
On A Rainy Day

A/N: Sorry for the late update! I had to rewrite this chapter as I lost it in my other phone due to water corruption and now it can't be used anymore. >_< Anyway, here's an update and I hope you readers enjoy it!

Eunji was confused to the point it made her feel annoyed. Why did Taemin touching Naeun bothered her? They were a couple. It is normal for couples to be affectionate to one another. However, why did it affect Eunji so much?


“Aish!” Eunji kicked the ground in frustration. 


She wished she could understand the feeling she was dealing with but she could not comprehend what the feeling was at all. All she knew was that she felt anger, frustration and jealousy.


“Jealousy? No, that can’t be it at all,” Eunji frowned. “Why should I be jealous anyway?”


Eunji snapped from her thoughts when she felt something wet dripped onto her head. She looked up at the sky and saw that tiny water droplets were making their way to the ground. Groaning softly to herself, Eunji took off her jacket and placed it on top of her head before making a run to the nearest shelter since she had walked far away from home without realising it herself.


“Eomma is definitely going to kill me once I get home,” Eunji muttered as she covered herself with her jacket once she found a shelter under a bus stop.


Eunji could not stop herself from thinking about Naeun. She smiled to herself as she remembered how she managed to break Naeun’s cold side and became good friends with her although they were a year different.


“Oh, Naeun ssi, good morning!” Eunji greeted her neighbor cheerfully. 


It was a Saturday morning and Eunji had decided to go on a jog since she had not been taking care of herself lately. Naeun,  who had heard Eunji's greeting, turned her head to face the older girl and just gave her a short nod making the latter pout.


“Would you like to go on a jog with me? It’s a nice weather to run,” Eunji asked, showing her eyesmile in the process. “I don’t bite,” Eunji added when she did not receive any response from Naeun.


A small smile made it’s way onto the corner of Naeun’s lips and she nodded. "I guess a run wouldn't be that bad at all," Naeun thought.


“I’ll be right back,” she told Eunji and entered her house. Eunji grinned and did a mini victory dance to herself, not caring if anyone saw her.


Eunji was once again snapped out from her thoughts when she heard tires screeching and someone shouting,


“Namjoo unnie!”


Eunji’s eyes widened as she saw a car speeding towards a girl and there was also another girl chasing after her. Eunji froze at her spot not knowing what to do. She watched as the car hit the girl and flinched when the body rolled onto the hood of the car before falling to the ground with a loud thud.  


“S-someone help!” the other girl shouted as tears started to trickle down her cheeks.


Eunji, who had been frozen due to shock, could finally feel her limbs and ran towards the girl to help her. Her whole body was shaking due to the cold weather but that did not stop her from helping the girl.


“Q-quickly go call an ambulance!” she told the person who had shouted a moment ago as she studied the lifeless body that was bleeding in the head.


“Gosh, what a bad day it is today,” Eunji thought as she waited for the ambulance to arrive.




Naeun was feeling really restless. She could not seem to fall asleep even if she tried. She could not stop thinking of her neighbor who had just left the house without any valid explanation during the dinner a while ago. “Why is it even bothering me?” Naeun thought and ruffled her hair in frustration. Seeing Eunji not as her usual cheery self made Naeun wonder what was wrong with the older girl when she was fine in the afternoon. 


Naeun was surprised when her phone rang all of a sudden. Grabbing it from her study table, her brows furrowed when she saw who the caller was. “Hayoung?” she mumbled. It had been a while since they last communicated so Naeun was shocked that the younger girl was actually calling her.




The older girl felt her heart sank when she heard how devastated Hayoung’s voice sounded like. It sounded as if the younger girl had been crying. “Hayoung ah, what’s wrong?” Naeun asked worriedly.


“Namjoo unnie…” Hayoung croaked. 


