
On A Rainy Day

"Hayoung ah," Namjoo called her best friend fondly and rested her head on the girl's shoulder and held onto Hayoung's hand casually.






It was times like this that Hayoung would cherish a lot. Being a coward she was, Hayoung always remembered the time Namjoo would initiate skinships since Hayoung was too afraid to confess. She was sure that Namjoo would feel disgusted and break their friendship if she confessed her feelings for her best friend. She remembered how Namjoo's expression was when her classmate, Joy, talked about how her friend was in a relationship with the same gender. Namjoo looked really disgusted and it made Hayoung lose hope even more.



"I think I'm in love," Namjoo said, smiling shyly.



Hayoung's world immediately crashed when she heard those words. However, she managed to put on a small smile although it really hurt her to know that her best friend had someone else.



"W-who is it?" Hayoung cursed at herself mentally for stuttering.



"Kai oppa," Namjoo replied dreamily.



Hayoung clenched her free hand tightly. Kai was a senior in their school and he was known for playing with all the girls' heart. Hayoung wondered why Namjoo would fall for him out of the other guys in the school.



"He's taking me on a date tomorrow," Namjoo added when she heard no response from her friend.



"Don't go," Hayoung said calmly.



Namjoo frowned. She was wondering why Hayoung did not allow her to meet Kai. Shouldn't Hayoung be happy for her that she has already found someone?



"What's wrong with you today?" Namjoo asked as she pulled herself away from Hayoung and folded her arms.



"Nothing's wrong with me," Hayoung muttered.



"Then why are you telling me not to go out with Kai oppa? I love him!" Namjoo raised her voice.



"Can't you see he's a flirt? I bet he has slept with half of the girls in school. What makes you think he won't do the same thing to you as well?"



Hayoung's eyes widened when she realised what she had just said. Looking at Namjoo, the latter stared coldly at her friend before standing up and muttering, "I didn't know you were like this Oh Hayoung. Shouldn't you be happy that your best friend found her happiness?"



"You yourself know how Kai oppa is like!" Hayoung said and clenched her fists.



"Why do you sound so jealous? Do you by any chance like him as well?" Namjoo shot Hayoung a glare.



Hayoung scoffed. Her liking Kai? Dream on.



"No, I don't. He's a jerk."



"I bet you're really just jealous. You always disapprove of my relationship with someone," Namjoo rolled her eyes. "You know what, this friendship is over."



Hayoung felt a tear slipped out when Namjoo turned her back on her. She could not believe Namjoo would end their friendship just because of a guy. It was really stupid, Hayoung thought. Just then, Hayoung heard a car honking and snapped out of her thoughts. Her eyes widened when she saw Namjoo froze at her spot when a car was speeding towards her.



"Namjoo unnie!"



Hayoung sighed as she looked outside of the window of her classroom. She could not help but to blame herself for causing the accident. She wished she had not said all those words to Namjoo due to jealousy. She should have just kept quiet but then, what if Namjoo would be badly hurt when she realised how much of a jerk Kai really was if Hayoung did not tell her? Another sigh left Hayoung's lips.



"Kim Namjoo, why can't you see that I'm in love with you? Why him, someone you just got close with over me, someone you know for almost your whole life?" Hayoung sighed again and rested her head on the table, feeling really restless throughout the whole morning.






Eunji did not feel like going for her lecture on that day. She did not want to see Naeun as soon as she leaves the house. She was not sure what to answer the younger girl if she asked the same question again - why did she leave her house the last time?



"Jung Eunji," her mother called her firmly from the kitchen.



Eunji tensed up, realising that she had not explained to her mother why she had left the house. Yet again, if she could not answer Naeun, why would she think she could reply her own mother? Eunji paced around in her room, afraid to face her mother. "Eomma is really scary when she's angry," Eunji muttered to herself, feeling beads of sweat starting to form on her forehead.



"Yah, Jung Eunji, didn't you hear me?" Mrs. Jung raised her voice slightly, making Eunji's heart beat rapidly.



"C-coming eomma!" Eunji stammered and walked quickly to where her mother was, in the kitchen.



Entering the kitchen, Eunji had her head hung low, not able to meet her mother's eyes. She knew she had embarrassed her mother and she felt guilty all of a sudden. She felt that she should have kept her emotions to herself and not let them take over her on that day.



"You should know why I called you right, Eunji," Mrs. Jung said calmly.



Eunji only nodded meekly.



"You embarrassed me in front of the guests but I think I know why," Mrs. Jung said.



Eunji's head shot up immediately, looking at her mother with wide eyes. "Y-you do?" 



"You like Naeun.."



Eunji felt her heart beating fast just hearing the girl's name.



"Naeun's boyfriend, Taemin. Is that his name?" her mother added.



A scowl immediately formed onto Eunji's face hearing his name. Why would she even like someone like him? Taemin was definitely not her type. How could her mother infer that? 



