First Day

Department Shift



Goodbye holidays, hello classes.

Luhan had it worse. It's the first week of the year and he'll be having hospital duties today, he thinks.

Their clinical instructor, Mr. Do, was out of reach during the holidays and it irked his group for they didn't know whether they'll only have an orientation on the first day of their new rotation (orientations are usually held in the faculty room) or if they're going to be put in the area immediately.

In the end, they gave up contacting their CI because it's disrupting their holiday happiness and just decided on their own. 1pm. 7th floor. Faculty room of the Nursing building. Campus uniform.

Days went by fast and before Luhan knew it, it's already the 6th of January and his campus uniform was already strewn apart the metaphoric daggers he had thrown at it the moment he opened his eyes.

He spent his morning normally. Cursed at the world for being cruel as hell before getting out of his bedroom, not before cleaning up his comfy bed that he'll miss so much. He ate breakfast with his parents. He took a bath, thinking about the things he'll do and might encounter in the Pedia ward. Yes, they are now assigned in the Pedia ward. Ill babies, schoolers, and adolescents will be there. Thankfully, patients in the ward are in a stable condition. All they need to do there is to take their vital signs, measure their input and output, regulate their IVs, give them tepid sponge baths if their temperature rise from the normal range, and give them medications.

Luhan put on his campus uniform and put his name plate on the left—and only—pocket.

"I haven't even done my holiday homework for Nutrition yet," Luhan seethed in front of the mirror as he fixed his newly dyed jet black hair. He got tired of his chestnut hair. New year, new hair color, he said.

"Not that I really care about that ," he said before closing his bedroom door shut. He may be a student-nurse, but that didn't mean that he can't be the typical college student who doesn't submit course requirements—not all the time, though. He can't afford to fail his subjects. He just wanted to be reckless sometimes.


It took 30 minutes for Luhan to arrive in the bus station and the trip should had been just 15 minutes if it weren't for the awful traffic jam. Luhan already anticipated it so he left the house 4 hours before 1pm.

Luckily, there wasn't a queue line in the bus station. Usually, there should be—and if there was, it's usually long as hell—but Luhan guessed that maybe today is a lucky day for him.

He went inside the bus and the cool scented air from the AC welcomed him. He flashed a small smile to the driver before scanning for a nice place to seat on. Hurried eyes searched and searched until he found three unoccupied seats. Bingo. He walked towards it, trying his best to ignore the people staring at him. He hated being stared at.

Luhan settled himself on the seat next to the window. He liked to stare outside while listening to songs from his outdated 8GB iPod Nano—and that's what he did. The brunet just stared at the view outside the window as he waited for the bus to leave. He looked at his wristwatch. 9:56am. He still had less than 3 hours left until their call time. No pressure.


I am such an unlucky piece of , Luhan thought as he moped on his seat, Blasterjaxx and Courtney Jenaé's You Found Me blasting through his earphones. What did he do wrong in his past life for him to be this unlucky?

Everything was going smoothly. He started his day right and even left the house early, which was a very rare occurrence. He fell asleep after the bus entered the highway, his sleepiness blocking out the deafening bass and beat breaks of the EDMs on his playlist.

Luhan woke up when the bus came into an abrupt stop, causing his head to slightly bump on the bus window. Traffic jam, as expected. And it was awful, according to the whining ladies behind him. Normally, he wouldn't care. I still have lots of time left, Luhan thought as he closed his eyes again. Luhan woke up again and it's not because of the bus this time. It's the vibration of his phone. He swiped its screen and the 1 New Message made him feel like it was mocking him. He opened his inbox and the message was from Baekhyun, his groupmate.

"Good morning. This is Mr. Do. We will have our first meeting and duty at 2pm in Aurora Avenue Medical Center. Apparently, there is a conflict in your schedule. We'll talk about it today and solve it, hopefully. Meet me at the students' lounge of the surgical ward. North wing."


Luhan tried so hard. He tried so hard not to scream profanities and flip the world off because he's in a bus and a little girl and her mother was sitting next to him. It's already 11:30pm, the traffic jam was being a hardcore and Luhan was close to having a mental breakdown. He's wearing his campus uniform and he needed to go to his condo unit—and by that, he meant that he needed to be dropped off 1 bus stop behind his supposed stop and walk for almost 10 minutes—to change it into his clinical uniform. Plus, all his medical paraphernalia are there.

