinkled with tears. The five were stripped of their top, only in jeans, hands linked. Their raised their arms together and bowed.


On each of their wrists a red band, on two of the members’ ring finger a diamond promise, and on each of their bodies an engraved writing.


Always Keep the Faith

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Chapter 1: i wish i could see them reunite too! omg!
Justanotherlover #2
Chapter 1: Awwww... I hope this dream comes true.....
Love it so much!!! Thx author ssi.. ;))
Lia00027 #3
Chapter 1: It's hillarious AKTF.
Chapter 1: TT____TT magic spell for cassie is indeed "always keep the faith". thank you author-nim for writing such a beautiful and fun story. *3*
Chapter 1: The perfect ending for the Five God of the East.
Always Keep the Faith. Never falter coz we have a reason to wait.
jewelnfishy #6
Chapter 1: I hope the perfect ending will come true some day.... AKTF...
bluejay99 #7
Chapter 1: Perfect ending!!!!!
You should most definitely write chaptered fics....I simply love ur one shots!!!
Neng2ovid #8
Chapter 1: Nice story. Thanks for writing.
Chapter 1: awww... this made me cry :´(