The Journal

The Journal

As long as Jiyeon could remember, she tried to commit suicide.  She’d attempted a lot of suicides already.  And there was always this one guy who helped her and tried to help her.  But she never knew that he liked her.  Then one day, she ran away from home and the only person who cared about her was him.  Ever since then, this guy meant something to her.  But then he has to move away.  Just at that moment when she starts to notice that he liked her.  When he moved away, she was very depressed and didn’t want to live.


She hated life, she hated everything.  Everything was not fair to her.  Everything was plain evil to her.  Her parents didn’t love her, her siblings think she’s crazy, which she is kind of crazy, everybody thinks that she is stupid and weird.  She tried to be friends with others, but no one seems to care and didn’t want to be her friends.


She met the guy when she was in middle school.  He saw her the first time and fell in love.  He didn’t know all the troubles until he became friends with her.  Ever since then, he started to like her. But she didn’t know until the day that he moved.


At the age of 16, her parents sent her to live with on her own because they didn’t want to lose face.  And to let others know that they had a child of disability; a mental illness and crazy daughter who commits suicide several times.


At her new house, she become friends with those that are just like her and understands her.  She had two friends that are disability and tried to commit suicide and everybody thinks they’re crazy and parents who sent them away because they didn’t want to lose face.


This made 3 girls mad.  So they set up a goal.  A goal to keep forever.  A goal that they want to achieve more than ever.  Ever since then they all share their feelings and everything else.  They all live next door.  Jiyeon, whose disability was paralysis in the leg, can’t really talk and a stutter problem.  Jieun, the friend, whose disability, was right arm paralysis.  Luna, the friend, whose disability was having a dislocated arm.  Her arm was kind of twisted and she can’t really talk.


Their goal in life now was to get better and never ever let others put their face down and that they would be more successful than those who looked down on them.


Four years later and they had achieved their goal.  They all completed high school and they all became normal like every other people.  And now the guys that teased them want them as girlfriends and the girls that teased them envy them all.  They all felt satisfied but then the dude that liked Jiyeon came back from his move away to visit his old house.  He even had a girlfriend now and his girlfriend came along with him.


The girls were out having fun when they bumped into the dude and his girlfriend.  Jiyeon recognized him but he didn’t recognize her.  And when she saw his girlfriend, she felt a pain went through her chest that made her almost couldn’t breathe.


“Oh, I’m so sorry miss.  Are you ok?”


“Yeah, I’m ok,” Jiyeon told.


“Are you ok, Jiyeon?”


“Yeah, I’m ok.  Let’s go before the bus came.”




And they left.


“Jiyeon? That name reminds me of the name I used to call this one girl,” he told himself.


“Are you ok?”


“Yeah.  We should get going.  My grandma’s probably worrying about us now.”




So, they also left.


At Jiyeon’s home, she cried and cried and cried.  She couldn’t believe that she would meet him again and this time seen him with a girl in his arms.


There was a knock came from the door.  Jiyeon went to open the door.  And it was him!


“Jiyeon? Is it you?  Your mom told me that she took you here and that you live here now.”


“I’m sorry but you got the wrong person,” she said closing the door.

He caught the door.  “Whatever.  I know it’s you.  I remember how you cry.”


“I say you got the wrong g person.”


He came and hugged her.  “I know you miss me.  I missed you too.  Just to let you know, I already went and begged your mom if I could marry you.  It seems like she doesn’t know that you’re all better now.  But that’s good.  Or else she’s going to find you a husband.”


“What about your girlfriend?”


“I already broke it off.”


Jiyeon was so happy.  So later on she got married to him.  She didn’t know that it was a set up.  Because he just wanted her money because his parents are in big debts now.  His mother told him to stop but he doesn’t care.  As months goes by, he’s been taking her money and been beating her up.  And he’s been dating these girls.  He didn’t want to do it but he’s doing it for his parents.  One day, Jiyeon found out.  She was so upset.  Upset that the guy that she loved would do that to her.  The three girls also made a curse.  A curse that says, ‘if ever the one you love had used you for something, you should then make them become a disability person for the disgrace of what they’ve done and make them feel the pain that they’ve been through.  If you can’t do that, you must kill yourself.


This was the rule that she stated and she must obey her own law.  She tries to make him to become a disability person.  She had so much on her chest that she didn’t want to tell anybody.  Not even to her two best friends.