"It to be me right now," he muttered as he miserably looked at the view outside the bus window; stagnant cars, cargo trucks, and pavement.

His phone vibrated again. It was a message from Jongdae this time.


The brunet just groaned and slumped back to his seat, earning a look from the mother of the little girl beside him. He just closed his eyes and sighed, pressing the play button on his iPod, The 1975's filling his ears.

At exactly 12:07pm, Luhan got off the bus and ran as fast as he can—not without bumping people and hearing them curse at him—towards his rented condominium unit. His mood worsened when he was spotted by his roommate and his girlfriend. Obviously, the two slept in their unit again. The three exchanged hurried hello's (because Luhan didn't want to see their faces longer) and off Luhan go to change his uniform as wished to the heavens to slow down time for the first time of the plenty more times this year.


"Where the hell is he?!"

The clock struck 12:45pm and Luhan—who surprisingly arrived 5 minutes before the call time—and his other groupmates were growing impatient. They were supposed to meet in Zwelif, the nearest convenience store in their university at 12:30pm, but here they are, the 8 of them, waiting for their group leader for this rotation.

"Let's just go and leave him behind," Luhan said as he downed the last bites of the microwavable baked mac and garlic bread. The food tasted like carton, they said. But he didn't care. He's hungry and annoyed. He needed to eat to tranquilize the boiling rage inside him. What he hated the most are tardy people. They're going to be nurses in 2 or 3 years, for crying out loud. Time can either be their friend or enemy.

"He'll be mad."

"So?" Luhan can be really mean, sometimes. "He's not the one feeding you and paying for your tuition fee. He's 17, just—"

"Just like almost the rest of us," Chanyeol cut him off.

"Right. Just like almost the rest of us because some of us are 18—like me—and older. He can go there by himself! He's not a kid anymore."

"Ya need to chill," Yixing said as he sat beside Luhan.

Luhan scoffed. "I swear, I'm gonna beat the hell out of him if Mr. Do marks us late because it will all because of that piece of sh—"

"Oh, there he is!" Jongin said as he pointed at the other side of the road. It was Junmyeon, the newest member of their group and their leader. Luhan didn't hate Junmyeon. He was just wasn't in the mood.

He hates every living creature whenever he's not in the mood. Junmyeon greeted them and apologized for being late. It's because of the horrible traffic jam, he said. The other members just shrugged, but Luhan knew that they're twisting Junmyeon's neck inside their little heads. They went out of Zwelif and rode a mini-van. The awful traffic jam was still there, of course.


Aurora Avenue Medical Center is huge as hell, as expected from a tertiary hospital. Scratch that. A 600-bed, tertiary, general hospital. For Luhan, it looked like a hospital from a horror movie. He thought so because of the large amounts of green paint, trees, and red signages on it. Green and red screams horror, for him.

"So where is the surgery ward?" Minseok asked as they walked towards the main entrance of the hospital. They asked the security guards and the said ward was in the 4th floor.

First scenario, solved. Cue for the second scenario. Should they go up by using the elevator or the stairs? When they were assigned in the OB ward in a different hospital, they were reminded that student-nurses are not allowed to use the elevator. The group looked at the elevator and stairs, waiting for some sort of answer.

Time is ticking. Luhan is growing impatient. Three... Two... One...

"Oh, it! I'm taking the goddamn elevator!" Luhan ran towards the elevator, lucky enough to go in before the metal doors closed. He knew his groupmates wanted to use the elevator. They just needed a little push.

The appearance of the hospital on the inside was downright creepy. It was green walls, white-colored tiled walls, glowing red signages all over the place. "This hospital's outer appearance screams horror. Its inside screams gore. So beautiful," Luhan said in an amused and hushed voice as they walked towards the surgical ward, his hands casually tucked inside the pockets of his lime green smock gown.

"You are one weird child, son," Chanyeol said as he draped his arm over Luhan's shoulders that was immediately shrugged off by the latter.

They walked through the surgical ward and Luhan was starting to feel irritated because they can't find the students' lounge and their clinical instructor. They've been walking around the place for almost 10 minutes already.

The problem was they were too shy to ask. They wanted to approach the staff nurses, but they looked so busy and savage when disturbed. They looked like they're going to devour you in one bite if you ever disturb them from organizing their patients' charts or maybe Luhan was just overreacting because he had always been like that.

