Tax season


DaeJae drabble instead of filing my own taxes.


Slender fingers shuffled through stacks of paper covering every available surface on the kitchen table that hadn't been taken up by a cup of coffee and laptop. It was April 13th and procrastination had led to the mad scramble to complete everything that night. Youngjae let out a quiet moan of despair and wondered what happened to the last form he needed to wrap everything up. Something to do with their purchase of the house that year. They had received documentation for a refund with that, hadn't they? Maybe he had been at things for a little too long and imagined it. Finally setting the papers down, instead he pushed his fingers through his hair feeling more like tugging it out than anything else. At that point of the daunting task he was beyond frustrated. Just because he was better with the finances it was up to him to do the heavy lifting so to speak when it came to tax season. "Is this what you've been looking for?" A warm voice next to his  ear and strong arms wrapped around his shoulders dangling the paper in front of his face.

 Daehyun had been watching for most of the evening as his husband tapped out numbers and proceeded to make a disaster of the dining area. There was a fondness in his heart at the sight though. Even though he knew Jae was getting fed up in his mind, Daehyun found it beyond adorable. Only by hearing quiet muttering did he know the paper that was being searched for wasn't even on the table. It had been stuffed away with the rest of the mail in the kitchen when it came in, instead of with the tax information. He let Youngjae flounder for a little while before swooping in to save the day so to speak. When he saw the paper though, Youngjae snatched it away quickly with a relieved sigh. "Yes, yes that is exactly what I was looking for." He turned his head and kissed the others full lips gently. "Where did you find this? Or were you hiding it from me to see how crazy this would drive me hmmm?" A slight flush crept up over Daehyun's features and he smiled sheepishly. "Ah.. You see.." And with that Daehyun backed away slowly before turning to leave, Youngjae shooting up out of the chair after him. "Ah ah ah no you come back here.." He could hear laughter ring throughout the house as he chased after his lover. The taxes could wait a little bit longer.


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KeyboardHero #1
I gonna wait for the first chapter XD And can I say something? It would be great if you add the 'daejae' tag.