Of unexpected events


Excuse my terrible lack of talent when it comes to humour but, if one would say that tea is not really Kyungsoo's cup of tea,  one would be more than right. 

The poor boy downright hates the beverage. Even if you add sugar which,  mind you,  is a stupid thing to do from his point of view it will still leave a metallic taste in your mouth for at least a couple of hours and will make your stomach feel weird. 

So what,  you may ask me,  was said boy doing at Infinitea,  the most in trend place when it comes to tea fanatics if he couldn't even look at the drinks they served without wanting to puke. 

Well,  let me make some light on this matter for you. 

Today was officially the end of Chanyeol's first month as an employee at Infinitea. Who was he?  The seventeen something years old with elvish ears, beagle like eyes, toothy grin and as tall as the Empire State Building was no other than Kyungsoo's best friend since kindergarten,  side kick extraordinaire and bodyguard more often than not- because the doe eyed boy's non existent mouth to brain filter made him have conflicts with both the student council and the basketball team on several occasions making Chanyeol have his guard up all of the time.  Also,  another thing that has to be mentioned when one talks about said side kick extraordinaire ( he invented the name himself somewhere during the third grade)  is that he is Kyungsoo's love interest for at least four years. 

This being said you now understand why poor Do Kyungsoo was at the tea house despite resenting the place so much. He didn't have masochistic tendencies as one could think without knowing his story, he was just in love... And love makes you do stupid thinks just to see your loved one happy. 

" What do you think about the tea?  Is it any good? They finally allowed me to make it. " said an overexcited Chanyeol.  

"It's ... amazing, Channie. It really is."

No, it was horrible and he felt like throwing up , but how could he tell that to Chanyeol when the other seemed so happy about finally being allowed to do this? Also he was so good looking in that white dress shirt and those skinny jeans that hugged his honey tights so nicely that Kyungsoo felt like he had to endure the torture of drinking tea as some sort of punishment for having certain ...dark...thoughts about him.

" Kyung, why are you so pale? You scare me! Are you sick?"

" No need to worry. I am just kind of stressed at the moment ." he responded , deciding to forget the part of the phrase that included some references regarding " that poison that was made in hell by Satan himself especially to make me feel like dying. ..but it's okay because you look so very nice today and your laugh makes my heart do back flips and is this a new perfume because you never smelt like this before...not that I usually smell you or something but it's nice and you should use it more often."

All of a sudden Chanyeol started laughing and Kyungsoo felt lost and confused .

" What's so funny?"

" If you hated tea that much you should have told me. I would never make you drink something you clearly hate."

" But I don't..well how did you ..."

But in that instance Do Kyunsoo realized : his non existent brain to mouth filter acted again so, despite wanting to keep certain things secret, he ended up revealing his thoughts. And then..another thing downed upon him.

 " Wait a minute. From all the things I ranted about this was the only thing that you get?"

" Of course...I already know the other ones. I like you too Kyungy...actually I kind of liked you for some time now..too bad you are so dense." 


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