In the end, it was Luhan who reluctantly walked towards the nurse station to ask where the students' lounge was and his left eye twitched when the nurse told him that the room was the one next to the nurse station. Thanking the nurse, Luhan faced his groupmates to point at the room, the frown and boredom on their faces morphing into exasperation.

"It was just right there all this time!" Chanyeol shrieked. Earning a punch on the arm by Baekhyun and hisses from the staff nurses. Luhan opened the door, but was disappointed to see that the students' lounge unofficially became a lounge for interns. Still, there was no sign of Mr. Do.

"Where is he?" Luhan asked, his voice laced with pure annoyance. It's already 3pm and they're still lost.

"Baek, call him again," Jongdae said.

"Ugh," Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Zitao, call Mr. Do."

Zitao whined and almost transformed into a child having a tantrum, but he did what he was told to do, anyway.

Apparently, Mr. Do wasn't on the hospital premises yet and Luhan had the urge to pull his hair out and scream. What a ing ty day it is.


After 30 minutes of waiting and tolerating his touchy groupmates—specifically, Minseok, Chanyeol, and Yifan—Luhan found himself in a very unfamiliar place. Based on his level of experience in the pre-medical field, that is. The scent of blood, vomit, urine, feces, and strong medications punched Luhan in the face once his feet stepped inside the ER Trauma department. Mr. Do took them there to talk about the conflicts regarding their duty schedule.

"Get a chair and form a circle," Mr. Do ordered as they entered the ER Trauma department's students' lounge. They got a monoblock each and sat down, Luhan sitting between Minseok and Yifan, as usual. They forced him into it.

Luhan inspected Mr. Do's appearance—not that he's checking him out. It's just that it's his first time seeing Mr. Do. (Jongin said that he used to be their adviser when they were constructing their hypothetical nursing care plan during their freshmen year.) But if Luhan's going to be honest with himself, Mr. Do is a looker. A babe, if he's going to use Chanyeol's colorful dictionary. Mr. Do is shorter than Luhan, that's for sure. His sclera were unusually wide. Bug-eyed, Luhan thought. His lips were thick. It reminded Luhan of the heart.

"I think some of you already know me and vice-versa," Mr. Do said as he adjusted his round-framed eyeglasses. "And some are new here, I assume. So I guess, I'll have to—"

Mr. Do was interrupted when the three ding's of the pager rang in the small room they were at. The woman speaking on the pager was asking the owner of a car to park it properly.

"Okay," Mr. Do started after the paging stopped. "I'm Do Kyungsoo. I've been a clinical instructor since 2002. I'm an registered nurse—of course—and an RN First Assistant."

Every one in the room Woah-ed when they heard Mr. Do say that he's an RNFA—especially Luhan. RNFAs are nurses who serve as surgeon's assistants. The job is quite demanding. Speed and knowledge are needed to survive in this field. They are tasked to provide preoperative and postoperative care to the patients. They administer medications, thoroughly inspect signs of shock or trauma during the surgery, and maintain the sterility of the surgery site. If Luhan decided that he won't pursue being a doctor anymore, he'll study to be an RNFA. He would rather see blood in the Operating Room than the Delivery Room.

"I still know some of you," Mr. Do looked at each one of us until his eyes landed on Baekhyun. "Oh, Mr. Byun! You're the one I texted, right? You've gotten thinner since I last saw you!" Baekhyun's eyes automatically sparkled and nodded with a laugh emitting from his square mouth. Typical teacher's pet, Luhan thought.


No, no, no, , no, Luhan chanted in his mind as he stared into space. He wasn't prepared for this. His mind and body was set on "Pedia Ward" mode, not on "ER-Pedia department" mode! They weren't taught and trained for this yet. They were only supposed to monitor the IV regulations, give tepid baths, and monitor the vital signs of their ill but stable patients, not the critical ones. They weren't ready for this yet. This is for the Level 3 students!

Mr. Do explained that there was another group from another university who is assigned in the Pedia ward on their shift, which is from 2pm to 10pm. He also said that he wasn't oriented on the said area. He was only oriented on the Surgical Ward and ER department. One should be a Level 4 student to be able to be on the Surgical Ward so they were left with no choice. They're going to be on the ER-Pedia department. On the bright side, it still covers the required concept for their rotation. Pediatrics.

Luhan would rather be in the Surgical Ward than the ER. It's toxic in there!

