The Real Thing


"Do not judge the book by its name. :)"

The story was entitled "The Real Thing" because of Melody Kaize, a freshman student who always compare anime life than that of her. She will take her journey of life to be a hundred percent of of herself. She knows a bit of a lot of things. She'll realize she can do better than that and was so lucky was she to have her friends and her family through time and experience.

In school, she was so nice and friendly. However, she declared herself a pretty rebellious one at home because of the feeling of being degraded, imprisoned, and unfairly treated since childhood. With Luke Makitashi, a silent type and loner, but turned out to be her lover, they'll learn that they're not alone in this world. Yes, with different situation but with similar feelings. Kyla Yamamoto and Saichie Fillia will help her realize another part of her life was still undiscovered. Through her friends, she'll learn to understand the essence of responsibility in the family... making the full of herself.


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