"I saw that you've been staring at them when we were having dinner and you didn't look so happy when you were looking at them. You're jealous of Naeun am I right?" Mrs. Jung continued seeing that Eunji would not say anything.



Eunji scoffed. "I don't like that guy, eomma. He's not even my type."



"Then why else would you have left the house?" Mrs. Jung was almost losing her patient.



"I don't know, eomma. I don't know. But it isn't because I'm jealous of Naeun for having Taemin," Eunji shook her head and smiled sadly. "I'm going to the campus now. See you later, eomma," Eunji sighed and walked to her room to grab her bag, leaving for her lecture soon after.






Hayoung immediately headed to the hospital once school was over. She closed the door to the room and smiled sadly when she saw that Namjoo was still unconscious in bed. "Even when you're in this condition, you still look beautiful Namjoo unnie," she mumbled as she tucked a few strands of hair away from Namjoo's forehead to behind her ear. "You would probably glare at me now if you just heard what I said," Hayoung chuckled bitterly.



All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door, startling Hayoung. If it was Namjoo's parents or the doctor and nurses, they would have just entered without knocking but who was the person outside the door? Slowly making her way to the door, she opened up and frowned immediately seeing who it was.



"You're not invited here. Namjoo unnie is not awake yet," Hayoung said coldly amd wanted to close the door but failed to do so as the guy was obviously stronger than her.



"I don't think you have the rights to not allow anyone to enter, Hayoung ssi," the guy laughed and entered the room. "I supposed you know who I am right?"



Hayoung rolled her eyes, feeling jealousy rise up to her chest. The guy was not doing anything at all but it angered Hayoung a lot that he managed to capture Namjoo's heart. "If only I could do that too..." Hayoung sighed mentally.



"I'm Jongin but you can call me Kai or prefably Kai oppa since I'm older than you," Kai smirked.



"What are you doing here, Kai sunbaenim?" Hayoung asked calmly but her fists were actually clenched tightly.



"To see my future girlfriend of course. She loves me and I love her. Is it wrong for me to visit?" Kai raised a brow and chuckled softly seeing Hayoung frown. "Is someone scared that she's going to lose her best friend to someone else?"



Hayoung felt like punching Kai there and then but thankfully she had the patience not to. Instead, she took a step closer to Kai and stared hard at him. "If you try to do anything funny to my Namjoo unnie, I won't hesitate to find you and kill you."



Kai laughed hard. He then cupped Hayoung's chin and made her face him. "What are you saying, Hayoung ssi? Your Namjoo? She was never yours and will never be. Once she wakes up, I'll take her away from you and make her mine. I can treat her better than you could. She needs a man to protect her. Not a weak girl like you."



"Get your hands off me," Hayoung hissed and slapped Kai's hand away. "I'll make Namjoo realise you're a player before you even get to confess to her. I'm her best friend. She would listen to me."



Kai laughed once again. "You're funny, Hayoung ssi. She's head over heels for me. Why would she even listen to you?"



Hayoung fell silent. She knew too well what Kai said was true. Looking at Namjoo's lifeless body, she clenched her fists even tighter and tried her best not to let her tears escape. The truth hurts, Hayoung knew that as well but she did not want to believe in them at all.



"Just leave Namjoo to me, Hayoung ssi. I-"



"Shut up!" Hayoung raised her voice and landed a punch on Kai's face. Her whole body was shaking and tears just left her eyes like a waterfall. 



Kai chuckled as he touched his bruise lips. "You sure can punch good but once Namjoo wakes up, I can assure you she will never be yours."






Eunji wasn't sure why she was in a café with Naeun glaring at her. The younger girl just held onto the confused girl's wrist tightly and pulled her into the warm cozy place. Why was it that she could not avoid Naeun for even a day? And why was Naeun so insistent to know why she had left the house like that?



"If you still want to know why I left my house just like that, I don't know. I really don't know, Naeun," Eunji started the conversation, her voice sounded really low.



Naeun rolled her eyes. "You don't leave just like that unnie. There must be a reason."



Eunji sighed and propped her elbows on the table, covering her face with the palms of her hands. Why was Naeun so stubborn? Why can't Naeun just let it off?



"I don't even know why I feel bothered about this," Naeun chuckled bitterly. "It's as if my mind and body can't be at ease if I don't know your reason."



Eunji was surprised at Naeun's sudden confession, making her even more confused than she was before. Naeun should not even feel bothered in the first place. So why did she have to make a big deal out of it when she could have just brushed it off pretend nothing had happened?



"For the nth time, I really don't know, Naeun. I wasn't in control of myself. I guess I allowed my emotions take over me when I could have controlled myself," Eunji smiled bitterly.



"Do you like Taemin oppa, unnie?" Naeun asked straightforwardly. "You were jealous of us and that's why you walked away right?"



Eunji groaned when she heard Naeun said the exact same words as her mother did. She rubbed her temples lightly, trying to cool down instead of snapping in front of Naeun.



"It's true isn't it? But you know he's my boyfriend," Naeun said, a small frown formed on her face.



