Moving On

Moving On

She sat primly on the couch, a vision in her white mini-dress, her long, wavy locks framing her beautiful face. 
She stared blankly at the television screen in front of her. She didn't turn the television, yet. Her thoughts were whirling and her heart was beating wildly. How many years has it been? She was only 20 then and he was 22. As the Yongseo couple in the reality show, “We Got Married,” they had conquered a lot of young hearts with their youth, their looks and most of all their chemistry.


She turned to see Tiffany entering the room, closing the door behind her. Tiffany went directly to the television set and turned it on. “Why aren't you watching yet? It's starting.

Seohyun didn't say anything as Tiffany settled beside her. She looked at the screen and saw Jung Yonghwa's face. Indeed, his exclusive interview with Kim Heechul, the host of the new show “Star Confessions” has started. 

While listening to his answers to Heechul's questions, which were mostly about his band CN Blue, Seohyun couldn't help her mind from traveling back to the past. 

It has been eight years since they appeared together in “We Got Married.” and when their time as a make-believe couple ended, they went on with their separate careers. They were paired with other celebrities in different shows, and both of them became more popular on their own. Separately. Not together. The time came when the Yongseo couple became nothing but a faint memory from the past. They weren't talked about anymore, and only true-blue Yongseo fans remember that once, CN Blue's Jung Yong Hwa and SNSD's Seo Joo Hyun had looked good together and could have been a beautiful couple, were they real. Those years apart from each other has erased them from the memories of the viewers a long time ago.

Eight years, Seohyun thought as she stared on the television screen. Now he's announcing his engagement in this interview. She grew more anxious with each passing minute.

She watched Yonghwa's ecstatic expression as Heechul started the question that will lead to his announcement. “There were rumors circulating. You're getting married. Is this true?”

Tiffany took Seohyun's hand and held it. It felt cold.

Seohyun smoothed her skirt, watching Yonghwa's face being focused on the screen again. She stared at that face, that face she so adored over the years. Does he even know how much she loves him? Does Yonghwa know? She thought as tears gathered in her eyes.

She felt Tiffany squeeze her hand as Yonghwa confirmed the rumor. “Yes,” he had said. “I really am getting married.”

“You have a girlfriend and you managed to keep her from us all this time?” Heechul asked.

Yonghwa laughed. “I'm sorry. It was to protect her and our relationship. We decided that it's much better to keep things between us private.”

Seohyun felt constricting and her heart hammering hard against her chest. She slowly stood up and went out of the room. 

“Are you going to reveal her identity now?” Heechul asked Yonghwa. “Ladies and gentlemen, Jung Yong Hwa's girlfriend is here with us now. Please introduce her to them, Yonghwa-ssi.”

“Heechul, my fiancee and bride-to-be, Seo Joo Hyun,” he announced, beaming at the crowd. 

Seohyun went out of the dressing room, following a staff and finally walked onstage as she was greeted with cheers from the audience.

She bowed to the audience and went to stand beside Yonghwa. He reached for her hand and held it tightly. 
She looked into his eyes and he gazed back into hers. Her question earlier was answered. It was evident in his eyes. Yes, he knew how much she loves him all this time and he loves her as much. And now, after years of hiding to protect their relationship they will finally be able to shout to the world their love for each other. She couldn't anymore contain the tears she was trying to keep at bay. They fell one by one. She wept with happiness. 

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MrsDuckbutt #1
Chapter 1: More please... ^^
Chapter 1: Wow! You make a twist. You know how much my heart had beat when i'm reading this??..btw, good job!
iLuvgogumaYS #3
Chapter 1: Omo! Hahaha! Good thing I kept on reading til the end. Hahaha! Roaaar!
yongseoshipper #4
What a fake out! But tastefully done!! Heheheheh =]]
sararara #5
Great story
hsiri_ #7
how i wish this will happen in the future...
hehehe.. :-)
oh! yeah.. i was thrilled:) nice story:)
OMG!!! i thout it wld b someone else! such a twist O.O woww... its just amazing...

As always... love your stories they never disappoint me ^^ keep on riting !!
You really had me there... you are an amazing writer!! haha love your stories~!