Naeun frowned at the name. She had never liked how dense Namjoo was at noticing Hayoung’s feelings for her. No, Naeun did not hate Namjoo but she was just annoyed at how Namjoo could not understand Hayoung’s words and actions. Sometimes she just wants to say it to Namjoo straightforwardly but Hayoung would always stop her. The youngest of the three did not want anything to happen to their friendship.


“She got into an accident. I’m at the hospital now waiting for the doctor to come out of the ER,” Hayoung continued when she heard no reply from Naeun.


This time, Naeun was really speechless. She could not believe the news she was hearing. How and why did the accident happen? Did Hayoung and and Namjoo had a fight? Naeun shook her head. “No, Hayoung would never want to start a fight with Namjoo,” she said in her mind.


“I-I’ll be there Hayoung. Just send me the name of the hospital. I’ll be there as soon as possible,” Naeun told her friend once she found her voice back.


“You don’t have to unnie. It’s raining-”


“Just send me the name of the hospital Hayoung ah,” Naeun cut Hayoung’s sentence of midway as she put on her jacket and went down to the living room.


“Oppa, you’re still here,” Naeun said, shocked that Taemin was still at her house. She thought that her boyfriend would have left already.


“Naeun, I thought you would have already been asleep. I was just about to get home,” he smiled warmly at his girlfriend.


Seeing that there was no time to waste, Naeun grabbed his wrist and pulled Taemin out of the house once she received a message from Hayoung. “Take me to the hospital now. Don’t ask me why but just take me there,” she said seriously.




Chorong did not know why she had told Bomi her identity. She wanted to slowly back off but Bomi immediately wrapped her arms around the older girl and hugged her tightly while sobbing. Chorong felt her heart clenched hearing Bomi sob and wanted to push her away but the younger girl tightened the hug.


“Why?” Bomi whispered.


Chorong only kept quiet. She knew what Bomi meant but she did not want to answer Bomi at all. “Let go of me Bomi,” she said almost too coldly.


Bomi chuckled bitterly. She loosened the hug but did not remove herself from Chorong. She missed the older girl too much. She had been waiting for almost two years waiting for this to happen. “Please, just let me enjoy this moment even if it’s for a short while,” Bomi said softly, leaning her head against the older girl’s chest.


Chorong felt her breath hitched but she did not try to push Bomi away this time. “Fine,” Chorong sighed. “After this, promise me you will never. I repeat, never. Come to my apartment anymore. We’re over Yoon Bomi. You should have moved on long ago.”


Somehow, it did not feel right to Chorong for saying those words.


“I’m pathetic. I’m an idiot. I’m stupid,” Bomi clutched tightly onto the hem of Chorong’s shirt, trying hard not to allow her tears to escape.


“I’m glad you know that.”


Chorong’s eyes widened after realising what she had just said. She did not mean to hurt the younger girl at all especially with words. Bomi had dealt enough with harsh words from her.


“Chorong unnie, why can’t I just move on like how I moved on from my other exes? Why is it so hard for me to move on from you?” Bomi asked and allowed her tears to stream down her cheeks. She could no longer hold her tears anymore.


“Maybe I should move away from Seoul. Go somewhere far so that you can move on. In that way, you won’t have to see me anymore,” Chorong blurted. Her heart was hurting more feeling Bomi’s tears soaking her shirt. 


“Do you really not have any feelings for me anymore, unnie?” Bomi asked seriously, looking up at Chorong eye to eye.


Chorong shook her head. However, her heart was saying the opposite but Chorong did not want to admit it at all. All she wanted was to be far away from Bomi so that the guilt would stop eating her up and her feelings would go away.


Bomi could only nod after receiving a reply from Chorong and smiled sadly. Her head was still throbbing badly from the alcohol she had but she pushed the feeling aside. Rain started to pour but none of the two moved at all. Bomi pushed a strand of hair that was covering Chorong’s face to the back of her ears and leaned forward, kissing Chorong’s forehead lightly for a few seconds before pulling away.


