Drunk Confession

Drunk Confession

Eric had no idea how he ended up in Hyesung's room. He did not remember anymore if he wanted something from there or he was looking for Hyesung, most importantly why he ended up lying in his bed and falling asleep there - either way he did, and noted Hyesung's bed was quite comfortable and it doesn't matter what idea lead him there he praised it, and with a stupid grin on his face he enjoyed the nice feeling provided by the soft bed.

It was in the middle of the night when he woke up and thought about this and actually prepared to go back to sleep when the door opened.

He did not need to guess who it was, even though the steps sounded uncertain he was sure it was Hyesung and he hurriedly faked sleeping, because he knew Hyesung would behead him if he found him there awake. With faking sleeping he though he had the chance to postpone the execution of his death sentence, maybe Hyesung had some heart not to wake the sleeping man.

And so he worked hard to fake sleeping - he was an actor or what -, but then something happened he did not really except.

Hyesung simply sat down next to him onto the floor and started talking and Eric finally realized the singer was drunk as a skunk, he reeked of alcohol that was hard to tolerate after all he had a 'great' chance smelling everything considering how close Hyesung was sitting to him, having his face being almost on the same level as Eric's.
The leader just wished for Hyesung to shut up, but for his annoyance, the singer happened to be quite talkative...

"...And you see I'm tired too... and it's hard to bear with all these hate we get sometimes..." He complained and Eric was sure the singer would drunk-cry anytime, after all his voice sounded thinner than usual. But he did not dare to open his eyes and check, he did not want to bust himself. "... we are humans, too! We get hurt! I'm in a lot of pain... we work so hard, but they always find the errors and I feel like I'm on a front line being shoot on from both sides... I know being famous has this, too, but I get hurt, too... and I'm tired... being bashed on because I moved or did not move my finger or for something we did or did not do... Eric-ah..."

'So this is why you are so drunk' Eric thought and his heart hurt for the singer listening to all of this, after all they all went through this, they all felt the same, but never really talked about it or just privately with one or two members or their friends. They knew being a celebrity means 'you are never good enough, because they always find something' and this frustrated them, but they could not do anything about it, only to ignore the ill-mannered comments or try and learn from them. But deep inside these things hurt all of them. They held a clear conscience by always working hard and be maximalists, they did not have better solution for this.
But they could not stop having their heart hurt from time to time and wish they had a different life...

"Eric-ah..." Hyesung drunk-talked again. "I actually respect you a lot and I'm proud of you... You did so much for us, I can't even imagine what would happen if you weren't here... you are our... our... guardian angel." At this point Eric almost laughed out loud, but he did his best to stay put so he could hear everything Hyesung had to say about him. He was curious about Hyesung's drunk-honest inner thoughts about him. "You are a weird guy, I never met anyone like you before. Like the weirdest weirdo ever. And true, sometimes you annoy the hell out of me, just try and live with yourself, no kidding! But... you are so honest and diligent and you take care of us on your own way... And I never say this but I'm grateful, really, believe me." Eric wished he could get up and hug Hyesung... his heart was fluttering. "Eric-ah... I don't actually hate you... It's just... you are different from the others you see, but I don't hate you at all... not even a bit... But how could I..."

Hyesung became silent and he thought the singer had fallen asleep while sitting and talking and he almost moved to have a look at him when he heard Hyesung suddenly standing up and he felt his hands on him as if he was searching for something. Soon he indeed found it, the blanket, and he pulled it up to Eric's neck making sure it was covering all parts of his body, then he tucked in him well, then he just lied down onto the floor and fell asleep...


As Eric figured the next day it was not only him whom heard Hyesung's drunk confession that night, but the other members, too, eavesdropping from the door.
When Hyesung met everyone in the morning looking horrible - both from the hangover and from his back he complained about how much it hurt - his first thing was to turn to Eric and say in a displeased tone: "Don't sleep in other people's room."

Eric only smiled and shyly replied "Hyesung-ah, I like you, too" causing everyone to burts out in laughter, only leaving Hyesung with a dumbfounded look on his face...









This one was actually requested on tumblr a while ago and actually wanted to write this later and when I had my life put back together normally and after I uploaded stuffs I wanted to, but I felt this is quite actual for certain reason. You either get my message hidden behind the words or not, I don't wish to talk about that matter.

I don't know how I'll upload things or when are the M rated ones come ( hope soon), bc I don't know if you read my blog post, but my laptop is dead and I don't know will it be fixed. I'm writing currently from the PC, but I don't and hate to use it due to personal matters which again I'm not going to talk about and other than that I only a tablet. And I even cut my finger quite well so even that is a handicap OTL
So, all you can do is wait until things work out and I pull myself together.
(I'm sorry if I sound cold or such, I'm just in a bad mood, that's all)

Anyway I hope you liked this, thank you for reading^^

p.s.: this looks weird but I have no idea what letter style or size I usually use OTL

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guliee #1
Chapter 1: Yeyyy... I have enough karma now to do vote, kekeke.....

This seems real to me. I know it was hard for them back then, especially Hyesung. Getting compared with other group from the same company and how they should be better on performing their songs (I remember this one where Hyesung's voice sounded weird and false and he got scolded harshly by their manager). It's nice you put this Andy's story into a fan fiction story, but still with shinhwa-feels on it. (。’▽’。)♡

Thank you author-shi~~
Chapter 1: Now this one is non-fiction! Real Ricsyung story. Haha! Still nice to read and imagine it. ☺
Chapter 1: I really loved!! it happens that I had read Andy's Story a few weeks ago and then, I found this <3!!
scrippsydoodle #4
Chapter 1: awwwww i love this ^^
poor Hyesung, not being able to remember what he'd said to Eric the night before and it's funny that the other members eavesdropped :))
kanon_jang #5
Chapter 1: This story of yours is canon in my head xD
Thank you for sharing! Wish you all the best :D
hyuu_hikari #6
Chapter 1: thanks a lot for uploading this Aya ^^
and I hope things get better ^^
Chapter 1: hope things get better for you, authornim. :) and thank you for uploading this!