Prologue: Shoebox

That Spring, That Flower That Grows


            The human heart is like a shoebox where you hide all your precious memories. Unfortunately, sometimes you just forget the things you keep there. I was 14 when I had these precious friends and I had forgotten them for decades. However, I’m glad my hand was able to reach deep inside my shoebox, and so now I enjoy my time with them. It all came to pass when I took a trip down memory lane…

            I had just quit my job after years of constant insults and abuse at the hands of my boss, Jei Wai Pi, when I sat home watching Power Rangers, wondering “What’s next?”  Wanting someone to hear my complaint, I called Eric (my brother in-law who’s married to my sister), asking if he, working for NASA, had invented a time-machine yet.

 “Okay, let’s say I work for NASA, tell me, how does that equal time-machine for you?”

“I dunno time-space continuum?”

 “Seriously? You’re 40, not 14! Go forwards in life, not backwards! But, yes I have just finished an experimental time-traveling device; want to test it?”

I hung up the phone and immediately left for Eric’s.

            After an exhausting flight I met Eric at his home, who questioned my sanity after I told him, “I quit everything in life, now where’s my time-machine?”

Nevertheless, Eric stayed true to his word and handed me a device that resembled a morpher from Power Rangers; “Budget cuts” he reasoned.

“You won’t be able to come back once you use it. And you will replace your past self, so be careful with your words and actions.”

“I’m fine with it. I’ve been dwelling in the past for so long… Why not make it my home?”

He then gave me a shot with the excuse, “It’s a flu shot. It does not take a rocket scientist to know prevention is the best medicine” I found it odd though, it was still summer.

“I recalled how I had three close friends in the past, but I cannot remember their faces or even their names. Despite that, I remember defining ‘youth’ with them. Can I go back to those moments?”

“Sure, just push the red button on the toy when you are ready.” he answered with a sly smile.


“Just shut up and do it. You complain too much. No wonder you were fired…”

“Hey, watch it! I wasn’t fired, I quit!”

Then I shut my eyes and pushed the button after taking a deep breath.

            When I lifted my eyes, I found myself in a classroom with class in session. It took me awhile, but I remembered it was my class when I was 17. I bolted out of the classroom and headed for the restroom that I may confirm my thoughts. I stared at the mirror and was amazed; Eric’s device had functioned.  I had returned to the days of my youth. The bell then rang and I stepped outside the restroom. I would then encounter a group of 3 handsome boys that would cause me to wonder, “Bullies?”

            One who was wearing a red cap with the word “Wang” on it, and who was of a muscular build asked “Bam-Bam, so it’s true? You ain’t feeling so well? I heard you just ran out of class. And now you’re here in the restroom. You had the runs?”

            Then another who had eyes deeper than the ocean gazed at me. He came near me and placed his hand on my forehead.

“It doesn’t seem like a fever. Temporary amnesia? Is that why you don’t seem to recognize us?” he said as he stepped away.

            The third amongst them patted my head in a comforting manner. He smiled and looked at me with the warmth of a father as towards his only son.

Why were their faces unrecognizable? Why were they calling me by my old nickname, Bam-Bam? My heart and head began to pound. Then it hit me and a lone tear ran down my cheeks as I remembered: they were my friends of old.

“Jackson, wild and passionate; Mark with shining stars for eyes; JB with a grand smile, bigger than the arc in the sky, how could I forget you guys?” I cried out.

“I knew he was faking; probably tired from my birthday party last night. He just wanted to ditch! Or is it the hormones? Puberty?” chuckled out JB, he who patted my head.

We ditched the rest of the day there, in the restroom.

Mark was entranced playing Poketmonsters Green. I loomed over his shoulders; “Wanna play” he asked.

 “Nah, I already beat it years ago, and Gold, and Ruby, and Pearl, and all those other ones.

 His jaw dropped, “Bam-Bam, years ago? Shut up, my dad just bought it for me yesterday, at its release date. And I doubt there will be any sequels; my dad said it wasn’t selling well.”

The next day would be a Saturday and Mark had driven us to the beach.

“I remember this day. Jackson, do not get near that blonde girl; she has a boyfriend bigger than you. Marc, do not swim after eating ice cream; you’ll get stomach cramps. JB, please watch over them, and don’t forget to use sunscreen.” I warned them sternly.

Sadly, they ignored me and did not listen: Jackson begged the blonde’s lover for mercy; Mark almost drowned in the water; JB fell asleep on the beach and got a horrible sun-burn. Me? I had the time of my life laughing at them.

A week passed from that day on the beach, and we celebrated Mark’s birthday at his house. He suggested we go see a movie afterwards, and he gave me the keys to his car. I drove!

Then my joy would slip from between my fingers as the car went against a tree. My eyes darkened as I remembered the reason their faces were forgotten by me: My subconscious buried them along with my grief, anger, and feelings of guilt.

“Had enough, Bam-Bam?” asked a familiar voice.

 I opened my eyes, saw Eric and remained confused at the situation. Eric would afterwards explain how there was no time machine, and how that “flu shot” was a special concoction created by him to interrogate terrorists by diving into their memories. Turns out he works for the CIA, not NASA. It was a necessary experience though, prior to that, my dreams was like the chaff in the wind.

 I would then seek JB, Jackson and Mark, desperate to know what became of them. I found them alive, but was dumbfounded as to why they did not seek me first. It was with bittersweet tears and laughter that we welcomed each other with an embrace.

“After the crash, for fear of you being consumed by smoldering emotions, we decided it best to not see you again.” said Mark.

“Wow, boy were you guys ever wrong… Dude, in those years I spent without y’all, I was so empty. I barely remember being in the hospital after the accident! Man, you guys shoulda been there for me, and well, just be there!”

“Oh well, youth is just half the battle of life, why not fight the rest of this life together again?” remarked Jackson.

“Yeah, keep your head up to the sky, my man!” said JB, “How’d you remember though?”

“Uhmmmm, long story…”

Now, my life’s canvas is painted with the colors of hope, laughter, and love. Once again, like the in the days of old, I’m even thankful for breathing. Though my face is still wrinkled, my heart is forever young … If only I could persuade my old boss to give me my job back…

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Korean_Mafia #1
ayyy lmaoo
BlayBrave #2
When you gonna update?????? Whose gonna be the next cameo?!!! I'm excited, please update soon!!!!!!