Good Morning

Mornings (Drabble)

He looked adorable.

His cheek was squished by the pillow, red hair falling down into his eyes and the other had this sudden urge to push it aside, to let his fingers gently caress that soft flesh that was his forehead. His dark brown crescents were shut, thus his eyelashes brushed gently against his cheeks, making them seem as if they were black fans; those black fans were long and they caressed his cheekbones. Those were such beautiful cheekbones. They were encased in soft, porcelain skin that was so tempting, so… beautiful. His eyebrows were covered by his hair, although some parts of them did show under the curtain of silky hair. His cheeks were a rosy color—maybe it’s because it was warm of maybe it was because he was awake and he was fully aware of the other’s eyes glued to him. Either way, the color was gorgeous.

His lips were slightly parted, enough for Jackson to want to slip his lips between them and slowly slide them past his, kissing him gently, the color was a darker shade from his cheeks, but just as enticing. Maybe even more. His chin was so soft looking; Jackson knew for a fact that that chin was just as soft as a peach… he loved to place his thumb there but he decided against it.

The rest of his body was curved into an ‘s’. His hands were under the pillow, in a sort of praying pose that he loved to sleep in. his feet were socked; Jackson knew it because once his feet brushed against his, he could feel the soft material. He slept in basketball shorts and a tank top. Well, now he did. Before he slept in just his boxers but then Yugyeom found this habit of sneaking into his room whenever he felt like he had to talk to someone and the other members were busy. His chest was nice; it was well developed and nicely toned. His arms were also magnificent; of course, Jackson’s were larger but that had nothing to do with that male’s beauty.

He shifted a little in his sleep and Jackson felt like a stalker—he knew he should’ve left or at least tried not to be very quiet for absolutely no reason. He just wanted to keep this gorgeous male asleep, wanted to admire how pretty he looked now, when he wasn’t even trying.

He shifted again, but this time Jackson simply smiled.

He wasn’t going to move, he wasn’t going to leave because he wanted to be the first thing he saw once he opened his eyes.

Once that perfect male opened his eyes, a smile would form, surely, and Jackson didn’t want to leave—he wanted to be there, he wanted to witness it. He wanted to smile too and he wanted to capture this moment for as long as he could.

He always loved to treasure mornings like these.

His eyes slowly fluttered open, scowling a little at the light his eyes drown in before his gaze fixed on Jackson.  Jackson, who was laying there, smiling, brushed some hair off his forehead; he was right, his skin was incredibly soft and his touch sent a smile on his perfectly rosy pink lips. He smiled adoringly, almost grinning because that smile was so amazingly perfect it shouldn’t be real. That red hair only matted against his forehead once more, causing both of them to chuckle lazily.

His laugh was still so perfect, even if it was hoarse from his previous rest.

“Good morning,” Jackson softly whispered, smiling around his words. The other smiled back, stretching his legs sighing contently once his joints cracked.

“Morning,” Mark said back, his voice a bit louder as he continued stretching, softly in pleasure.

Once he finished stretching, he sat up, leaning over to smile at Jackson, leaning in until their noses nearly touched. Jackson sat up a little, just so that Mark’s action would cause his body to arch less. Thus less pain. Mark smiled appreciatively, the sight one to behold.

“I love you.” Mark promised softly, leaning in to capture Jackson’s lips in a soft, slow kiss. It was a short one, but every second was full of meaning. Every second was one that the couple would never forget because every kiss was special, every kiss was amazing, no matter how slow or how gentle it was.

When they pulled away, Jackson looked up at him, the corners of his lips twitching up into the beginnings of a smile. “I love you too, Mark.”

They both knew it was true. They both knew every word was true. They would not lie to each other. That wasn’t them. They were honest. Maybe that’s why most people were jealous of them as they walked down the street, as they hugged or maybe even whispered words into each other’s ears in concerts. But those were haters. Those were people who would never get and/or understand the delicacy of their love.

But it was a special kind of love.

It was different, unique.

But it was beautiful.

Mark and Jackson were quite content with their love.


A/N: This was for Lindylinn. I know its way over due and all… but better late than never? I wasn’t sure what you wanted so I made this drabble and maybe you can leave in the comments if you loved it or if you wanted another (separate) story—but, you know, you could give me the prompt and all. BTW, thanks for the cute comments in “Coffee”.



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Chapter 1: I love this one shot. I always came here and read it, and read it again, and again and again and agaaain. Because it's so sweet and so perfect, I cannot get enough of it. Like, really, I get butterflies in my stomach every time I read it. I really love it. And I really think everyone should read it too, omg.
Thank you for this. <33 xoxo
Chapter 1: I'm so done- this markson fluff is killing me >\\\< I forgot we even had a conversation about all this so I'm happybi woke up to this XD

Thank you!!
Is this really for me? OMG I wanna cry!!!
tymark #4
Chapter 1: so beautifull