The day had come and Jiyeon has to decide.  She either dies or makes her husband disable.  She didn’t know what to do.  She had so much on her sleeve and no one to help.  Lee Joon, the husband, notices that she been weird lately.  But he didn’t care.  He thought it was to just get his attention.


Jiyeon had decided.  She wrote a note to him and left it on his desk.  That was the night that Lee Joon gone out with his girlfriends and didn’t come home until midnight.  When he came home he was drunk.  He didn’t see her in the house and was pest because she didn’t cook him anything.  He didn’t see the note on his desk.  So, he just went to bed.


“If he sees the note and come rescue me, I shall live.  Even if he yelled at me or cursed at me, I will be happy that he came to rescue me.  That will show me that inside him he still cares for me.” That was what she wrote on her journal.  “At least I know how he felt for me when he first saw me.  Even though now if he uses me for my money, I’m proud that he’s doing it for a good reason and not for a bad one.  I am happy to die then to let him face the pain that I’ve been through for the last five years.  I know how it felt to be disabled and to have a feeling that everybody hates me.  At least I know that inside of him, he still cares.  I know that he tries to hide his journal away from me, but I’ve found it while cleaning his room.  I hope he’s not mad at me.  In there, he wrote that he loved me, but doesn’t know how to express it.  Since he moved in with his parents, he’d been taught to be the life of force and power.  Forcing people to things that he wasn’t and wanting to take control, so, this, I know is hard for him to tell me.  But I’m happy to know he tries to tell me and at the end, I know that he really did loved.  With this, I’m happy.”


The next day there was a phone call from the police station.  They told Lee Joon that Jiyeon had killed herself.


“How did she died?” Lee Joon asked.


“She jumped off the bridge.  And no one saw her until this morning at 5 a.m. when a fisher man spotted a body in the water.  He went to fish it out and saw her.  He called us and we found out that she was you wife.”


Lee Joon couldn’t believe what he just heard.  His wife, Jiyeon had left him.  Alone in this place.  In this lonely world where she left him.


He went to the place where they put her.  And it was Jiyeon laying there.  Sleeping there peacefully and finally at rest. Ever since he married her, he hasn’t seen her slept. The police left him there with his wife.  He fell down on his knees beside her bed and cried.  He touched her face for the last time and to him, it as if she was only sleeping but will never wakes up.  He didn’t want to take the fact that she died.  He cried and cried.  At this point he was totally lost.  He didn’t know what to do, where to go.  All he wants to do was be next to his wife like last time.  And this time he will love her and not treat her bad again.  He will love her with everything he has.  He apologizes as he knelt down beside her.


He touched her face and he lips.  He cried even more remembering when they spent their time together when they were little and when how he treated her when they got married.  Thinking of it made him mad at himself.  He hated himself so much now.  He remembered all her laughs and all her smiles.  This made him want to see her smiles, want to hear her laughs, and want to be with her. It was time up for him.  He didn’t want to leave at all. And so the police dragged him away.


When he did her funeral, her friends came.  They were mad at him and yelled at him.  They him the reason she died was because of him.  They told him that she died due to the fact that they had a rule that they have to do.  They told him that she loved him too much to let him suffer from disability and to let people looked down on him.  So she rather died to protect him than letting him suffer. As he heard this, he cried.  Luna handed him a journal.


“This is her journal.  She gave it to me on the day when she killed herself.  She told me to keep it until the day comes.  I didn’t get it.  If I did, I would have helped her.”


Lee Joon took it and when everybody left, he stayed with her and read her journal.  He hesitated at first.  But as he read it, his heart hurt.  He cried as he read.  He read the whole day and night.  Until when he got to the last page.  There, he read and he found out that she had read his journal and knew that he loved her.  He was happy.  But that didn’t satisfy him.  He wanted to tell her face to face.


On the burial day, he looked as they buried her.  No one came except him and her friends and their husband.  He cried as he knows that that will be his last time moment.  Just when they were about to put all the sand over the coffin, he jumped in and they buried him with her.  Her friends and the other people tried to dig him out.  But when they got there, he was already dead.  The friends noticed that he was holding two journals in his hands.  They took it and looked at it.  That same day, they buried him next to her grave.  And their journal, the friends published it and the whole world read about it.  When the parents read about it, they felt bad and guilty for what they’ve done to them.  Now everybody wish that they will have a happy life in heaven and have lots of babies and are happy to be by each other’s sides.

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