Luhan felt like his heart was going to come out of the intercostal spaces as he rummaged through his bag for his steths, sphygmomanometer, thermometer, and tickler. Too many paranoid thoughts swimming on his head. What if I make the patient's condition worse? What if I mess up and accidentally kill my patient? Will I compute for the IV regulation and medications? I hate Math so much! What should I do if my patient suddenly experience seizure? Will I be doing skin tests? Please, no. I at it! How many patients will be under my care? Please, don't make it more than two.

As someone who was pursuing to be a nurse, Luhan's braveness and confidence were quite low. He was clumsy and everyone can see it whenever he tries hard not to. He always thinks that he'll mess up. He's bad at memorizing things now, compared when he was still in high school.

Luhan was walking behind Mr. Do, his nervousness getting worse, and Minseok and Chanyeol's clinginess weren't helping. The sound of crying children and the scent of feces, urine, and vomit made Luhan sick. He immediately wore his face mask as a protection from the smell and communicable diseases.

The brunet looked around the area. Of course, there were children and their parents all over the place. Some of them looked really pale. Some were very thin. Dehydration, Luhan assumed. On his left was a white table and a monoblock chair. It looked like an ordinary study table if it wasn't for the screaming baby boy, his face stained with pained tears with his parents, also with teary eyes, holding his limbs as the doctor pierced the vein beneath the skin of his tiny hand with an IV needle.

Luhan, unable to look at the pained face of the child anymore, quickly averted his eyes. The child was so little. The student-nurse assumed that he was just something-months old. He felt their pain. He can still hear the child screaming, his cries begging for the piercing pain to stop.

"Luhan," the brunet's pained thoughts were disrupted when Mr. Do lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

"Yes, sir?"

"These will be your patients for today." WHAT THE . Luhan nodded blankly as he stared at his six patients. Six. Six! Having two patients already make him panicky, what more with six?! Luhan, despite his calm outer appearance, was panicking and cursing the world on the inside. I can do this. I can do this, Luhan chanted in his head like a mantra, repeatedly assuring himself. He can do this. If the staff nurses can do it, he also can.

He walked towards his patients and their parents and greeted them before asking about their children's reasons for admission. Four of them were toddlers and two of them were pre-schoolers and their chief complaints were vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Thankfully, all he needed to do were simple managements and procedures such as correcting the IV regulations, administering medications, and performing tepid sponge baths, unlike his other groupmates. Zitao, for example. One of his patients had a cleft palate, a con deformity where there is a fissure in the roof of the mouth. One of Yixing's patients had inguinal hernia, a condition where a portion of the intestine protrudes through the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal because the said cavity was weak.

Baekhyun and Jongin, on the other hand, were living the sweet life since they were assigned in the blotter and triage outside the ER. It is where the treatment prioritization is done for the patients, depending on their conditions. It also serves as the registration area. Luhan went back to check his patients' IV bottles and noticed that one of the 6 bottles were almost empty. He went to the nurse station and notified one of the staff nurses. She said that that is the last bottle for the patient. This is bad, Luhan thought. This meant that he'll remove the IV infusion. The problem is that he didn't know how. He was absent when their class had a return demonstration on IV infusion.

"Stupid alarm clock," Luhan mumbled as he walked towards Mr. Do who was guiding Chanyeol in performing a skin test to one of his patients. Luhan waited for them to finish before approaching his clinical instructor.

"Sir," Luhan said, his heart hammering hard against his chest. He should be extra careful in this.


"I'm gonna remove an IV infusion of a patient of mine, sir," Luhan said, his voice laced with nervousness.

Mr. Do's face suddenly lit up and Luhan's eye twitched because why the hell? Mr. Do ordered him to get wet and dry cotton balls so Luhan ran back to the students' lounge to get his stuff, his mind still shouting at him to get his together and there is no room for nervousness in the medical field. You're just going to continue an IV infusion, for crying out loud, he can hear his professional self yelling at him.

Luhan went to his patient and the child looked calm. For now, the brunet thought. Mr. Do stood beside him.

"Hello, ma'am," Luhan greeted his patient's mother and the latter smiled at him.

"I'm just going to discontinue your son's IV infusion," he said as he pointed at the child's plaster-covered hand after clamping the IV tubing. He advised the mother that it's best if she tries to soothe or distract the child while he does the procedure.

"Do you know what to do?" Mr. Do asked, his voice was too soft and Luhan knew that his clinical instructor noticed his nervousness.