Eunji laughed. "Are you serious? It's funny how you and eomma said the exact same thing. I don't even like your Taemin! He's not my type at all."



However, Naeun wasn't satisfied with Eunji's reply at all.



"I swear if another person tells me the same thing again, I won't hesitate to strangle them," Eunji mumbled.



"If it's not Taemin, do you by any chance... like me instead?"





Chorong did not know why she felt nervous waiting for Bomi outside of the school campus. No, Bomi did not know that Chorong was here because the latter wanted to surprise her. However, Chorong was afraid of Bomi's reaction when she sees her. Would the younger girl be elated to see her or would she be angry instead? Chorong had hurt Bomi the previous night again and she would not be surprised if Bomi hated her although that wasn't what Chorong wanted.



Chorong knew that she was being selfish. She hated how it took her a long time to find out that Bomi was the only person she needed in life to make her happy. If she wasn't too insecure in the past and never had the thought of Bomi leaving her, she was sure that Bomi and her would be living a happy life now. Chorong wanted to blame her parents for making her insecure but Chorong knew that they weren't the one at fault but herself. She should not have doubted Bomi's feeling since the start.



Looking up from the ground, Chorong felt her heart beating rapidly when she saw her ex walking out of the campus alone. Bomi had her hands in the pockets of her jacket and she let out a sigh when she left the school compound. Chorong wanted to head towards her but she could not seem to move her legs at all.



"Come on, Park Chorong. If you don't walk to her now, you're going to lose her," she mentally said to herself as she looked at Bomi's figure slowly disappearing like the previous night.



"Chorong?" Hyungsik furrowed his brow when he saw his girlfriend. "What are you doing here?"



"H-Hyungsik," she stuttered, surprised to see him.



The said guy smiled softly and pulled Chorong into a hug, giving her lips a soft peck. "I didn't expect to see my girlfriend here."



Bomi who had made a u-turn because she had forgotten to take her papers from her lecturer, smiled bitterly as she looked at the scene in front of her.



Chorong at the same time, turned her head and felt her heart skip a beat when she made eye contact with Bomi. However, seeing the look in Bomi's eyes, she knew that Bomi had seen Hyungsik pecking her lips.



"N... no," Chorong thought. "This isn't what you think it is Bomi."



"Shall we go for lunch together, babe? It's been a while since we did so," Hyungsik asked, not realising the current situation.



"Maybe another time, Hyungsik. I-I got to go," Chorong said and went to follow Bomi when she saw the latter walking away.

A/N: //sobs// Sorry for the late update ;; I've just been really busy with school that I barely have the time to write. And there's a lack of Chomi in this chapter but there will be more in the future! If there are any grammar or spelling mistakes in this chapter, I'm sorry because I didn't check- eheheh ouo;


Anyway, I got to watch Apink live last month and asdfghjkl I love them so much- 


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Chapter 6: ahhhhh this is such a really good story and I'm so intensely curious now~ uhuhu. chobom's line is so good with that backstory, and Chorong's background.. she's made a decision, but before she can see Bomi again, she might have to deal with her boyfriend. Whatever she chooses to figure out first, her feelings for Bomi are so cute even in this position ㅠㅠ go back to her~

At the same time, 2eun's line I am impressed by! I'm in awe and I love it when a story gets me interested in all the characters, because it's quite a feat with 6 of them. I really love this conflict Eunji is going through that I've never seen expressed before, and what I really love adding to that is Naeun's calmness using her logic to find out the truth. This just fits my idea of Naeun the most I have ever seen and that makes me really happy to see, and excited for this development of 2eun. On the other hand, Hajoo has the more sudden tragic line, but in a way that seems in a downward spiral because it's just that sad feeling for Hayoung.. of an unrequited love to a straight best friend. That's the perspective so far, but you know what..? I wonder what are the circumstances to Namjoo's memory loss, and that could have given more answers we're looking for. Ahh this story is really well written and I'm happy to have finally read it. Thank you very much for writing up to here <3
I hope you’ll comeback
Chapter 6: I’m really into this fic, it’s a shame that you discontinued :/
Chapter 6: so i'm really happy i stumbled on this fic. i love how the storylines of all six of them are clearly detailed.. and the scenes are somehow true and relatable for me so i can't help but get hurt as well... this is a really great story, Author-nim! Will you still update this, though? It's alright if you don't but if you will, I'll patiently wait
1241 streak #5
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Obviously,u love your Naeun more than just a friend,Eunji-ya..
Chorong,make a move now before u lose Bomi forever..
Is there any possibility for u to update this?
boozterz #6
Chapter 6: I really like this story, please update.. oh btw happy new year^^
Chapter 6: Please update soon authornim
Chapter 6: Too much conflicts
Chapter 6: Eunji~~~ admit it already~~~ hahaha
this is why i love 2eun so much! they are just so cute!
Chapter 6: Chomi is just tragic lol, comeon eunji just admit it..