“I guess it’s farewell now. I hope you live happily with your boyfriend, Chorong unnie,” Bomi said sadly and removed herself from Chorong, the warmth replaced by cold. “I love you, Park Chorong.”


Bomi turned her back on Chorong and slowly walked away without turning back. The latter felt numb and just watched as Bomi walked away from her, her figure slowly disappearing from her sight. “I love you too, Yoon Bomi,” she finally said to no one and allowed her tears to flow out. “I’m sorry.”


Truth to be told, Chorong was just afraid of commitment and whatever she told Bomi was actually the opposite of what she meant. 




“Hayoung!” Naeun called out once she reached the emergency room.


Hearing her name being called out, Hayoung looked up and smiled sadly at her friend. Eunji, who was also at the ER, was surprised to see Naeun at the scene. “What a small world isn’t it?” she chuckled softly to herself.


“What happened to Namjoo, Hayoung ah?” Naeun asked the younger girl, not realizing that Eunji was in the same room as well.


“We got into a fight and somehow I made her angry that she just ran away from me,” Hayoung explained. “It’s all my fault. If I didn’t argue with her, this wouldn’t have happened.”


Naeun sighed and hugged Hayoung tightly, whispering soothing words to her. “It’s not your fault Hayoung ah. If Namjoo wasn’t so dense about your feelings towards her, this wouldn’t have happened.”


Hayoung started sobbing again and Naeun held onto her tighter. She looked up and blinked when she saw Eunji directly in front of her, leaning against the wall near the emergency room.


“Eunji unnie, what are you doing here?” she asked, her jaw hanging slightly.


Eunji shrugged. “Let’s put this in a simple way. I was at the scene when the accident happen.”


Hayoung, who by then had stopped sobbing looked back and forth at Naeun and Eunji, the stranger who had helped her. “You two know each other?”

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Chapter 6: ahhhhh this is such a really good story and I'm so intensely curious now~ uhuhu. chobom's line is so good with that backstory, and Chorong's background.. she's made a decision, but before she can see Bomi again, she might have to deal with her boyfriend. Whatever she chooses to figure out first, her feelings for Bomi are so cute even in this position ㅠㅠ go back to her~

At the same time, 2eun's line I am impressed by! I'm in awe and I love it when a story gets me interested in all the characters, because it's quite a feat with 6 of them. I really love this conflict Eunji is going through that I've never seen expressed before, and what I really love adding to that is Naeun's calmness using her logic to find out the truth. This just fits my idea of Naeun the most I have ever seen and that makes me really happy to see, and excited for this development of 2eun. On the other hand, Hajoo has the more sudden tragic line, but in a way that seems in a downward spiral because it's just that sad feeling for Hayoung.. of an unrequited love to a straight best friend. That's the perspective so far, but you know what..? I wonder what are the circumstances to Namjoo's memory loss, and that could have given more answers we're looking for. Ahh this story is really well written and I'm happy to have finally read it. Thank you very much for writing up to here <3
I hope you’ll comeback
Chapter 6: I’m really into this fic, it’s a shame that you discontinued :/
Chapter 6: so i'm really happy i stumbled on this fic. i love how the storylines of all six of them are clearly detailed.. and the scenes are somehow true and relatable for me so i can't help but get hurt as well... this is a really great story, Author-nim! Will you still update this, though? It's alright if you don't but if you will, I'll patiently wait
1241 streak #5
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Obviously,u love your Naeun more than just a friend,Eunji-ya..
Chorong,make a move now before u lose Bomi forever..
Is there any possibility for u to update this?
boozterz #6
Chapter 6: I really like this story, please update.. oh btw happy new year^^
Chapter 6: Please update soon authornim
Chapter 6: Too much conflicts
Chapter 6: Eunji~~~ admit it already~~~ hahaha
this is why i love 2eun so much! they are just so cute!
Chapter 6: Chomi is just tragic lol, comeon eunji just admit it..