I don't know, but Luhan didn't want to disappoint Mr. Do so he said that yes, he already knew what to do and prayed that he really knew what to do.

"Here goes nothing," Luhan mumbled. The student-nurse got a wet cotton ball from his little medical tray and gently held the child's hand, greeting him softly to prevent the child from freaking out. He wiped the wet cotton ball over the plaster so that the child won't feel any pain once he peels off the plaster. After peeling the adhesive off, Luhan then got a dry cotton and prepared a cut micropore tape on the side. He gently pulled out the needle from the venipuncture site and immediately applied pressure on it to stop the bleeding by taping a dry cotton ball over it. This procedure earned unshed tears from the child's eyes and in order to prevent them from falling, the mother quickly hugged his son and told him that it's done in a cheery way.

Luhan thanked the mother and smiled at his patient. What he did earned a 'very good' from Mr. Do and the student sighed in relief. He wasn't really clueless about the procedure. He was just scared because he had not done it on an actual patient, yet.

Luhan smiled and thought that maybe, he'll get a hang on this. Experience is the best teacher, after all.


Luhan, Baekhyun, and Zitao were the last batch to take a break. They endured almost an hour of toxicity in the area while waiting for their 9 groupmates to finish eating. Luhan and Zitao taking care of their patients and the 11 patients that were endorsed to them.

They were at the hospital's cafeteria and Luhan must say that the place is nice. Very classy. Baekhyun didn't stay that long, though. It was just Zitao and Luhan who were left in the cafeteria. Luhan was watching the news on the television when he caught a sight of a smiling Zitao in his peripheral vision.

"Let me guess," Luhan started. "Yifan?"


"You , you can't fool me!"

"It's not Yifan, I swear!" Luhan scoffed. He's a hundred percent sure that Zitao was texting with Yifan, some hot guy from his hometown. His flustered face said it all.

"The I swear phrase is already overused, just so you know."

Zitao sighed. "Okay, fine. It is Yifan." "Is he still with his girlfriend?" Luhan asked and he saw his friend tense up. "You know, I—"

"I know you're just being a good friend." Zitao cut him off, a small smile on his face.

Zitao told Luhan that he met this guy—Yifan—during the holidays in his hometown. The guy was really nice, he said. Who was Luhan to judge? He didn't know Yifan personally. All he knew was that Yifan is a looker and he makes Zitao happy.

The problem was that Yifan has a girlfriend.

"So are they still together or…?"

"Not anymore!" Zitao said, a big grin etched on his face.

"Was it because of you?"

Zitao looked offended. Luhan didn't mean it, though. "No. Their relationship was already rocky even before we met."

Luhan nodded as he took a sip of his soda. "If you say so." Zitao had that offended look on his face again and was about to say something. "I mean," Luhan quickly cut him off, "if he broke up with his girlfriend because of you, he can easily do the same to you for another person. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Such a nice friend you are, eh."

Luhan scoffed. " you, you sarcastic piece of ."

Both men laughed after a few seconds. They both know that Luhan only wanted what's best for Zitao. He didn't want the younger to be brokenhearted and distracted during their NCP-constructing nights.

They went back to the ER after 10 minutes, not before waving at Baekhyun and Jongin at the triage area. Baekhyun was taking the blood pressure of a new patient and Jongin was talking to the doctor assigned there. He can't help but stare at the man.

His thick eyebrows and fair skin. God, Luhan can sense that the doctor is tall, too. And skinny, based on his fingers. His thin fingers, damn. His light auburn hair complimented his stoic face and white blazer. He looked really professional…and hot.

"What a babe," Luhan sighed, unaware that he just used Chanyeol's word and more unaware that Zitao heard him. With a smirk on the younger's face, he dragged Luhan towards their groupmates, panic evident in Luhan's face.

"Hey, guys!" Zitao greeted their groupmates and Luhan wanted to punch the younger square on the face.

Their groupmates greeted them back and of course, the doctor noticed them too, but quickly averted his eyes to attend to a new patient. Vehicular accident, he strongly assumed, based on the man's appearance: a bleeding leg and a helmet on his hand.

Zitao started talking to Jongin and Baekhyun, but Luhan unconsciously blocked them out. He knew he shouldn't, but he can't help but not to look at the upper left side of the doctor's blazer. He was looking for the doctor's name.

I need to know the doctor's name.

Oh, god, stop. I feel so creeped out of myself.

Two contradicting thoughts, but Luhan unconsciously chose the first one. He only saw two letters: E and H. The remaining letters were covered due to the position of the fabric.

Damn. Luhan can never say "maybe next time" this time for the duty days and hours of the doctors in a hospital is unpredictable. This might be the first and last time he'll see him.

Luhan's not-so-clean thoughts were disrupted when a certain "fat cheeks" tapped his head.

"Stop drooling. Time for postcon," Minseok said, an amused smile etched on his face.

"I'm not drooling! Why would I?" Luhan snapped and Minseok just shrugged. But he wiped his lips, anyway. Just in case he really did drool.

Baekhyun and Jongin stood up and thanked the doctor and nurse-on-duty in the triage area before bidding their goodbyes. Luhan and Minseok thanked them, too.

Going inside the ER again, Luhan wondered if he'll see the doctor again. He and Minseok will be the assigned students on the triage area tomorrow, anyway. He hoped he does see the doctor again. He really hope he does and this time, with a new knowledge: his name.

Unbeknownst to Luhan, a pair of brown eyes were staring at him as he replaced his face mask on before entering the ER.


"I must say, everyone did well today and you're not even trained to be in this area yet. I'm impressed!"

Hearing those words from Mr. Do made Luhan's exhaustion ease a bit. All his efforts were worth it. Maybe he really can get a hang on this.

"So how are you all feeling?" Mr. Do asked as they did their after care.

"My legs feel like it's already decaying," Chanyeol whined and everyone agreed. They stood for almost 8 hours straight. Sitting only when they were on their break.

Mr. Do chuckled. "Well, you have to get used to it. The ER is much more different than the wards."

"Oh, before I forget, I'm going to check your grooming and paraphernalia tomorrow. Your hairs, Chanyeol, Junmyeon, and Jongdae," Mr. Do said, pure seriousness in his voice.

"Yes, sir!"

According to Yixing, Mr. Do is a cool clinical instructor. He's just strict when it comes to grooming and paraphernalia. Your nails and hair must be cleanly trimmed, clinical shoes must be kept dirtless, and everyone must have all the needed paraphernalia.

Mr. Do left first. The professor must be in a hurry, they assumed. They thanked and bid their goodbyes to the staff nurses on duty in the ER before going out. Baekhyun and Jongin bid the nurse and the handsome doctor at the triage area, both responding with smiles that made Luhan internally scream.

"Someone's wishing that the doctor on duty at the triage area will be on duty tomorrow," Zitao said in a sing-song voice.

"No, I'm not!" Luhan shrieked.

"But I wasn't even specifically referring to anyone!" Zitao said and Luhan just wanted to kick that smug smile on his face. The statement also earned intrigued looks from his other groupmates.

"He's leaving us for another man," Chanyeol said, his hand dramatically clutching his chest, "I'm hurt."

Minseok, Yixing, and Jongin nodded. A "so disappointing" look on their faces.

Luhan walked past the four men before raising his forearms up. "I am so done with the four of you!" he shouted before running off to catch up with Junmyeon and Jongdae.

"Mr. Lu, we are still at the hospital premises. Keep your voice down!" Baekhyun said.

"I do what I want, shorty! And you're yelling too!"

"Luhan, wait up! We miss your warmth already!"

One day, down. Seven days left, Luhan said to himself, his feet leading him outside the hospital. He can do this. He can get a hang on this. And besides, the hot doctors and nurses will make him get through the day. His self-assuring moment was unpleasantly disrupted when 4 pairs arms wrapped around him.

"Oh, come on, stop it! Get off of me!"

"I missed you, Hannie!"

"So warm..."

"You smell good!"

"Sto— Hey!"

"Your is really firm."

"Guys, for Pete's sake, leave Luhan alone and shut the up!"


"Mr. Lu, huh?" A pair of brown eyes intently watched the jet black-haired student-nurse push away his mischievous classmates.

"Doc, are you going to be on duty tomorrow?" the nurse asked as she writes on the blotter paper.

"Yes. Here," he replied, not taking his eyes off a certain boy wearing a green smock gown standing outside the hospital.

"Here, the triage area or inside the ER?"

The doctor threaded his light auburn hair and wetted his thin lips. "The latter," he said as he stared at the group of students—especially, the black-haired one—as they entered in a white minivan.


A/N: That's the 1st chapter for you! It was quite boring. I noticed it, too. Eventually, it will be more lively, I hope. Thank you for reading! ♥



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